So many particulars. So many questions.
probably gone a bit hyberpole here but fuck it
Anti-fascism coming from the working classes who would be on the end of the jackboot has proud tradition. From Cable street to the unreported and unremembered battle for the streets of the last few decades it has been by 'fist, stones, batons and the gun' that these people were shown the door.
Then kicked through it.
So it is with a heavy heart that that I see so-called antifa types engaging in the grossest class prejudice when referring to the EDL. Beer guts, drunkenness (I fucking drink on a march, fosters to keep a clear head but how else are you going to deal with speeches by union leaders and labourite liars? sober? no) , rowdiness and bad tattoos and teeth. Yeah well we didn't all get daddies BUPA care mate.
It's fashionable class hatred, absolved cos they are the Other. For some of us they aren't the Other. We look like them, we shop in the same places, we face the same social deprivation and the same assaults on our wages, our living conditions and yes we look like them. If you think liberal sneering about bad teeth and beer guts is going to stop FN controlling the politically conscious angry youths of the banlueis then get the fuck out of the way. You aren't my anti-fascist. You are just another fabian except you haven't the modicum of conscience and well-meaning they misguidedly had. You are just as much the enemy.
Go home to the flat your dad bought you and stop the struggle tourism. Except you won't, because it allows you an outlet to vent about the underclass. Just do me a favour, jog on, you mug etc etc have I established my w/c credentials through use of those phrases yet? Just fuck off.'