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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

In response to LR and the earlier posting I think Mishi has summed it up quite nicely. The Dulwich Hamlet Fc Ltd board consists of one person only whilst the club officers are on the club committee - there is a very distinct difference that is easily understood. If your investigations have led you to the comments that you have made then may I respectfully suggest that you start them all over again as you are patently wrong. When you asked about bills may I request the name of the person that you asked about them. Some of your comments seem to imply that you have read my post on the DHFC unofficial forum and so I think I've more than adequately explained the situation there - if you don't believe the response then that's your prerogative but I'm not about to tell you anything different as there isn't anything else to tell you. If you haven't seen it then I suggest you look at it.

In terms of sitting on the football committee then I would be more than happy for there to be a new one if that is what is wanted and you can certainly have my place on it anytime you want, together with the job of raising sponsorship and advertising income and the role of match day announcer. I'm not precious about it and I certainly won't miss the money because I don't see any of it!

As for your comments about individuals I would have some respect if you posted under your own name and chose to introduce yourself. Until that time you're just another spinleless keyboard warrior. I look forward to meeting you at the next home game.
I just read that article, thanks for the link, to be honest, I can't believe but am not surprised, at what old Topsy-Turvy is saying:

"...The Isthmian League has said a season extension could not be granted without the permission of the Football Association.
And prolonging the season would cause problems with allocating relegated and promoted teams to new divisions throughout the pyramid.
"We're making everything as easy as possible. The one thing we can't control is the weather. But we certainly do care," said Turvey.
"As a league we can't extend the season. There is an end date and we have to abide by that.
"Whether the FA say 'hold on we're going to have to extend the season'. I don't know, but it can't be extended for long.
"Teams desperately want to play and we're doing everything we can. We're as concerned as anyone else." ... "

Correct, the season cannot be extended with Football Association permission, BUT...all they have to do is apply to extend it, which you can do at any stage of the season. A number of lower level leagues have already done this. Yes, it would push the play-offs back, which will cause a problem. Which would be for players who are on fixed 40 week season contracts, as in not paid in the summer, plus you would need to find extra wages to pay players and staff.
For him to say that they can't extend the season is an absolute nonsense, and as an FA Councillor, not just a League official, he really should know better.
seen a hamlet scarf in the 44Jew exhibition at the jewish museam... going down to london to see the miami dolphins v the oakland raiders on september the 28th. if there is a hamlet match on around that time, ill come and do my nosey...
When you say 'saw a Hamlet scarf'..was it just someone wearing one, or part of it?
I'veknown about this exhibition ofr quite a while, and haven't got round to seeing it yet. It finishes on the 23rd February , thanks for the 'heads up'.

Yup - I was going to suggest that we meet at Fenchurch Street and aim for the 1pm train to Benfleet. I think a bus from there is the look. Maybe walkable - it's 3 miles - but there is a bus too.

Well three miles is walkable, it's a flat route...but VERY boring! I did it once for a pre-season game in nice weather, from Benfleet station. Certainly not scenic, if that's what you're looking for. Most of it is busy A-roads, with boring pavements. The buses stop outside the station, from platform you arrive on, go under the track, and the bus stops are on the left. Can't recall the number, though vaguely think it might be a 21, or something similar.
I was out drinking with a Tooting fan last night. Their club has been pretty much fucked now. He had nothing but praise for the Hamlet, but the hate for Sutton was immense.
Indeed...I've said for years, putting 'local rivalry' aside...that t*****g must be the only Club that is run worse than ourselves! ;-)
Everyone dislikes Sutton...it's more of an universal Isthmian thing, though they are local to the them.
Talking of 'unofficial' nicknames, t*****g fans refer to us as the Dulwits who play at dog shit hill. Whereas they are the thugs & muggers from venereal fields! ;-)
(Still a ground where Dulwich Hamlet have NEVER EVER lost at)
Talking of unofficial nicknames Sutton United are widely referred to as 'the shit & sick' because of their club colours of chocolate & amber.
Loving the ever growing amount of scarf twirling.

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I'd love to see a return to the old 70s twin scarf arrangement (one draped from the belt, the other wrapped around the wrist).

It's a slow day at work so I though I'd play 'find myself in the crowd' again.


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Some photos from the match.





On another note meeting my mate from Carlshalton for a pint tomorrow to discuss banners for the away game on the 25th so if anyone has any decent ideas let me know... if not I'll report back a few of his suggestions!

Will put this up in the separate thread as well :)
I actually got talking to a Carshalton fan on Tuesday night and it sounds like their situation is a bit more complicated than we thought. This guy claimed that their owner has actually done the club a lot of good and the reason he banned a small group of their ‘fans’ is because they gave their manager so much abuse during one game that he quit. While a ban does seem pretty extreme, there’s no place for that sort of abusive behaviour at any level of the game and least of all ours.

