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Dulwich Hamlet fans discuss how to bring the joy back to Champion Hill

Just to add my views. I agree that my biggest disappointment is the lack of comms from the management team. Every other team does it even if they lose 6 0, like Hemel after they lost to us . I contacted the club directly (twice) about this and was informed it was mainly due to volunteer time but they were working on it. However , this was a while ago and it looks like it is more a management decision, also taking on board what Tom Bale said after away games last season. Just to be clear I am am totally appreciative of all the time and effort put in by volunteers and staff which allows a fan like me to enjoy the games.

Regarding the games . Really enjoyed the Hungerford game. Good crowd and great game. Enjoyed the away game too at Hemel. Regarding Sat . Performance wise I thought we played quite well. Lacked a bit of tact and too many driven crosses but it did lead to 17 ? corners. 2 poor errors at the back put us on the back foot but we controlled the game after that with Gio starting many moves from deep. On another day Danny could have had a hatrick. Yes it was too crowded but a win would have meant a different vibe all round.
Actually where I was behind the Greendale end was not overcrowded 2nd half.

One other odd thing about this season is the fact we have only played 7 games . Usually we have lots of midweek games early one and a quarter of the season is over by the end of Sept
Was thinking about sacking off Dulwich after today and just to go Peckham. But that's lazy and not respectful to Duncan, Mishi and people like Rob and Scutta that saw the possibility of art, community, outreach and friendship that a field and a terrace could offer. Come on. Let's take it back.

This is is Scutta btw, I couldn't get back into my old account for some years....

It's really sad reading all the comments and seeing how its ended up.... I had a similar feeling when I was over a few weeks a go, but it was still great to see the Dulwich family. But just for the sake of it here is my 2 pence:
  • The owners/directors/board or whoever etc have done a great job keeping this club alive and I will respect all the effort and hours they have put in to do this.....
  • I was actually pretty pleased seeing the bars and not so many fancy food market stalls etc and being able to buy a few cans to watch the game with (if a tad expensive) and see the amount of toilets available... although the crowd was not as big as it was, but the facilities in my mind have improved dramatically
  • Although I am still extremely disappointed there is no scaffold behind the goal considering we have been pushing that since 2013
  • Football fandom is a social activity I have no problem with friends of supporters coming and chatting if they are paying, and could end up falling in love with the club. That's literally what started happening when it was just 300-400 people and ultimately saved the club
  • Having people singing IRA songs or making racist homophobic comments though and thinking its ok needs to be nipped into the bud
  • Playing good football wont save the mood, it's a start but not the be all and end all... I have been at altona the past few years and no offence to them, the football is dreadful, its the fans that make the club what it is and we still enjoy it despite getting tanked 5-0 every other week (and on a Sunday)
  • The connection between the fans and players is important, but it was always a bit stand offish with gav compared to other teams, until we had a backbone of team that stayed around for a few seasons. The amount of chopping and changing gav has done seems unbelievable. Although, I was actually pleasantly surprised when I came a few weeks a go I met and chatted to quite a few of the players, more than just nyren, ash, dean and phil like it used to be. So I am surprised that there feels like such a massive distance between the players.
  • Does the manager need to go, great servant... but i will leave that opinion up to those watching week in week out
  • Losing pompeydunc was a travesty he always had a good balanced and well thought out view... getting him back involved would, imo, help a lot. Although maybe thats another bridge dulwich have burned in this new era.
  • We always had challenges between board, club, trust and fans we fought them out and usually worked something out best for the club... friends were made lost and made again but everyone ended up getting shit done... so this is nothing new its just how people now try to address it...
But, have the owners/directors/board or whoever read the overall mood of the fans and club wrong... well OBVIOUSLY they have... and it does feel a bit like people taking over what was an organic success story and using those values for their own means and then dropping them when its convenient... it seems so.... and that upsets me a lot, as it makes a mockery of the effort lots of people put there time and effort into... is it just change and evolution? Well maybe it is but you cant pretend have one set of values and tweet about another set, cough dodgy celebrity docs, cough Tories cough HRH cough gambling....

So the big question is what can be done about it, who's fault is it, who's responsibility is it? Should the club be listening to a load of people moaning on this website? Especially if they can easily ignore you or just pay lip service or just carry on without taking the mood into consideration...which is what seems like is actually happening....

