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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

There is a bit of a winter menswear vibe going down at the moment.
Nothing wrong with that. The terraces at a Hamlet game are an ideal opportunity to showcase a bit of classic menswear. At least our supporters don't look like they've just looted TK Maxx. Once the weather warms up I'll try to dress a bit more flamboyantly. A friend of mine is an ex-drag queen who works in gents outfitting. I'll have to ask if he's got any suitable accessories!
I think that Mumford tweet might have been to do with halftime music, rather than choice of menswear. Could be wrong though...

I'll be doing Hornchurch too.

Yeah, I had a bit of a whinge about something that sounded like Mumford playing at half time.

Few of us planning to go Hornchurch, though the Zone 6 journey and £7 concession price is gonna sting a bit. How much even is a Zone 2 to 6 journey?
i could go to 150 say rotherham games and i could never end up supporting rotherham. i might enjoy it for a laugh and to watch the beauty of the game, but i could never shrug off the love i have for the team i fell in love with at about the age of 5. i could never have a joint alliance i don't think either, i think that's more a millwall thing than anything else - you end up hating every other team because they all hate you. vicious cycle.

millwall is about my family, my local area, generations of millwall fans in my family, and most of all it's about my dad - he was the one who took me, it's what we talk about most.

i guess the line has to start somewhere though. i'd say to anyone who is new to game to take your kids, i'm so grateful that my dad did when i was a nipper

I love Millwall but the experience of supporting them just got worse over the years. After the mental riot after the Brum match a while back it all got a bit leery down at the Den with the police, add to this the continual police pressure when you went away, being videoed, searched and captured off the train and taken to the ground at 11am, I got fed up. The mental restrictions on tickets over the years grated as well. I often could only go in the home end at away matches and that was always fun when a goal got scored.

I will probably go in the future but no time soon. Supporting a local little team like Hamlet might be a breath of fresh air. I dunno about the pink strip though!!!
i could go to 150 say rotherham games and i could never end up supporting rotherham. i might enjoy it for a laugh and to watch the beauty of the game, but i could never shrug off the love i have for the team i fell in love with at about the age of 5. i could never have a joint alliance i don't think either, i think that's more a millwall thing than anything else - you end up hating every other team because they all hate you. vicious cycle.

millwall is about my family, my local area, generations of millwall fans in my family, and most of all it's about my dad - he was the one who took me, it's what we talk about most.

i guess the line has to start somewhere though. i'd say to anyone who is new to game to take your kids, i'm so grateful that my dad did when i was a nipper
tbh I think this 'noone likes us' thing is massively overstated by Millwall. I know more people who are neutral or positive towards them than are negative, though the neihbours at Trashton may feel differently

Anyway. I know a few people who've started going to other teams (mostly Mangotsfield and Wimbledon) after years of watching the Gas. Whatever floats your boat I suppose but I couldn't do it. When John-Joe thundered home our third against Newport on Saturday and I went on a little bit of a glory run down the front ( :oops: :D ) it kind of reminded me that nobody else could ever make me feel that way, even after years of disillusionment

No criticism of anybody intended, that's just me :)
"The Arsenal of non-league" not sure how I feel about that (I suppose it's a compliment) ...... at least our fans at champion hill are noisier than the arsenal lot at the emirates!!!...and on the tube :) and we've won silverware recently....
It's a downgrade on the usual 'Barcelona of the non-league' we get.
Cant wait. I'll be there!.... Are people planning to meet up beforehand?
I'll be there, though will be in-between two nightshifts so planning the latest Hornchurchwards journey possible I'm afraid. Can't be turning up to my all important job of alternately pressing the spacebar and down button too tired and drunk.

Additionally, the Financial Times editorial today was presumably inspired by my last poster. "When computers are capable of advanced-pattern recognition and beat humans at chess; when cars drive themselves and robots perform intricate tasks, what jobs will be left? ... If automation does eliminate higher-level jobs – still a big if – societies will have to adapt. It would mean thinking in new ways about how to distribute the benefits of technological advance, as well as the hours that humans spend at work." (ha, note how for them it's all about the higher level jobs. The loss of manufacturing jobs over the past 40 years is, well, er, er, okay...)
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Great photos of Saturday's game, especially the one of the youngsters in their pink and blue scarves.
Looking at editor's walking map to DH, do you Brixton lot know about the little short cut from the Champion Hill road into the Sainsburys car park (by the cashpoints)? Google Maps doesn't recognise it as a footpath. Would shave off 4 or 5 minutes, plus useful for getting money.
I've been using that short cut for ages.

