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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

Sounds like the Maidstone players managed to have a bust up over who would take, and subsequently miss, their penalty.

Not one of the finest hamlet performances tonight, but a good ground out result.
Enjoyed being back out there and a good two goals and three points in the end.:)

God knows how they didn't score though. They could be hanging around the proverbial brothel for weeks with finishing like that.
Some of our spells in possession in the second half were absolutely joyful and I think we were well worth the 2-0.

While the defence looked sporadically shaky, as is their wont, Chico looked solid all game - even when he played a pass out to a Thamesmead striker at 0-0 he still managed to secretly and quickly assemble some sort of matter transportation device and inexplicably appear back on the goalline to make a save.

Also, Xavier Vidal was absolutely on one. Don't think we'll have to wait long for anther of these:
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I know this is always the case, but the support was excellent again last night. Walking past East Dulwich station 5/10 minutes after kick off, the chanting was so loud we presumed the Rabble were at the car park end. Was quite a surprise to see everyone at the far side when we got in!

Don't know if anyone else heard, but Thamesmead's physio congratulated the fans behind the goal for being so bloody brilliant* on his way back from treating their no. 3.

Built to a nice crescendo for the last minute goal bedlam as well. Just a shame there didn't seem to be any away fans to applaud off at the end.

*not actual quote
Did Thamesmead have any fans? I went over to talk to the four people stood at the opposite end at half time, but it turned out they were Hamlet fans too.
Yes! I heard the Thamesmead physio say that. Nice comment.

First time id seen Weir play too. Was quite impressed. Thought he kept it quite tidy down the right flank.
Did Thamesmead have any fans? I went over to talk to the four people stood at the opposite end at half time, but it turned out they were Hamlet fans too.

I know them, they said they were wildly cheering Thamesmead's off-target shots to produce a Pavlovian effect in their attackers. Judging by some of their efforts, I would say it worked.
seen a hamlet scarf in the 44Jew exhibition at the jewish museam... going down to london to see the miami dolphins v the oakland raiders on september the 28th. if there is a hamlet match on around that time, ill come and do my nosey...
I really want to go, but have a gig that night so can't risk getting stuck out in Oil City.

DO IT ..... i will make sure you are back in time!

their ground is made out of lego



Who's planning Canvey Island at the weekend? its a nice long train journey if anyone fancies it?

Yup - I was going to suggest that we meet at Fenchurch Street and aim for the 1pm train to Benfleet. I think a bus from there is the look. Maybe walkable - it's 3 miles - but there is a bus too.
The cynics amongst us would say that he was only there in name only and that the Muduroglu's were pulling the string's anyway, they all live in the same fucking millionaires row in Beckenham anyway. All I can see is a mirror of what happened to Fisher when they first came down here play good football, get promotion and then realise that owning a football club isn't a fucking easy as they thought when there's only a few hundred coming through the gate, or even less in Fisher's case. There's no excuse for this, increased crowds over the last couple of years, the income from the plastic pitches, the Health Club, The Bar on matchdays and other nights, the School Holiday kids clubs, where's it all gone.

The hypocrisy of the DHFC board and Dulwich Mishi...is in insane. I am a life long fan and ex-player of Dulwich Hamlets and have been coming to the games since 6 years old and my Parents have been fans for over 30 years and our family have been sponsors in the past.

<editor: potentially defamatory content removed>

I have always had concerned about the well being of the club and have asked about bills. Surly the board and Mishi who are insiders asked the same questions (HOPEFULLY). To even admit they never knew about the Gas being cut and other bills is complete stupidity and negligence.
As when we had the big EDF issue, that should have at least raised alarm bells to demand to see all bills...Surly. In-fact I know they had an another emergency meeting in January because they had another EDF issue.
If your house is on fire, you do not say it is not my responsibility to put it out, because everyone will end up homeless.
When I enquired about the money from the gates and all the adverting boards, "Sponsorship's" and player sales. I understand that money is placed in a separate account away from the main Dulwich account!!! (when and if banked) and none of it is used on utility bills. I know Gavin Rose (who is going a great Job with the team) is paid £3500 every week in cash for the players wages from some gate money and Gavin Rose is paid 50% of the sale of each player.

