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"Combined Ex-Forces"? Going by the photos they look like they were probably in the Army Catering Corps.

I suppose the logical step for any would-be-insurgent underground guerilla army....is to get some T-Shirts printed and call a meeting in a Manchester pub.

Some of that article is bollocks about 11/11. About 6 CxF turned up (not with the main EDL group who got lifted). They were walking around and about, got stopped by the police and let go. No CxF got arrested or swooped upon.

On another note, I have an email from Mr Rafferty asking if me or a representative from EDL News would like to attend and he promised we would have his full protection and he is old school about stuff like that.

make of that what you will but he does appear to have invited reps from a range of antifa groups.
from the RVF bulletin:
"The groups who have joined the RVF unity call are the NF, Welsh Borders, VF, 28 Walloon, Aryan Nations, pirate 28, Knights Templar Commandery and White Riders."
isnt paul ray one of the knights templars?
rather amusing comments on the EDL forum thread 'tommy's financial difficulties. can we help?'
'each member can donate £10 or £1 a month, every year' !!!!
and also
'True worrier that man, a true worrier.'
Google only throws up this thread, loads of mirrors of the RVF statement, and not that surprisingly lots of stuff about dogs and the errrr welsh border region
And do Aryan Nations exist in the UK or Europe? I thought they were solely a NA outfit

"Exist in the UK or Europe" is the phrase here. I think in fascist/EDL terms you have to bear in mind that 4 blokes with a flag = 'A Division' (where in military terms it's usually considered to be between 10,000 and 20,000 men).

So in this sense I wouldn't be surprised that a wee fella using his mum's laptop becomes "a branch" of the Aryan Nations, Knights Templar or even The Grand Army of the Duchy of Warsaw.
from the RVF bulletin:
"The groups who have joined the RVF unity call are the NF, Welsh Borders, VF, 28 Walloon, Aryan Nations, pirate 28, Knights Templar Commandery and White Riders."
isnt paul ray one of the knights templars?

If I was going to join an N/S organisation it would definitely be Pirate 28. Are Somali pirates or Blackbeard types? Either way its the best fash organisation name I've heard to date.
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