He also said that Carshalton had recently met with the council to discuss the possibility of an artificial/3G pitch. It’s pretty obvious how important that is at our level – 500 postponements, bloody hell! But the supporters group associated with the banned fans turned up at this meeting and lobbied against an artificial pitch. Consequently, Sutton council denied the application. The pitch would have been particularly beneficial for Carshalton – they apparently have over 40 youth teams and like us, they are a real ‘asset to the community’.

Finally, the owner received abuse from this group for changing the colour of their kit (to maroon I think). However, he was actually just changing it back to how it had been 15 years previously. By the sounds of it, any opposition stems from the fact he is a very ‘hands on’ owner whereas the club used to have more fan input.

I would be interested to hear your mates’ views Scutta, but I think we need to tread carefully here. There are obviously two sides to every story etc. and if we’re going to make a stand on this as DHFC fans, I’d like to make sure we’re doing the right thing. :)
Bit more information for me to probe with tomorrow then! Great input :)

however reading the Carlshalton boards it gaies a more supportive impression to my mates predicament.....and there are always people who side with the establishment.. :p

found a few articles online though which tend to support what you're saying above...


"The club wish to stress that the allegations of abuse apply to two individuals, who have been named by on-looking Carshalton fans as those responsible for the alleged abuse" Dipre.....

Although the letter they received seems to differ to this statement .. "No other fans, officials, managers or volunteers were involved in this decision, directly or indirectly. The ban was not imposed as a result of any statements, comments, allegations from any other fans, officials, managers or volunteers, directly or indirectly."

how disgusting does disgusting language have to be .....we certainly dont have soap in our mouths when we are on the terraces...

he also seems to have history doing this as well....

Oh well it seems like it will be an interesting lunch time pint tomorrow.... will keep you updated...
Bit more information for me to probe with tomorrow then! Great input :)

he also seems to have history doing this as well....

Yeah, all very interesting. From what this guy said to me, Dipre handed them an initial ban then revoked it, then gave them another after they abused another manager. Something like that anyway...

Whatever language they were using, it must be a pretty toxic atmosphere at the club for anyone to be abused by their own fans.

I know we're a pretty potty-mouthed bunch ourselves but our swearing is always in a jovial manner, never offensive.

Enjoy your pint :)
I wonder, is LR our esteemed leader McCormack in the classic "owner-joins-forum-under-pseudonym" non-league maneuver?
this is how it should be. it should always be funny, otherwise its macho posturing.
*rips top off, props one foot on G-Man's back, thighs parted to fully expose pink & blue codpiece* I fucking hate macho fucking posturing, and so does my fucking wife!

(Edit: Hang on a minute - pink & blue codpiece! This must happen.)
Robust debate is vital for the progress of fans at Dulwich
we have totally thrived on networking, sharing ideas and discussing issues (often at length - often in what some would say are obscure issues of football, fandom, art, politics and yes how the club is run.

Its vital we don't fall into a spiral of blame, counter blame or drawing as many divisions as we can

I am also acutely aware that some people are crossing the line over into potentially libelous statements (no matter how genuinely they hold their view)

That's not good for open, debate, the club the editor of this site and alternately themselves - you have to be careful dealing with issues (especially when some people have money and lawyers) it all gets very messy.

Most things can be said quiet openly without blame or spite - seeking clarifications should always be welcome

please just think before you post and lets try and keep the debate positive and focused
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anyone know anything about pitch inspections for tomorrow? Weather looks pretty poor....but just want to know if I'm going to get another fix....
assuming its on what time train are people looking to get.....I was thinking the 1pm from Fenchurch st.... if anyone wants to join...hopefully no signal failures or swans this time....
I'm told Canvey itself is poor for pubs - your best bet is to either drink in Benfleet near the station, or stay on one stop to Leigh-On-Sea which is apparently a much better location for a beer.
I'm a new Dulwich Hamlet fan, having only just recently discovered the club after moving into the area, and have really enjoyed going to games this season. Also really love Champion Hill - terrific football ground with a brilliant, positive atmosphere. I've only just heard that there are so many problems off the field - really quite surprised by this as, superficially from the outside, everything seems to be going so well and the team is obviously playing some fantastic football.

Anyway, please excuse my ignorance, but I have a couple of questions for those of you who are more 'in the know':
- Can anyone provide a brief summary of what the problem is with the stadium and the finances?
- What can we, as supporters, do to help? (i.e. where is the best place to focus a campaign towards - should we all be joining the Trust or will that not help?).
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