<editor: potentially defamatory content removed>

As from all the activities happening at the club, such as Gym members, Events, Gate receipt, Sponsorship, Astro Turf, summer school, new homework club this place should be able to stand with this type of income.

All money should be centralized, including all money made on the grounds. New football Board/comity as the current board have failed. Either Nick Mcmcormack leaves this business to run by its self and does not take no money but the a percentage from yearly profits and puts invest money in the club, Which means he will have no say in the running's or sells the Club to someone who can invest in the business and carry it forward.
We need a business person(s) who understands the art of business and who will work with those at the Club who understand the club and who have the right skillset and business acumen to carry our club forward.

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Whoever you are, I must say this is one of the bizarrest, and poorest attempts I have EVER seen at attempting to stir things up. Not only it it rambling nonsense it also potentially libellous against some people.

I'm most annoyed to have read, for the simple reason that I've just got in, and I now have to waste a fair amount of time responding to some shit stirrer who hasn't even got the bollocks to put their name to it. Thanks for that, only got to be up for work in six hours, but here goes...And these are my personal opinons, I don't speak for the Committee, or anyone else...

"The hypocrisy of the DHFC board and Dulwich Mishi...is in insane. I am a life long fan and ex-player of Dulwich Hamlets and have been coming to the games since 6 years old and my Parents have been fans for over 30 years and our family have been sponsors in the past.

<editor: potentially defamatory quote removed>

I have no idea what hypocracy you refer to, I presume you mean Committee, as it's never been called a board. And the Club is never called Dulwich Hamlets, and certainly not by long-term fans. Which initially leads me to conclude that you may be telling porkies about your Dulwich Hamlet 'pedigree', & may have something to lose personally by current events...who knows? You are quite correct, it is not one man causing financial issues. The vast majority of football clubs run with financial issues, not just Dulwich Hamlet. And we have had them, on and off, under a huge variety of Chairmen, and ever since we became a Limited Company (which was in the late eighties) since the 1960's. But I DO believe that things have got a lot worse under the most recent part of the ownership of the Limited Company on McCormack's watch.

"I have always had concerned about the well being of the club and have asked about bills. Surly the board and Mishi who are insiders asked the same questions (HOPEFULLY). To even admit they never knew about the Gas being cut and other bills is complete stupidity and negligence. "

That is a viewpoint, but I can only repeat, that as far as I know, as I can only speak for myself, but am pretty sure I echo the views of other Committee members, that the first we knew about the electric bill was the day or so before it was brought to our attention by McCormack, which was the week when we were away to Cray Wanderers, in the League Cup. There was an impromptu Committee meeting at half time, with McCormack stating how much was owed and needed. The Football Club committee has not input into the general utility bills, these are paid by the Limited Company, that is headed by McCormack, & their responsibility. Indeed before the electicity crisis the General Manager of the Limited Company, Yasmine Dawson, assured the Committee that there was no problem as she had been in meetings with them, and our readings had been wrong, and we were actually due some sort of refund. This proved to be incorrect, which she was shocked by, apparently.

"As when we had the big EDF issue, that should have at least raised alarm bells to demand to see all bills...Surly. In-fact I know they had an another emergency meeting in January because they had another EDF issue.
If your house is on fire, you do not say it is not my responsibility to put it out, because everyone will end up homeless. "

At face value, this could come across as a fair comment. Except bills are not shown! Of course alarm bills were raised, it doesn't mean anything is disclosed by the owner! The January meeting I think you refer to came about because the repayment plan agreed to, after the initial electric bill came to light, had not been kept to by the Limited Company. In fact the Committee made a substantial contribution to this bill from funds raised; and after that, more recently, one person managed to get a short-term loan, & this was personally guaranteed by another committee members, in case funds were not in place to pay it back to the first loanee. The Committee are well aware of their responsibilities...but it seems you are getting confused by the roles of the Limited Company, and the role of the Football Committee, which deals with day to day football matters, not the entire running of the Limited Company affairs.

