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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

To be honest I am extremely disappointed with this statement, whic as far as I am concerned, offers nothing. Tony Blairs spin doctors would have been proud of it!
I just read it from the link on the unofficial forum, and posted this reply on there:

To be honest I'd more like to see an actual statement on what the Trust would like to see, rather than 'waffle' that simply acts as a membership drive.
I'm a bit perplexed by this comment in the statement:
"Finally, with the forthcoming months promising such fundamental change (perhaps for the better, but unfortunately perhaps not)..."
It's the 'unfortunately perhaps not'.
Can the person who wrote this please explain it, because that makes no sense to me....
Bills were NOT being paid...without gas and electric (& who knows whatever other outstanding bills were due) the ground would have been closed, and the Club SUSPENDED. This would then have led to the Club being booted out of the Isthmian League! Now these bills have been paid, I understand, as I am sure the Trust are aware. So how could things 'perhaps not' be worse???
I thought much the same - no new info in the statement and no opinions expressed on the current situation. Just a plea for more helpers! Seems they are trying to tread carefully. I'll withhold judgement until Saturday's meeting.
Great report vornstyle76 :)

I probably won't be able to make the game tonight but I have something for you and Scutta - Scutta will you be in Brixton about 6pm-ish, I can drop it off at yours before the game….?

Was planning to go straight to the game. but can swing by home first should be there by 6.30/6.45 - If im not back when you are about though you could always slip them through the door in an envelope and I can grab them?
Scutta - I didn't leave my bag at yours on Saturday did I? Must either be there or at the Prince...

Not sure to be honest, what does it look like? Not sure if I am definitely popping home tonight before the game but the missus is so can ask her to have a quick look....

If she cant see it happy to go into the pub and ask if it got handed in but that will probably wont be tonight so if it is there I can bring it to the game on sat....assuming you're coming of course tonight and Saturday? :)
Some good stuff being posted on the unofficial forum regarding the Trust and Saturdays meeting.
Re Gavin's "sending off" - I had a quick word with him after the game and he said one of their players left their foot in on Ian Daly (just after he'd made a pretty late challenge himself) - so both benches got pretty wound up about the respective crimes...

Not sure what it means at this level - hoping not a touchline ban.
sounds like a mad game going on….hamlet 3-0 down, then we get one back 3-1, then 4-1 down, then we get another back 4-2 and then another…..latest is hamlet 4-3 down…. :eek:
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I know it's a bit late in the season, but I've just remembered me and Scutta were talking about sponsoring a player - is anyone up for it?

We get our name in the programme every week and we get the player's shirt at the end of the season. I think it's 60 quid - anyone fancy chipping in? If a few of us do it, it would make it affordable at something like 5 or 10 quid each and we could draw lots for the shirt.

From the programme it looks like players still available are Dean Lodge, Mathieu Boyer, Ian Daly, Ahmed Deen, Jerome Walker, Abdul Mansaray and a few others.

Anyone interested? :)
by the way, we won't be parting with any cash until we hear what's happening at Saturday's meeting… :)
by the way, we won't be parting with any cash until we hear what's happening at Saturday's meeting… :)
All money raised from individual player sponsorship goes DIRECTLY into the Football Club budget, helping to pay FOOTBALL bills, and is never handed over to the Limited Company to be 'swallowed up'. Just clarifying...
Great to hear Harry Roberts and Kill the Bill tonight. A couple to learn before the next time we play them.....

After the first airing of the old Sixties & Seventies 'Harry Roberts' terrace classic, a Hamlet following Chelsea fan ,who was a regular at Stamford Bridge in the Seventies & Eighties, and beyond, but rarely nowadays, in the modern football era, patted me on the back, exclaiming that he hadn't heard that one for years!
Regarding the meeting on Saturday, after the game, I am not entirely sure what the format is, or who will be on the 'top table'. But have been told that there will be someone representing Hadley Property, and of course, people from the Club Committee, as the Committee have called the meeting.

There is a Special Committee Meeting on thrusday, as opposed to our regular monthly one, and I am presuming the meeting will be discussed. I shall ask for all pre-meeting arrangements to be put onto the official Club website, as soon as possible after, so supporters will know in advance who shall be there.

