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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

I agree that the worst thing about being a supporter is relentless negativity. It's yet another reason whey I barely bother with Darlo any longer - amazed at how few times I've heard people at Dulwich yell 'that was shite' after a chance is missed or something like that. Whatever else can be said about our fans, they get behind the team better, or at least as well as, any group of supporters I've ever seen.

Completely agree with that. People seem to actually enjoy Dulwich games. I love it given the relentless moaning you're surrounded with at Lincoln matches (even before we got as shit as we are now).
Vornstyle, I can see why you'd get sick of the St Pauli thing. It's a facile comparison. But that's exactly what I was trying to point out: we've spoken, at length, before about a certain club where we think new fans are simply trying to transplant a kind of engagement - a European ultra culture - into an environment with no respect to what's already, organically there. What I, and I think you, like about going to Dulwich is that people tend to bond, and that there certainly has been no real opportunity for people to set up some kind of hipster enclave.

But I don't think anyone's trying to directly impose a European ultra culture or political leaning thing here .... I think what's happening at Dulwich is organic and should be embraced.....as Mishi was saying....and i hope people do embrace us "5 minute clueless *****"

it just so happens people lean that way which is good I would have turned around at the gate the first time I came if it was another extreme... and what could be seen as the possible "ultra culture" (without the political bit) at dulwich of all the dancing and cheering and being slightly ( :D ) outrageous is a lot of fun and that's what endears people to Dulwich and want to come back......which is what we should all want especially with our future yet unknown

but id rather be involved with a club that may have an element of fans leaning to the left than right.... and im sure most people would agree anyway..i would find it odd if anyone here was to disagree with that....

you're right though people do need to chat and debate these things so people can work together to keep the club a place for EVERYONE.......
Photo report:




one of the best thing about football is that it's not political. it's a simple game that manipulates the human spirit like no other, imo. to take politics to the game, it takes away from the game, imo. it's an irritating distraction. if i stood on the terraces by a group of animal rights protesters, communists, facists, edl, vegetarians, etc, and they were spouting their wares, i'd move - i just want to watch the football and have a laugh with my mates.

still think it's great hamlet are doing well. must get down there soon with my dad who goes a lot
The chanting the other night was nothing more than trying to wind up the opposition, plain and simple. When we used to sing it in the Shed in the 70's and 80's it was to wind up the old bill who would chuck you out just for looking at them. When I first posted this after the match it was because of the surprise of hearing it at Dulwich of all places and it was a memory from my youth when going to a match was fun and belonging with a group of like minded supporters and not the sanitised shit you find at Chelsea these days.

Saying that though maybe I shouldn't have been surprised, a well known girl fan who no longer comes used to shout "Come on Dulwich, let 'em have it" at Met Police games and no one seemed to mind.
one of the best thing about football is that it's not political. it's a simple game that manipulates the human spirit like no other, imo. to take politics to the game, it takes away from the game, imo. it's an irritating distraction. if i stood on the terraces by a group of animal rights protesters, communists, facists, edl, vegetarians, etc, and they were spouting their wares, i'd move - i just want to watch the football and have a laugh with my mates.

still think it's great hamlet are doing well. must get down there soon with my dad who goes a lot

everything is political

but be good to see you down there soon :)
All money raised from individual player sponsorship goes DIRECTLY into the Football Club budget, helping to pay FOOTBALL bills, and is never handed over to the Limited Company to be 'swallowed up'. Just clarifying...
Thanks Mishi, cheers for the clarification. Wasn't sure about that. :)

Cheers for those who are up for sponsoring a player - anyone else?

Let me know asap!

(We get our name in the programme - I guess calling ourselves the Harry Roberts Appreciation Society is out of the question?!)

Many moons ago, back in my drinking days, we had a First Team game away to Kingstonian, it was probably '92, as there was a delay with the new ground opening, so reserve fixtures were all over the place. The Reserves had an early Saturday night game at Croydon Athletic, so a frw of us doubled up with that. Ended up in a pub opposite Streatham station and a bloke asked me what rugby shirt I was wearing. Now I'd had 'a few', this was back in my drinking prime, and I responded something like : "Fucking rugby shirt? You wanna come outside for a scrum you cunt?'...he declined. I think I have a vague recollection of this, but not entirely sure if I think I can recall from those who were present regaling me with the tale...

Hold Mishi back!
I don't like it on the telly tho. Only in person.
Yeah, of course, it's much more fun going to a game.

And much more fun going to lower league football than anywhere else.

I'm starting to struggle to even to muster the enthusiasm the watch Match of the Day these days. Even with all the "boring" bits edited out it's getting increasingly tedious. Most of the analysis is sh!t on the telly and Linekar & co are just pony these days - the talking points are all about whether x should have been sent off and whether y should have been a foul. Boring.

Now and then there's a good game on the telly…but i prefer to watch tv football in the pub with a few people and a pint…and if the game's rubbish you just carry on talking shit and drinking.
I don't like it on the telly tho. Only in person.
Me too, come from a rugby area and only ever played rugby. You couldn't pay me to watch a game like Stoke v Sunderland on Sky but absolutely love going to Hamlet games. It's such a good natured, fun environment, with a very likeable bunch of players who just play great football. Has become a really big part of my family's life.
Apparently the freehold to the ground has been sold - story in tomorrow's South London Press.

So much for the 'Asset of Community Value' and the six month grace period...
Yeah, of course, it's much more fun going to a game.

And much more fun going to lower league football than anywhere else.

I'm starting to struggle to even to muster the enthusiasm the watch Match of the Day these days. Even with all the "boring" bits edited out it's getting increasingly tedious. Most of the analysis is sh!t on the telly and Linekar & co are just pony these days - the talking points are all about whether x should have been sent off and whether y should have been a foul. Boring.

Now and then there's a good game on the telly…but i prefer to watch tv football in the pub with a few people and a pint…and if the game's rubbish you just carry on talking shit and drinking.

I've stopped watching match of the day too. And when I watch live matches I don't watch any analysis. Games down the pub have always been more about people like you say.

I'm really losing interest in premier league football altogether.
You know you've become a bot of an uber-fan you start planning short holidays around Hamlet's travels.

So next week we're off for a weekend in Lewes! :D

Travel to Lewes is looking to be a bit of a pain in the arse with trains off 'n' all that. I was gonna go down to Brighton on Friday and see some family and head to Lewes from there, but I need to get back to London as quickly as possible on Saturday and am trying to work out my best option. I 'll speak to Shaun to see if he'd let me do a one way trip on the coach but has anyone got any other suggestions?
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