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Benefit money stopped

Fuck it, I'm in. If someone can find their actual bank details to pay them, or as Gromit says getting the cash to em in person might be better.
If someone is in the area and can collect it and give him the cash?

Not sure if they'll see it go in bank and question if it's income from a side fiddle.
Or then again, they might need money in their bank account to cover direct debits for bills so that they don't incur overdraft fees/bank charges?

People on benefits are allowed to receive gifts. It would only be a problem if monies received took their savings over the threshold (£6k?) but I don't think that's an issue here.

I'll chip in a tenner too. I know what it's like to be fucked around by DWP and left with no money when an expected payment doesn't materialise.
These things tend to happen at the worst time, like just before a long bank holiday weekend. Nightmare. Hopefully urbans can help tide you over till you can sort it out. Feel free to ping me your bank details.

Btw, lots of PIP applications get refused first time round and people need to appeal. So for the sake of your own mental health, try not to rely on getting PIP anytime soon. Although of course you might be pleasantly surprised and get it at first attempt, which would be a bonus.

If you've haven't had any help filling in forms and/or if you've not got support for the assessment, organisations like Mind mental health charity or a law centre have welfare rights advisers who can help people with applications and appeals.

hey dude in the same boat as yourself

i'm a blow in // newbie just as much sa yourself

just joined a little earlier :)

loads of old hats with 20 years plus on the boards who are the old OG's

hope passenger has received all the help he needs at this point
Thanks, guys blown away by all the kind words and offers, was going to stay in bed all-day
all I need now is to cheer up and get some food in. Will read all the posts in a minute after
eating my toast and drink me tea
Sorry you’re having such a shit time just now, hope you can get through to them soon and be tided over in the meantime x
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I can't be in for reasons but rhe below
Some of you have known each other for so long it feels intrusive or difficult to know how to say ‘yes I’d like to join in too’
Having said that, I’d like to join in
Nah its just not like that here. People don't keep tabs. Nice if you like to, hope if you can't
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