Well IMO the only people who can really make a difference is the fans....and moaning on here wont change fuck all other than give us all a bit of a release.......So what next (similar to what fouldsy said above) it's the fans who need to take this into their own hands...take it back.... how can you do this? Lobby the trust to take your opinions to the club... or get them to withhold their money / voluntary work etc if the trust are not listened too, set up your own fan groups with your own agreed agenda and protest for change... .we worked with club but were also happy to make stink when we thought it was going in the wrong direction and ripping out things that made the club feel special in the community....commercial music and estate agent sponsoring, take some banners to games so they have to listen.... create some fanzines to give out to new fans with some history and song lyrics to get them involved.....ask them to help put banners up, whatever...just make sure you are on the same side.. start your own charity initiatives as fans groups, it doesn't have to be up to the club to do everything you want...these are just a few ideas...but its up to the fans to make the fans scene the way they want it to be...

BUT you don't have to be welcoming to people singing, anti-irish, racist and homophobic etc etc chants.... Dulwich never was welcome to those people... we turned around and told them to stop and if they didn't they got chucked out...(if knew exactly who it was, I respect the commenter above wasn't exactly sure) but we definitely made a noise about it....... it cant have got so liberal that its not ok to tell these people its bad, both sides are welcome etc... some things are wrong, so stick by the principles the club claims to have....

Fans if you want it to change, don't leave, go to games and protest make noise, make banners, make yourselves heard... don't lie down.. don't let it be taken from you...

Love you all....
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This is one hell of a thread! And I feel like adding to it.... [edit - I wrote this coincidentally at the same time as Scutta....]

It is really sad that people left at half time on Saturday, let alone the many people that decided not to attend due to the expectation of a big crowd. This wasn't just regulars leaving, but I saw a number of other people I didn't recognise leave as well. Emotions were also heightened as we all wanted to remember DC appropriately, and it was difficult to do that in such a big crowd.

We do have to perhaps accept that you can't switch ends when it's a full house though, as people may well already be standing there. This is not good for the atmosphere and for friends that may wish to stay together, and I find that frustrating. However, there was plenty of room at the Greendale end in the second half. Personally, I spent a large part of the second half in a loo queue, and at the front of the Toilets Opposite. I managed to find a spot for last 15/20 minutes behind the goal.

The major problem is that despite all the efforts of installing extra bars and toilets, and let's not forget the outside bars and portacabins are still relatively new, they just can't cope with a very thirsty crowd on a Saturday afternoon. For this reason, then crowds should perhaps be capped at 2800, and then review after a couple of months. I have seen others say elsewhere that they should be cut to 2000, and that is perhaps a bit too dramatic to do in one go. IIRC, then our budget is based on an average of around 2100 or 2300, but I might be misremembering that. The international break, the B word and a good start to the season undoubtedly pushed the crowd to higher than usual. I have absolutely no idea how the new ground is going to cope with up to an envisaged 4000 on a smaller footprint. I can't recall there being any serving points / toilets on three sides of the ground, but that may have changed of late, and may need to find out the latest on this, as there were amendments being suggested by Al that could hopefully be incorporated.

Agree with all comments that comms need to be better. I keep forgetting to ask Junior what's up with the lack of interviews, as he's always very personable after matches. I also think it would be beneficial if club Directors scheduled quarterly forums. At Surrey CCC, then the first part of the meeting is chaired by Alec Stewart on playing matters for 30 minutes or so, and then the CEO takes over for the next 30/45 minutes on broader club developments. Members can attend in person, and they are streamed live too. Given the interest in the club, then I think that would help build understanding on club and playing developments. Obviously, the Trust has a critical role on having these ongoing discussions as well. The closest we have to come this of late was the DHST AGM, when much of the discussion was on Crouch and the documentary.

On the future, then it's never going to go back to what it was like 4-7 years back, in a similar vein till it won't get back to what it was like during the old skool Rabble days. There isn't much point harking for that, but we can take elements of it this with us and enjoy what is still great. I was weirdly pleased to have felt really gutted after the women's team lost on pens in the Cup on Sunday. I have enjoyed those games as a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon to date, and to play with a walkie talkie when asked to steward. However, that supporters feeling of despair was there for the first time for those pens for the women's team. This bodes well for enjoying the highs more when they undoubtedly happen this season!

I will email an edited version of this Scottfield for feedback! I hope others take you up on this. Perhaps a tweet or website article, noting the issues and asking for feedback would encourage more ideas?
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  • Losing pompeydunc was a travesty he always had a good balanced and well thought out view... getting him back involved would, imo, help a lot. Although maybe thats another bridge dulwich have burned in this new era.

