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Dulwich Hamlet fans discuss how to bring the joy back to Champion Hill

Maidstone traditionally bring a few hundred (and we have always had good relations with their fans - not least when they won the League at Champion Hill) Their fans have always preferred to stand in Toilet Opposite Stand rather than behind goals in recent visits to Champion Hill
just stating this for information
Lots of good ideas here, but please don't let the song sheet idea get legs. It's completely cringeworthy. Organic (re)growth is what's needed.
Good luck finding ways for that organic growth in an extra jam-packed crowd where there seems very little opportunity for interaction between the people there and most people now turn up in their own, self contained groups.

For the record, we handed out song sheets in a band I was in and it worked really, really well. Sometimes you've got to go with the cringe to get things started and I'm not sure how it's that much different from having them on the club's official forum.

Desperate times/desperate measures etc.

I know you're not keen on the Discord business but they've set up a song page. Mind if I link to this piece there? For the common good and all that.
Of course that's fine.
Completely behind this, Macca. I'm up for giving it a go. As Scutta said, we can create the fan culture we want to see.

A couple of other things. When I first started going with Tim we both were slightly star struck by the Rabble and when we broke though to actually talking to people it was brilliant. It did feel like a clique, but one that when you'd earned your stripes you were made. Now I'm inside I can't think of someone I've guided through those same steps, which is a bit sad. So perhaps establishing a base is one way to start creating the culture?
Thing is, the original Rabble were noticeably different to just about any other non league fans. There were cowbells clanging, inflatable giraffes, voodoo sticks, mad spontaneous songs and other daft nonsense. I can't see many people being star struck with what's happening now, partly because there's simply no room to look/sound different.
You could start a new fanzine, which includes songs to mitigate some cringe ;)
Well that's the format I was thinking of - like a free four page fanzine.

I used to give them out at the Offline nights and the Mrs Mills Experience. I'd add in more info/links etc and people would usually take them home with them or read them on the tube or whatever. It's a great way to reach people and let them find out more.
Well that's the format I was thinking of - like a free four page fanzine.

I used to give them out at the Offline nights and the Mrs Mills Experience. I'd add in more info/links etc and people would usually take them home with them or read them on the tube or whatever. It's a great way to reach people and let them find out more.
Totally agree, I took them, sung with them and fucking loved it! I miss The Mrs Mills Experience!
Hi all, long time listener (ish…been going since about 2012) first time caller…
Really glad to read people coming up with positive ideas to try and revamp the atmosphere. I think the issue of massive overcrowding is a big one but also one that can only really be addressed by the club. Think Scutta is right that what we do have some control over is fan initiative.
My impression from the last few games is there normally are reasonable-sized pockets of people trying to sing, but often not concentrated in one place, and obviously struggling to make much of an impression over the hordes of people chatting. Any effort to try and concentrate all those up for making some noise in one place (whether that be Toilets Opposite or not) seems like a good idea.
I think while some of the newby crowd are basically just there for a pint and to do something they view as a bit trendy, plenty of others are visibly interested by the chants and teeter on the edge of joining in. So hopefully with time plus an effort to dissimilate the culture a bit, those people can be pulled into helping generate an atmosphere.
Was feeling a bit gloomy after Billericay and the (understandable) rancour afterwards, but very up for joining in with some of the new ideas people have put forward. Things have changed a hell of a lot since I started going 10 years ago but there’s an awful lot about following this club that is still good.
Tom H.
Fair point. I am largely just using Scutta's use of the word organic without giving it too much thought! I guess it means avoid top down organised things for improving an atmosphere (we're not south American ultras). The best DHFC things have often been pretty random and unexpected. I am confident that Maidstone will be a great atmosphere without having to organise too much. Attendance will more like 1800 (as it's a Tuesday), TOFFONS will return for some, more people with have cans in pockets to avoid the bar queues, the queues for portacabins will be shorter.....and we will lose 3-1.
Yeah, i'm entirely wary of any suggestion of 'organised fun' as such but i'm thinking more about providing an opportunity for others to get involved and beef up the dwindling numbers of singers. Given what some people have said here, it seems that even with much lower crowds, they struggled to get involved to an extent initially. I think it would be even harder now logistically because of crowd sizes and maybe it's worth considering things that might previously have been considered anathema. That's why I think it would be good for anyone who's interested to talk about it all on Tuesday.

