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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

Some of you may have seen sensational headlines in the 'Southwark News' today stating: "Gas cut-off could see Bury fixture postponed"

Dulwich Hamlet fans can be reassured that the game on Saturday will play, kick off at three o'clock.

Matters regarding outstanding bills have been resolved, and the only reason for a postponement will be a waterlogged pitch, which is beyond the control of the Football Club...even though our fans think Gavin Rose is 'god', he has no control over the weather! ;-)

Fans will be aware, from discussions on unofficial internet forums, that there is much activity off the pitch with regard to matters like the lease of the ground. We hope to make an announcement imminently, to reassure fans, and to look forward to a positive future for Dulwich Hamlet Football Club.

I've tried to use that forum but it is a bugger to read/navigate. Bit too 'austerity' for me!

I don't want to take traffic from there but the reason I'm suggesting setting up a forum here is that it would almost certainly reach far more people, given the popularity of these boards. I'd be happy to host that forum here as well. But it's just an idea....
It's a good idea, in my humble ... etc.
I've tried to use that forum but it is a bugger to read/navigate. Bit too 'austerity' for me!

I don't want to take traffic from there but the reason I'm suggesting setting up a forum here is that it would almost certainly reach far more people, given the popularity of these boards. I'd be happy to host that forum here as well. But it's just an idea....

Maybe a second thread would do it? A 'football' thread and a 'finance/ground etc' thread. The two side of the conversation seem separate enough that it should work OK.
As mentioned there already is a supporters forum, which is run by myself, it is easy to use and many supporters do use it!

It would be better to keep everything in one place as we are staring to repeat ourselves, I only joined this one to read this thread, there is nothing else on this forum that interests me, but it is to long now!!

If a thread was started on the other in could be stuck at the top, just an idea!

Plus other forum is linked to official Club website!
If a thread was started on the other in could be stuck at the top, just an idea!

Plus other forum is linked to official Club website!
My only interest here in ensuring that as many people as possible get to read about what's happening at Hamlet, and that includes fans of other teams as well as the press/local politicians (of which more than a few browse these boards). This thread has already been read over 67,000 times and that's not including the tens of thousands of page hits from the linked Brixton Buzz articles.

With the greatest of respect, the forum that you're running - while being a great resource - is unlikely to be read by anyone other than Hamlet fans and thus have something of a limited reach - and if things are going the way they seem to be going, we're going to need all the attention and coverage we can get.
As mentioned there already is a supporters forum, which is run by myself, it is easy to use and many supporters do use it!

It would be better to keep everything in one place as we are staring to repeat ourselves, I only joined this one to read this thread, there is nothing else on this forum that interests me, but it is to long now!!

If a thread was started on the other in could be stuck at the top, just an idea!

Plus other forum is linked to official Club website!
My only interest here in ensuring that as many people as possible get to read about what's happening at Hamlet, and that includes fans of other teams as well as the press/local politicians (of which more than a few browse these boards). This thread has already been read over 67,000 times and that's not including the tens of thousands of page hits from the linked Brixton Buzz articles.

With the greatest of respect, the forum that you're running - while being a great resource - is unlikely to be read by anyone other than Hamlet fans and thus have something of a limited reach and if things are going the way they seem to be going, We're going to need all the attention and coverage we can get.

Maybe you guys could work together :) 2 heads better than one etc
Quick query on the electric bill. Does anyone actually know who paid it? Would be interesting to know [and I do mean the electric bill, tho' it would also be nice to know for certain who paid the gas].

Also, if you're the kind of person who doesn't see the importance of paying monthly/quarterly utility bills because the club might not exist soon, a bill that only crops up once a year (HMRC) is likely to be even lower down the priority list. Brace yourselves.

It's not in the public domain yet....but one thing for sure...it's NOT the Councillors who want us to remain at Champion Hill, and it's NOT McCormack! I understand that the bills are being paid from the same source, but FFS...be patient...I am sure announcments will be made in the not too distant future. What would you rather, not know & they're paid, or for them not to be paid and the Club SHUT DOWN by the Football Association and the Isthmian League?
"As long as the money Hadleys are generously providing isn't going to the club in the form of loans..."

I do not know the answer to this...but, in the worst case scenario, imagine if it is..AT LEAST WE WILL FINISH THE SEASON!
I've tried to use that forum but it is a bugger to read/navigate. Bit too 'austerity' for me!

I don't want to take traffic from there but the reason I'm suggesting setting up a forum here is that it would almost certainly reach far more people, given the popularity of these boards. I'd be happy to host that forum here as well. But it's just an idea....

Sorry, son't understand ? bit too 'austerity'?

