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Dungeon Crawl : Stone Soup

GET IN :cool:

First rune :cool

Spider's nest

Slaggard's Stats


My rune


I'd like to thank tescos mini custard donuts and weed for this epic step towards winning

I've had this distortion weapon fluke me so many many times. Minator at the end of a labyrinth? one hit banishment. St Roka? bye.

It feels good to be a gangster
Haha, nice. Gargoyles "rock". :hmm: Brave choice to wield a distortion weapon.

Do the other branch in Lair and then Vaults.

The way is open my friend.

Potions of mutation can cure mutations. That's all I'm saying. ;)
Eh, its ok I can still use ranged throwing weapons and wands. Got a bottom row of 'big gun' weapons there as well, lantern of fire, rods etc. I doubt I could survive the Abyss yet despite 55 AC o. So I made the choice to win with it or die.

theres Shoal, Spider (done) and Slime present on Lair, obviously slime is mental so I'll do shoals. With wings the water is irrelevant, just hope me magic resist will keep sirens etc from merking me
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Eh, its ok I can still use ranged throwing weapons and wands. Got a bottom row of 'big gun' weapons there as well, lantern of fire, rods etc. I doubt I could survive the Abyss yet despite 55 AC o. So I made the choice to win with it or die.

theres Shoal, Spider (done) and Slime present on Lair, obviously slime is mental so I'll do shoals. With wings the water is irrelevant, just hope me magic resist will keep sirens etc from merking me

Sirens are alright, they just stop you moving away. I would think that you'll be fine in Shoals with those stats. Have you finished the Dungeon already?
Sirens are alright, they just stop you moving away. I would think that you'll be fine in Shoals with those stats. Have you finished the Dungeon already?
I did dungeon (with a rewarding Labyrinth in there and a treasure trove I can't open the door to yet), Lair, orc mine and then spider. I basically waked through lair with this character tho, every item I own is pimp gear.
I did dungeon (with a rewarding Labyrinth in there and a treasure trove I can't open the door to yet), Lair, orc mine and then spider. I basically waked through lair with this character tho, every item I own is pimp gear.

Haha, they can always be improved. The armour is the best bit, fits your character really well (no cast doesn't matter). By the end you would expect to have artifacts in most slots.

I have a treasure trove that needs 17 teleport scrolls to open. Can it really be worth it??
:D Probaby not, just be disappointing like when trog gives me b-list weapons as a gift. My trove just wants six agility potions I think.
Shoals isn't too tricky if you're hard and water doesn't bother you, but I advise having some sort of reflection because merfolk javelineers can really bite if they start throwing en masse, and it can be hard to find cover. (Luckily the current version seems to be littered with amulets of reflection.) The toughest things there are probably krakens and they're not actually that tough.

I just swapped armour and rings etc. so now I've got full resistances but slightly lower AC (it was 45 before). Figured that might help. Need some better boots and cloak.

Cleared everything down to the last floor of Zot. Done Crypt, going to try Tomb tomorrow. Possibly Abyss if that gets too tricky but it killed me last time I got to this stage. :(

Borgnjor's Vile Clutch is a great spell. Get it if you can.

only used 1 teleport scroll, when level fours unique and some wind drakes were tag teaming me. To the vaults! But not tonight lol
The INTERNETS seems divided on wether or not to do Depths first then Vault. Everyone agrees that Vault 5 is genuinly rock hard tho. I may try the first floor of depths....

tommers whats the most runes you've escaped with?
The INTERNETS seems divided on wether or not to do Depths first then Vault. Everyone agrees that Vault 5 is genuinly rock hard tho. I may try the first floor of depths....

tommers whats the most runes you've escaped with?

Four (from looking at this thread). I've got 4 at the minute and I'm going to try to maybe get 6 this time (the basic 4 + tomb and abyss). I also want to see what a Ziggurat is like.

I've been to the Hells before. It wasn't too awful but I chickened out and then died in the Abyss.

First time I would say to do it with 3. Just get it under your belt rather than messing about.