I quite like this idea of a little one-off fanzine which would include some song lyrics. It could come with a friendly and positive introduction about why it's being done and a bit of background on the 'culture' without being overly prescriptive. I'd be more than happy to help if there was a bit of a consensus and maybe it would lessen any cringe factor.

Maybe Maidstone will be a great atmosphere but it might be just a better atmosphere than last Saturday. I think that's a pretty low bar though and presumably what has now become the norm will return at the next Saturday home game. If we are ok with the status quo and the us v them mentality then fair enough but I think we'll then need to accept our share of responsibility for the situation.

Of course, if there's a concerted effort and it doesn't reap dividends then at least we'll be able to say we tried.
Well that's the format I was thinking of - like a free four page fanzine.

I used to give them out at the Offline nights and the Mrs Mills Experience. I'd add in more info/links etc and people would usually take them home with them or read them on the tube or whatever. It's a great way to reach people and let them find out more.
There's a new fanzine starting up soon as it happens, I met the people doing it at a pre-season game, I forget who now, but Paul who does the club's poster designs is working on it, so could put someone in touch via him if people thought song sheets in there would help?
I work with Nick, who’s trying to get it started.
Not sure when first issue is planned but he’s getting good people involved for sure
There's a new fanzine starting up soon as it happens, I met the people doing it at a pre-season game, I forget who now, but Paul who does the club's poster designs is working on it, so could put someone in touch via him if people thought song sheets in there would help?
Remember Cyclo mentioning this before the Carshalton friendly. Not seen anything since bar the Tweet above. It's certainly an interesting time to be launching a fanzine but I wish them luck while hoping it's very much not closely affiliated with the club hierarchy.

Presumably there'll be a charge for it though? My very personal view is that could be a considerable barrier to disseminating whatever it is that people want to disseminate. BUT it's another idea to consider.
Remember Cyclo mentioning this before the Carshalton friendly. Not seen anything since bar the Tweet above. It's certainly an interesting time to be launching a fanzine but I wish them luck while hoping it's very much not closely affiliated with the club hierarchy.

Presumably there'll be a charge for it though? My very personal view is that could be a considerable barrier to disseminating whatever it is that people want to disseminate. BUT it's another idea to consider.
Akin to "sticker club" there is always the possibility a few would be willing to establish a pot to support this sort of thing.
This is VERY important... what the fans do should not have the opportunity to be tone policed by the club

Agree. I did ask Nick about that. He was actually quite comfortable with having a relationship with Directors as well. Can't say I agreed. All the best Fanzines are independent and poke fun a bit. Some go too far perhaps?! Having read some of the Champion Hill Street pink and blues...or whatever it was called. Either way, looking forward to first issue.
In fairness, there was a charge back in the days of Champion Hill St Blues. It was kept as minimal as possible but still covered the basics like.
Me being unclear in my ramblings again perhaps. I wouldn't expect the fanzine to be free, although also none of my business to be fair, but any hard copy of song lyrics or what have you probably should be.
Me being unclear in my ramblings again perhaps. I wouldn't expect the fanzine to be free, although also none of my business to be fair, but any hard copy of song lyrics or what have you probably should be.

Apologies. I've been spending the last few days analysing dense academic texts and my broken af brain misfired. Yes, any handouts or flyers should absolutely be free.
Just to give an idea of what I was suggesting, this is what I used to give out on my club nights. It's a double sided A5 leaflet.

I'd imagine the Hamlet one to have some news/info/couple of lyrics and maybe links to campaigns, related info, away trips, recommended pubs whatever. And be a fun, easy read that hopefully gets across elements of what The Rabble used to be like. Cost fuck all to make and easy to pocket. And each subsequent hand-out could have different lyrics/seasonal stuff.

(Back page/front page)

Agree. I did ask Nick about that. He was actually quite comfortable with having a relationship with Directors as well. Can't say I agreed. All the best Fanzines are independent and poke fun a bit. Some go too far perhaps?! Having read some of the Champion Hill Street pink and blues...or whatever it was called. Either way, looking forward to first issue.
Otherwise it might as well just be the matchday program
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