Also: I have heard tonight that Hadley have no problem whatsoever if people want to either film or record the meeting. Which I hope we can also confirm on the official website, at the same time. I hope this helps.
I thoroughly enjoyed last night, despite the result and the relatively small crowd. We didn't look up for it in the first half but the second half performance was superb for a second string team and I was convinced Jordan Clarke's curler was going in. I don't know how strong the filth's team was yesterday but if we can challenge them with our reserves, just imagine what the first team with a large Rabble contingent behind them can do. I just discovered that one of their goalscorers was called Tyrone Pink - I think he plays for the wrong team!

Great to hear Harry Roberts and Kill the Bill tonight. A couple to learn before the next time we play them.....

Great singing last night, I think Ricky and Stuart deserve a lot more grief next time 'round.
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Great to hear Harry Roberts and Kill the Bill tonight. A couple to learn before the next time we play them.....
I suspect Harry Roberts wouldn't have thought twice about shooting you or me, as well as some coppers. People like that belong behind bars - I certainly don't want them wandering the streets with their firearms, and I don't think it does our club any favours if people glory in their actions.
Also: I have heard tonight that Hadley have no problem whatsoever if people want to either film or record the meeting. Which I hope we can also confirm on the official website, at the same time. I hope this helps.

I asked the Club this question yesterday and they confirmed Hadley had no problem with this at that time, I will be attempting to record (not film) the meeting and will try to get it online, late Sat night or Sunday morning!!
I wasn't there last night but to hear that the Harry Roberts song was sung isn't a great thing to hear!!

People can sing what they like of course but personally I would be embarrassed to hear that sung by the "rabble" that is not what I thought we was about?!?

Totally agree. That's tasteless and moronic. Id expect to hear the die hard retards at professional clubs sing that, not Dulwich supporters. I fail to see how chanting about a man who murdered 3 innocent coppers, supports and encourages our team. It's even more ridiculous given that we're unbelievably vulnerable at the moment and we really don't want to do anything that pisses people off.
Hey everyone, been meaning to join here for a while but usual laziness/ inexplicable phobia about registration forms has kicked in. However, the incipient Harry Roberts debate is a bit of a spur as it links back to something I've been meaning to say for a while.

I'm no fan of the police as an institution, and I've written/ blogged/ tweeted/ FBed a load of stuff that's critical of them, particularly in the last year or so when the triple-whammy of Mark Duggan, new Hillsborough revelations and Savile has been right up in our faces. Nevertheless, I agree with PP and Jamie here - there's a difference between expressing discontent about the structural/ ideological flaws of the police and celebrating the actions of some guy who I'm inclined to think, as stated above, would have no qualms about shooting you or I.

I don't think it would piss me off so much were it not for the fact that singing that song seems to me part of an attempt to impose some sort of collective political identity on a group of fans who have been going to Dulwich for, let's face it, far longer than the majority of people in this thread (obviously including myself) have. Again, I'd pretty solidly of the left (here I grandstandingly claim ownership of 'communism is inevitable' in the Ian Daly video...) but I think there's been a fair bit of hype of late - some of it admittedly emanating from Deep Play, we do get excitable - which seems to position Dulwich as an inherently left-wing club. Y'know, whatever my personal utopian vision is, I'm more than a little bit uncomfortable about rocking up at a football club supported by people of various political stripes and declaring it to be the vehicle of my belief system. Sorry if that sounds like hyperbole, but I think some of this needs to be said. It doesn't seem fair to start establishing some kind of consensus or norm in a way which makes longstanding fans feel uncomfortable. Old-school fans have, I think, been really accomodating towards the people who have started going over the last few years, and I think it's a courtesy which should work both ways.
i know quite a few people who go to dulwich when millwall are away who i wouldn't describe as "left wing"; but then i know some left wing millwall fans who go to dulwich too.

reminds me of when the NF got run at millwall in the seventies and told to fuck off. i'd also hope the SWP would as well if they ever started handing out leaflets. I go to watch the football, not make some political statement.

that's just me though.
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