The other forum is open for anyone to post on, it's not an official club one, and never has been.
Personally I prefer that as each thread tends to stick to a certain subject.

This one is one continuous thread, which I find much more difficult to follow. And despite this one being the 'right on' one, the other one is much more open, as you don't have to register to post...how's that for 'democaracy' eh? ;-)

To be honest, the old one has always been the one fans look at most, and this one I only really keep an eye on, not contributing too much, because it is one long continuos thing, which I personally find a pain. Each to their own...

To set up a third one, as this is-in effect' the forum for 'newveau' fans, would be ludicrous!
With the greatest of respect, the forum that you're running - while being a great resource - is unlikely to be read by anyone other than Hamlet fans and thus have something of a limited reach - and if things are going the way they seem to be going, we're going to need all the attention and coverage we can get.[/quote]

What exactly is the way things are going?

As I see it the Club has been run into the ground by the current owners, and has come very close to folding, despite the enthusiasm on & off the pitch. We now, potentially, have an opportunity to try to turn the Club into a Community-owned & run one, with a manageable ground next door on Greendales...which would totally secure the Club for future generations....

Instead of posting & running round like headless chickens lets wait to see what pans out over the next couple of weeks, before getting the wider football world in a panic. Otherwise, if things do go pearshaped, they will be less inclined to listen, because they've all heard it before.

I say listen to the developers, see if & how it will benefit our Club, and if that doesn't suit the needs of the Club...then is the time to get into full gear...

Oh, and believe it or not, there are quite a few Hamlet fans who have no concerns about most of your widfer audience, but are deeply passionate about the future of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club.

I, for one, if there is to be a campaign SUPPORTING a ground on Greendales, will not post on here...because the LAST thing I would want to do is let the opposition middle class NIMBYs know what's happening...
For what it's worth, I had some dealing with Hadley Property Group a few years back when they used to be called Hadley Homes. My company at the time (I no longer work there) did some work for them and in my personal opinion they were NOT a nice bunch... constant cost-chipping, failing to pay invoices, and generally being rather unpleasant rather soured the relationship. Their marketing director was a pretty unpleasant character and not easy to work with at all. In meetings they gave the impression of knowing how to skirt round planning problems and generally cutting corners. I'd certainly never buy a home from them.

People and companies can change of course, and I'm not suggesting they did anything illegal... but speaking personally I would take their promises and support with a large dose of salt, as I would with any developer.

Mishi knows far more than anyone else about this stuff though, and if he says Greendales is our best option, I'm minded to believe him. I sincerely hope, as he indicates, that there will be a lot more concrete information coming out shortly.
With the greatest of respect, the forum that you're running - while being a great resource - is unlikely to be read by anyone other than Hamlet fans and thus have something of a limited reach - and if things are going the way they seem to be going, we're going to need all the attention and coverage we can get.

I thing your wrong there! We have regular posters on that forum from other Clubs and as mentioned it is linked to Club Website so anyone looking on there for a supporters forum will find that one!

Plus a google search of Dulwich Hamlet Supporters forum will also bring that one up I believe!!

But it's not a competition we all need to be pulling in the same direction using all levels of communication that we can!
@ LJ_Ben - oh, i think he's right at the moment. in the face of the information he's offered and his arguments i am persuaded yes, hang fire on anything until we have some more solid information to go on. i just don't like the fact that he clearly doesn't have any respect for newer fans or their opinions. nor am i entirely comfortable with trusting hadley's but what option do we have at the moment?
Sorry, son't understand ? bit too 'austerity'?
Yes, I find the interface really old fashioned and clunky, but if it suits your tastes, that's great.

Personally I prefer that as each thread tends to stick to a certain subject.
Which was why I suggested a separate forum here, or perhaps other, more specific threads on related topics.
This one is one continuous thread, which I find much more difficult to follow. And despite this one being the 'right on' one, the other one is much more open, as you don't have to register to post...how's that for 'democaracy' eh? ;-)
Anyone can register so I'm not sure where 'democracy' comes into it.
To set up a third one, as this is-in effect' the forum for 'newveau' fans, would be ludicrous!
This thread is for any fans who want to post here, and I wouldn't get too sneery about 'newveau' fans because the club needs them as much as it needs the old fans.
sort of remembered why before this thread, I hadnt posted on Urban since 2008/9! :p
Well, people are passionate about the club and it's proving to be really frustrating trying to get a clear picture of what's happening, so I can see why people might get a little bit jumpy. :)
It's not in the public domain yet....but one thing for sure...it's NOT the Councillors who want us to remain at Champion Hill, and it's NOT McCormack! I understand that the bills are being paid from the same source, but FFS...be patient...I am sure announcments will be made in the not too distant future. What would you rather, not know & they're paid, or for them not to be paid and the Club SHUT DOWN by the Football Association and the Isthmian League?
Blimey Mishi I was just asking a question, putting it out there, wouldn't expect an immediate answer and was just wondering if anyone knew! CAPS LOCK AND FFS not required. Glad it's been paid but that doesn't actually mean who paid it isn't important.