I'd actually forgotten that I'd done that map! Where is it linked from?
The red white and blue with red star was the flag of the Yugoslavian Partisan movement inWW2. When the new united Yugoslavia was established after liberation they adopted the Partisan flag
I love Millwall but the experience of supporting them just got worse over the years. After the mental riot after the Brum match a while back it all got a bit leery down at the Den with the police, add to this the continual police pressure when you went away, being videoed, searched and captured off the train and taken to the ground at 11am, I got fed up. The mental restrictions on tickets over the years grated as well. I often could only go in the home end at away matches and that was always fun when a goal got scored.

I will probably go in the future but no time soon. Supporting a local little team like Hamlet might be a breath of fresh air. I dunno about the pink strip though!!!
i know what you mean, and it has put a lot of people off.

holloway will bring back some of the old magic (without the riots, hopefully) i'm sure.

a lot of the changes at millwall have come about because we are no longer supported really by those in the local areas so much. 20 years ago you'd see wall fans flooding in from peckham, OKR, deptford, now they all drive in from nice semi-detacheds in dartford, etc. depressing, really.
Looking at editor's walking map to DH, do you Brixton lot know about the little short cut from the Champion Hill road into the Sainsburys car park (by the cashpoints)? Google Maps doesn't recognise it as a footpath. Would shave off 4 or 5 minutes, plus useful for getting money.
Yeah, been using that path for years: Ms Hatter used to live on Champion Hill, appropriately in a road called The Hamlet. Didn't really want her to move from there!
a lot of the changes at millwall have come about because we are no longer supported really by those in the local areas so much. 20 years ago you'd see wall fans flooding in from peckham, OKR, deptford, now they all drive in from nice semi-detacheds in dartford, etc. depressing, really.
I think some of Hamlet's recent growth in attendances is down to people who are in their twenties, moved here because of work or uni or perhaps getting back into football after the late teens lull, who can't afford league football nowadays. Their comparables 15 years ago would have gone to see Millwall, Palace, Charlton etc. but the ticket prices now make it implausible.
Ah, gotcha! Google wouldn't let me mark a route through the little park, but I'm going to do an illustrated Brixton to Hamlet walk soon, complete with recommended cafe/bar stop offs and park walks. That should entice a few more down!
...and this man is another reason for the rising attendances!
Yeah, been using that path for years: Ms Hatter used to live on Champion Hill, appropriately in a road called The Hamlet. Didn't really want her to move from there!
Named after the club I believe.
I think some of Hamlet's recent growth in attendances is down to people who are in their twenties, moved here because of work or uni or perhaps getting back into football after the late teens lull, who can't afford league football nowadays. Their comparables 15 years ago would have gone to see Millwall, Palace, Charlton etc. but the ticket prices now make it implausible.

You're bang on. Moved to Herne Hill last June and have been keeping up with DH's results and then finally came down with two mates on Saturday. £10 is an absolute bargain for football of that quality and the great sense of community that we saw before, during and after the game. Plus the new club scarf I purchased looks boss with a work suit.

Also - I'd heard Erhun was rather good but deary me, I swear he covered more ground when he had the ball than he did without. Touch is absolutely unreal. Also, Jordan Clarke looked v handy down the left and the big CB (no. 5?) reminded me of Chris Samba, but better. Haha. Happy to begin contributing to the club through my attendance monies.
who can't afford league football nowadays. Their comparables 15 years ago would have gone to see Millwall, Palace, Charlton etc. but the ticket prices now make it implausible.
Barnet relegated to skrill premiership,prices have actually gone up slightly 16quid for the terrace and up to 26 quid for the main stand...it's not that I can't afford it, I just resent paying it for a team that the reason I go to see is they are my local team ,and celtic aren't on the box.
A tenner is a reasonable price for a reasonable standard of soccer.
I've long believed Peter Adeniyi to be an undercover operative from the first wave of humanoid robot football. There's no way he's formed of simple flesh and bone.

Definitely a similar player to Samba, they both have *CLICHE ALERT* a good touch for big lads. He also bizarrely seemed to end up on the left wing when we were chasing a second goal in the final minutes at Kingstonian, and I thought he did a decent job!

EDIT: Come to think of it, Allardyce used to throw Samba upfield as an out-and-out striker if Blackburn were chasing the game late on at Ewood. I can't think of a single occasion when it worked, but would love to see Adeniyi give it a go at Champion Hill. Terrific player.
At one point he dribbled right, feinted left and then played a glorious ball up the wing...that wonder goal will be glorious when it comes. Also thought Jordan Clarke was v good - anyone know where he's come from? Can't find much on the web...
Definitely a similar player to Samba, they both have *CLICHE ALERT* a good touch for big lads. He also bizarrely seemed to end up on the left wing when we were chasing a second goal in the final minutes at Kingstonian, and I thought he did a decent job!

I think I'm right in saying that Pete Adeniyi used to be a winger in his younger days. I'd say he's less Chris Samba and more Sol Campbell who I seem to remember being considered as THE complete utility player when he first came through at Spurs. I wouldn't swap Adeniyi for either of them..... ever!
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