"When I enquired about the money from the gates and all the adverting boards, "Sponsorship's" and player sales. I understand that money is placed in a separate account away from the main Dulwich account!!! (when and if banked) and none of it is used on utility bills. I know Gavin Rose (who is going a great Job with the team) is paid £3500 every week in cash for the players wages from some gate money and Gavin Rose is paid 50% of the sale of each player."

Not quite true. The main account you refer to is the one of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club Limited. BUT not player sales...this goes directly into the Limited Company account. So why is money 'held back' by the Football Committee? Simple to pay football bills, which would not be paid, otherwise, and to contribute to the wage bill, of which there is now no contribution from the Limited Company, and there has not been for a while. As for the wage bill...well the first thing is no Club would comment publically on what their weekly wage bill is, but it is NOT as high as the £3,500 figure you state. Whatever money gavin might get from player sales is not paid to Gavin, it helps funs his ASPIRE Academy, from which we benefit through his developing much of our current First Team. But, in case you are interested, but I am sure you will already know this, the Football Club Committee had no say in this, whether it is a good idea or not, (& I personally have no problem with this) and also had NO SAY and were not involved in the weekly playing budget.

<editor: potentially defamatory quote removed>

Yes, Martin is often owed money, as he takes it on himself, not being a rich man, but with spare money, credit cards, and using his overdraft, to pay many football bills, when money has not been forthcoming from the Limited company, when it has been like getting, to be frank, blood out of a stone. He has receipts for all of these, and can account for every penny he has spent, and for every penny paid back, as far as I know. as such a great stalwart, as you seem to imply you are, I would guess you know Martin to approach, so why not ask him personally? He won't hide anything, I'm sure. He certainly doesn't on Committee nights. As for your comment on Australia...I shall treat that with the total contempt it deserves. Hs daughter is emigrating there, & she is in a position to look after her family, if you know anything else...show the proof, for that comment is not even worth total contempt, it is below contempt!
"As from all the activities happening at the club, such as Gym members, Events, Gate receipt, Sponsorship, Astro Turf, summer school, new homework club this place should be able to stand with this type of income. "

For once we might agree, if the Limited Company was run to it's full potential. All of the above, apart from gate receipts, are in the domain and responsibilty, of the Limited Company, and NOT the Football Club Committee.
All money should be centralized, including all money made on the grounds. New football Board/comity as the current board have failed. Either Nick Mcmcormack leaves this business to run by its self and does not take no money but the a percentage from yearly profits and puts invest money in the club, Which means he will have no say in the running's or sells the Club to someone who can invest in the business and carry it forward."

In an ideal world it would all be centralised. There is no football board. There is one majority shareholder, that is Nick McCormack. he is 'the board' of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club Limited. Then there is the Football Club Committee, who control as much as is possible on the football side. As for the rest of your comments...watch this space, as the saying goes. There is an open public meeting about the future of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club, on Saturday 22nd February, in the club bar, at 5.15pm, after the home game with East Thurrock United. This will take place even if the match is postponed. I hope you attend, raise all of your points there, where they can be answered directly by the like of Martin Eede (see, I even know his correct name) who will be on the top table. I look forward to seeing you there, even if I do not know who you are.

"We need a business person(s) who understands the art of business and who will work with those at the Club who understand the club and who have the right skillset and business acumen to carry our club forward. "

Yes we do, but on the basis of your comments it is certainly NOT you!

No idea, sorry. Lying Rat, perhaps?

Now it's half past one & i want to go to bed. Feel free to respond whenever you wish, but please not I'm not biting next time, as i have made my views clear in this post, and I am not sure there is anything else you can say that you cannot raise on the 22nd.
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