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DWP staff to be given powers of arrest for benefit fraud

They even admit that overpayments "rocketing" was largely due to staff errors rather than claimants purposely cheating the system. So once again, the most vulnerable have to be punished because of DWP mistakes.

Overpayments are almost always a result of staff errors (usually forgetting/not having the staff to cancel a claim when it needs cancelling). Which is why back in the 90s we almost routinely wrote OPs off in Housing Benefit.

DWP cunts are a different beast of course. In HB we were told it was our job to inform claimants of every benefit they could claim. DWP not so much.
The power of arrest isn't really significant I can't imagine the DWP kicking down doors in the middle of the night, the most significant power will be able to get at people's bank records etc easily without going through a laborious legal process.
The power of arrest isn't really significant I can't imagine the DWP kicking down doors in the middle of the night, the most significant power will be able to get at people's bank records etc easily without going through a laborious legal process.

The article seems to make it pretty clear that it will be a new dedicated team of DWP officers who

- rather than police - will then make arrests, execute warrants, conduct searches and seize evidence.

And will save the grand sum of 670 million pounds a year. Which means it will take just 17 years to get back the money spunked on dodgy Covid deals to friends of the Cabinet.
This won't be cheap if it is done at all. If they get a power of arrest they need all the use of force training - legal and practical that goes with it and also the kit to comply with the H&S at work act. When the immigration part of the Border Agency went from being plain clothes civil servants to carrying cuffs, batons and the rest took them about three years. They will need to train their own trainers, two to four weeks each plus a weekish a year refresher then staff will need at least a week in the gym and three days in the classroom plus a few days every year.

People under arrest will have to be dealt with under PACE which means queuing up at a police station.

All smacks of a Daily Mail headline grabbing vapour policy to me. I'll believe it when I see DWP staff walking about in stab vests.
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The article seems to make it pretty clear that it will be a new dedicated team of DWP officers who

- rather than police - will then make arrests, execute warrants, conduct searches and seize evidence.

And will save the grand sum of 670 million pounds a year. Which means it will take just 17 years to get back the money spunked on dodgy Covid deals to friends of the Cabinet.
I don't think the DWP will be arresting people in the sense that Plod do, they might of course but I think it will more along the lines of calling Joe Bloggs bank and saying "Joe Bloggs has been arrested, hand over all his bank details now" quite possibly without Joe Bloggs even knowing he's under arrest. Being under arrest strips away a lot of a person's right to privacy which I think is what they're aiming for.
I don't think the DWP will be arresting people in the sense that Plod do, they might of course but I think it will more along the lines of calling Joe Bloggs bank and saying "Joe Bloggs has been arrested, hand over all his bank details now" quite possibly without Joe Bloggs even knowing he's under arrest. Being under arrest strips away a lot of a person's right to privacy which I think is what they're aiming for.
i think they will be arresting people in the sense the cops do, ie you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you blah blah bit. plus an arrest allows for a section 18 search of the detainee's home. so they'll be interviewing under caution with the right to prevent people leaving etc. i'm sure they can ask now as part of an investigation to see bank records, don't see any reason to say that's off limits pre-arrest.
This won't be cheap if it is done at all. If they get a power of arrest they need all the use of force training - legal and practical that goes with it and also the kit to comply with the H&S at work act. When the immigration part of the Border Agency went from being plain clothes civil servants to carrying cuffs, batons and the rest took them about three years. They will need to train their own trainers, two to four weeks each plus a weekish a year refresher then staff will need at least a week in the gym and three days in the classroom plus a few days every year.

People under arrest will have to be dealt with under PACE which means queuing up at a police station.

All smacks of a Daily Mail headline grabbing vapour policy to me. I'll believe it when I see DWP staff walking about in stab vests.

It doesn't sound too out there to me, because HMRC already have these powers:

- rather than police - will then make arrests, execute warrants, conduct searches and seize evidence.

Convinced this is Englastani - giving new constabulary powers to people other than the constabulary because the constabulary have to investigate BOTH sides of the disagreement ie 3. Scotland believe in ONE police force (so I hear) therefore unlikely to be allowed where we are.

But, yes, the bastards don't like it when RIGHT rules get in their way.
well that's customs though, not sure about here but they are quite notorious in France for being a heavy bunch.
Customs have had powers of arrest since before there were 'police' in the modern sense. Because its about revenue they have always had more powers than the old bill. Even today PACE gives them more powers in England and Wales. Apparently their 'cultural paradigm' is still more about getting stuff: drugs; money, gold etc back that it is about catching people which is where they differ from the old bill. Even in NCA where there are staff who were cops and staff who were customs working on the same teams...
I can at least rest that they are useless around here. Bio donor of step kids hasn't paid in over a decade. My brother is clearly claiming falsely.

Neither have been caught. Its not ideal but I would rather they and their kids got away with it and lived than the alternative.
Got my PIP decision today and have not got it,I have zero points for everything,Just don't understand I thought it went well the consultation and felt positive about the outcome.I am going to appeal ,but I feel exhausted thinking about it.😢
Really sorry to hear that. There's a more dedicated thread somewhere for help with that , sorry can't link to it atm. (((poppy60 )))
Got my PIP decision today and have not got it,I have zero points for everything,Just don't understand I thought it went well the consultation and felt positive about the outcome.I am going to appeal ,but I feel exhausted thinking about it.😢
How? My brother got it and there's literally proof of him walking a mile a day for a month, driving a car, walking kids to school, carrying kids on shoulders. Cooks, does appointments, eveything on the list.He's also on about 10% of the same meds I take.

I know they are shit and I'm not actually saying they should get nothing as I like my niece and nephews. But 0 seems absolutely bizarre.
I think it might have to do with the fact that the person I am claiming for does not take any meds or have physical disabilities.[Autism]
Got my PIP decision today and have not got it,I have zero points for everything,Just don't understand I thought it went well the consultation and felt positive about the outcome.I am going to appeal ,but I feel exhausted thinking about it.😢
So sorry to hear that. I sweated blood helping a friend get it and he's fucked. Did you record the conversations (if on phone), make notes or have a friend with you?
So sorry to hear that. I sweated blood helping a friend get it and he's fucked. Did you record the conversations (if on phone), make notes or have a friend with you?
Still waiting for the outcome of the mandatory reconsideration and if that is negative will get in touch with our welfare officer to consider the next step.[did not record the conversation]
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