As an aside, I've been trying to summarise the shenanigans for therealfacup website all day, ended up with 3000 words, which isn't exactly a succinct summary!
Would failure to fulfil a fixture other than a weather postponement result in a points deduction or fine or both?
right on?


not being snidey?

whilst you make some good and intelligent posts on the subject Mishi, you're very good at sly digs at those you're trying to convince.

They're not meant to be intentionally snidey, but it's the way I describe our fanbase, which in the last couple of seasons has grown and expanded way beyond my wildest dreams.

I call myself an 'old school dinasaur' fan...and any of the recent supporters 'newveau' fans. That is just my joking description, which I use a lot, but deep down I am as one, and proud of, the 'newveau' fans. It's true that some old school fans are still a little bemused and even, dare i say it, alienated, by the new fans...but I thinkit's fucking marvellous! Truth be told in all my, coming up to forty, years of supporting The Hamlet man & boy, I've never known anything like it.
And you know what, part of that scares me. I have these nightmare made-up visions of Gavin leaving, and the Club droping down into obscurity again. By obscurity I mean not gonig a division down, but playing bland football that doesn't excite. Never really challenging for anything, with crowds of a couple of hundred, mainly moaning middle aged men, which we had turned into if you turn the clock back even less than a decade.
Truth is...deep down, in my heart, I am shit scared of things going pear-shaped & not knowing if all of you recent fans will be in it for the long haul....you know, no matter what the weather, whatever the football...you will be there.
The support we have may be bettered numerically by some clubs, but in terms of what we are, and how we support, we are without a doubt unique at our level...and I am scared of losing that if we struggle and you lot fuck off...it will feel like you have just teased me!

I don't expect you all to agree with me, but part of the way I express myself is just the way I am. Sometimes that's not conveyed properly over an internet forum, but one thing for sure I'm certainly not out to 'split' our support...I love our support!

I grew up on the estate behind the ground, that's how I started supporting the Club as a boy...and in my late teens I was once called an 'inverted snob'....I had to look it up in a dictionary!

English definition of “inverted snob”

inverted snob
noun UK disapproving
› a person who makes it known that they do not like things related to high social position but approve of things related to low social position

To be honest I've never grown out of that, which is why I refer to our more recent fans a 'newveaus'...what opposition fans call 'hipsters'. I have no idea if you are the 'hipsters' that some of you seem to despise...simply because I wouldn't have a fucking clue what a 'hipster' was.

To be fair, I'm just probably getting 'worn down' by keeping an eye on this messageboard, which seems to be taking up most of my lunch & tea breaks over the last couple of days...

Not helped by the two personal threatening phone calls I've just had from Nick McCormack himself in the last few minutes! But there you go...
Well said Mishi!

now lets top bitching and carry on enjoying this and make sure we don't loose what we have!!! Lets see what happens and what is announced and make a sensible and well-informed plan of action........ together...

Not helped by the two personal threatening phone calls I've just had from Nick McCormack himself in the last few minutes! But there you go...

Not the right place to ask what was said, I'm guessing! ;)
I call myself an 'old school dinasaur' fan...and any of the recent supporters 'newveau' fans. That is just my joking description, which I use a lot, but deep down I am as one, and proud of, the 'newveau' fans. It's true that some old school fans are still a little bemused and even, dare i say it, alienated, by the new fans...but I thinkit's fucking marvellous! Truth be told in all my, coming up to forty, years of supporting The Hamlet man & boy, I've never known anything like it.
And you know what, part of that scares me. I have these nightmare made-up visions of Gavin leaving, and the Club droping down into obscurity again. By obscurity I mean not gonig a division down, but playing bland football that doesn't excite. Never really challenging for anything, with crowds of a couple of hundred, mainly moaning middle aged men, which we had turned into if you turn the clock back even less than a decade.
Truth is...deep down, in my heart, I am shit scared of things going pear-shaped & not knowing if all of you recent fans will be in it for the long haul....you know, no matter what the weather, whatever the football...you will be there.
The support we have may be bettered numerically by some clubs, but in terms of what we are, and how we support, we are without a doubt unique at our level...and I am scared of losing that if we struggle and you lot fuck off...it will feel like you have just teased me!

I just took my hat off to this post [I was wearing one, it's freezing in here!]
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