Thanks babes. I am still around, but prefer to spend my DHFC time on fun DHFC things - beer advice, stewarding a bit and the Altona/DHFC link. I am very grateful to others for stepping forward and taking a turn at volunteering their time to support the club on a more strategic level. I hope that Saturday can be a turning point to make some changes that reorientate the club back to what makes it special, but only time will tell and it needs people to engage with this process, and not just write angry notes on the forum.
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One point I didn't make though and this is up to the club owners board etc, is that they should reach out to the proper old skool... who I feel are being doubly shafted here...we always tried our best with them and them with us despite many loving arguments... but it sounds like they are being completely ignored now.
One point I didn't make though and this is up to the club owners board etc, is that they should reach out to the proper old skool... who I feel are being doubly shafted here...we always tried our best with them and them with us despite many loving arguments... but it sounds like they are being completely ignored now.

'Loving' arguments?
Well they have set up a discord so I bet that will get the critical feedback that they need from the people that are different from those on this forum.

And then they can keep going because its not like Clasper hasn’t been behind the goal, seemingly unaware, so now you can let the club know your thoughts on discord. Anything to avoid thoughts from people that aren’t the same as them.
Well they have set up a discord so I bet that will get the critical feedback that they need from the people that are different from those on this forum.

And then they can keep going because its not like Clasper hasn’t been behind the goal, seemingly unaware, so now you can let the club know your thoughts on discord. Anything to avoid thoughts from people that aren’t the same as them.
Saw that, right on point.
Just asked Tom Cullen about the lack of interviews from management via the newly minted Discord.

He said it was a mix of COVID restrictions in different parts of the ground, the new media team bedding in, and also Gavin Rose easing back in after COVID, but that they were planning to get them up and running ASAP.
You Sirs have been bantered.

If only there was already a well established and popular forum where fans could freely express their opinions. Oh, wait...

Update: it's not sending me a verification email so I can only gaze at its multi-coloured 'yoof' style interface.
Just asked Tom Cullen about the lack of interviews from management via the newly minted Discord.

He said it was a mix of COVID restrictions in different parts of the ground, the new media team bedding in, and also Gavin Rose easing back in after COVID, but that they were planning to get them up and running ASAP.

Makes sense. Unbelievable how it hasn’t affected particular papers.
If only there was already a well established and popular forum where fans could freely express their opinions. Oh, wait...

Update: it's not sending me a verification email so I can only gaze at its multi-coloured 'yoof' style interface.
I think there's a danger the intention of the channel being misunderstood. If you managed to get in you'll have seen the text channels are not as easy to read as a trad forum, so not ideal for publishing long pieces. It probably lends itself more to networking, streaming, private DMs etc plus voice chat function ofc. Twitter doesn't replace web pages etc...

Urban does a lot of things but it doesnt allow you to watch other Hamlet fans play football manager 2020...
I think there's a danger the intention of the channel being misunderstood. If you managed to get in you'll have seen the text channels are not as easy to read as a trad forum, so not ideal for publishing long pieces. It probably lends itself more to networking, streaming, private DMs etc plus voice chat function ofc. Twitter doesn't replace web pages etc...

What about the tweet in post 161? If they want to get their feedback from the usual crowd they could have just kept asking their friends after the gane.
I think there's a danger the intention of the channel being misunderstood. If you managed to get in you'll have seen the text channels are not as easy to read as a trad forum, so not ideal for publishing long pieces. It probably lends itself more to networking, streaming, private DMs etc plus voice chat function ofc. Twitter doesn't replace web pages etc...
I would have thought that the issue of dealing with the problems at Hamlet necessitated fairly long pieces of informed discussion, neatly threaded rather than a barrage of chatroom-style posts, interspersed with bantz.

I'm already finding it hard to follow the discussions peppered with all the interrupting nonsense about people achieving 'level 2' whatever the fuck that is.
I would have thought that the issue of dealing with the problems at Hamlet necessitated fairly long pieces of informed discussion, neatly threaded rather than a barrage of chatroom-style posts, interspersed with bantz.

I'm already finding it hard to follow the discussions peppered with all the interrupting nonsense about people achieving 'level 2' whatever the fuck that is.

Maybe they are discussing this 2020 article that includes a quote about our “unique fanbase”.

Ironically in the same article it mentions the 50k donation the club received from the property developer that evicted us and the joint planning proposal that was made.

Good luck with discussing the new ground in the new discord channel new dulwich fans.
Have I got this right? Has the club set up a new forum because it doesn't like what's being said on Urban or that people are pissed off with their decisions?

If so, that is absolutely staggering.
Next game Braintree away let’s get a good turn out and see our many r true fans or just turn up for home games for a drink. And a chat meet up at Liverpool st station
Have I got this right? Has the club set up a new forum because it doesn't like what's being said on Urban or that people are pissed off with their decisions?

If so, that is absolutely staggering.
Seems so :D

At least when we all moved over here was because the other one was just shit to use... not the people or the opinions....

I would love people now to se how good that one was
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