Have you done Elven Halls yet? Will probably be easier than Vaults and decent treasure in there. Vaults gives you a rune though and treasure but yes, 5 is... tricky.
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Ziggurats are brilliant. :D

I've spent the last ten minutes trying to decide whether or not to cut and run, or chance another level. I'm on ten and that was the limit I set myself. 8 had a Pandemonium Lord for fuck's sake.
I was defeated on the first floor of depths when playing after dinner. I wasn't concentrating enough, I don't want to blame the dog but the cow was acting up in my eyeline at this time. Spark wasp and others, surrounded. I didn't blink and teleport quick enough, 3 out of four of the cunts smashed me dead in what felt like 1 turn. RIP slaggard.

was too gutted to start another game tonight but the saga will continue
'whats that on the ground there in D:1? Why, it is some bolts. Better pick those up for where there is bolts there will be something to fire them from soon.'


arbalest on d:11 or shit like that, when I already have a branded, trained sling and loads of bullets. And don't get me started on the rarity of fustabilers, guaranteed you are holding a +4 sing of venom before one of those turns up. Bad workman blames his tools etc
I'm trying Ashenzari as a god at the moment. I'd always shied away from him/her/it as you don't actually get much in the way of powers to kill stuff - the skill bonuses aren't really all that great - but as you get deeper in and you have to start being a lot more tactical, Scrying (see through everything) becomes really useful. Also, clarity becomes very valuable in situations where being confused for a turn will get you killed.

posting this obviously means I'm going to die now of course
I'm trying Ashenzari
the one where curses are good for your gear?

I'm sticking with trog atm because I'm convinced this gargoyle berserker run can give me a 3 rune victory eventually.
Here we are again, with all of dungeon, lair and orc mines cleared. Now, to see if I can manage more than 2 runes with Karnak

the one where curses are good for your gear?
Sort of - you get skill bonuses based on what items are cursed and how many. So I have trident and shield cursed and so get a fair sized bonus in polearms and shields. Also I think you get piety faster the more curses you have. But you lose flexibility, and skill bonuses, while nice, don’t mean a lot when your main skills are high anyway. Plus most of the items I’ve found are rubbish :/

You get automatic identify too which is another nice but not stunning power.

OTOH this is the first time I’ve used Ash and I’ve already got one rune so maybe I’m underestimating this stuff.
I'm sticking with trog atm because I'm convinced this gargoyle berserker run can give me a 3 rune victory eventually.
Here we are again, with all of dungeon, lair and orc mines cleared. Now, to see if I can manage more than 2 runes with Karnak

View attachment 154365
Btw I’ve found that you start having to massively spam Trog powers past a certain point and/or use them earlier in fights - Brothers In Arms is great for a lot of the game but once you’re in the Depths or Vaults you regularly face things that are at the same power level as your summons, in larger numbers, so it becomes an assist rather than an emergency button.
Btw I’ve found that you start having to massively spam Trog powers past a certain point and/or use them earlier in fights - Brothers In Arms is great for a lot of the game but once you’re in the Depths or Vaults you regularly face things that are at the same power level as your summons, in larger numbers, so it becomes an assist rather than an emergency button.
Only other one I tried is Wu Jain, bit gimmick at low levels but the sort-of-blink is ok

read this numbers thing yesterday may be of interest:
Data Crawl Stone Soup: analyzing species in DCSS

e2a the idea of a bot completing it when I cannot is annoying. I know its brute force but still
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I’m surprisingly not dead yet :hmm: I did nearly die on Depths:3 and have now run out of heal wounds potions but got away.

The problem is that it’s a Spiders Nest/Swamp/Slime combo and while I’ve done the first two quite easily, Slime is still way too hard. But I doubt I’ll be able to do Vaults for a while either. I’m still getting shitty equipment everywhere - literally my best item is a +3 trident of cold, and given that I have to curse all my shit I need to find really good stuff that I can stick with. Not even a demon trident ffs.

Ash’s scrying would be more useful if I had any way of actually defeating the monsters I have warning of through cunning tactics etc, but being able to track ten hydras and three ice dragons and the odd lich through walls is less handy when they’ll just kill you when they find you anyway.
I’m surprisingly not dead yet :hmm: I did nearly die on Depths:3 and have now run out of heal wounds potions but got away.

The problem is that it’s a Spiders Nest/Swamp/Slime combo and while I’ve done the first two quite easily, Slime is still way too hard. But I doubt I’ll be able to do Vaults for a while either. I’m still getting shitty equipment everywhere - literally my best item is a +3 trident of cold, and given that I have to curse all my shit I need to find really good stuff that I can stick with. Not even a demon trident ffs.

Ash’s scrying would be more useful if I had any way of actually defeating the monsters I have warning of through cunning tactics etc, but being able to track ten hydras and three ice dragons and the odd lich through walls is less handy when they’ll just kill you when they find you anyway.
Elven Halls? Lots of treasure at the bottom of that.
Some of this may be because I’m playing a merfolk gladiator and I usually go Okawaru with them so am used to ending up with a lot of nice god gifts around now.
I tried a Spriggan Enchanter again last night. Cleared Orc but died in Lair (Basilisk petrified me, 8 headed hydra ate me). Typically the loot was crystal plate, +10 large shield etc etc.

One day Rodney, one day.

Toxic radiance + Ignite Poison is quite fun though. :)
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