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Driving Standards

someone had blocked my turning onto a main road but basically parking in the "do not enter unless your exit is clear" box, whilst the barriers were down at a level crossing.

That shit boils my piss :mad:

Anyway, if we're doing confession then I'll join in. Cycling along a main road yesterday coming up to a point in the road with a vehicular entrance to a large DIY store on the left. I know it's there because they've had to paint "Keep Clear" to stop traffic blocking the entrance and every time I pass it I think it indicative of the falling standards of driving.

So yeah, I was following a van so my view was obscured slightly but I still should have seen the traffic ahead stopping but didn't. And I ended up parked slap bang on the "Keep Clear" sign :facepalm:. Granted, if anyone needed in or out I could have filtered through to make space, but still :facepalm:
Ugh, it happens daily in that particular junction box...... if the council put a camera there, they'd make a killing. (not that I'd want to give them ideas)
Hats off to the woman that parked her evoque in such a tight space
There is a road junction near where I live that has "No right turn" signs in every direction. Today a car stopped to wait for a break in oncoming traffic to make an illegal right turn. As he waited, cars coming towards him and cars behind him all beeped their horns. I was on foot on the pavement and looked back to see what all the noise was about. The beeping continued as he continued to wait for a gap and eventually turned right with more cars beeping at him. His drivers window was open and as he pulled into the road I was on he stared at me as if to say "Why are you looking at me". I don't know if he was aware of why everyone around was hooting their horns.
Lots of drivers take that illegal right turn but there is no need, just a few yards up the road is turn off that leads in the direction they want to go in.
I cross that juction every day on the way to work & if I had a quid for every time I saw that happen I'd have retired by now :-D
But an amber light means stop. No decision to be made, tbf.

edit: just reread that and it's sounds unnecessarily confrontational. Wasn't my intention.
it doesn't exactly mean you must stop in all circumstances in the same way that red does.

AMBER means ‘Stop’ at the stop line. You may go on only if the AMBER appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident

I nearly fucked right up a few months back, driving home late one night and due to tiredness I just carried straight on when I saw the lights turning despite being far too far back to get through safely. A car must have been approaching the lights from the other direction, as they changed as I suddenly realised they were going to drive straight into my side. I was able to pull onto the other side of the road to avoid them, but that was some proper numpty driving from me to get into the situation in the first place, it was like my brain had just failed to compute what the amber and red light meant.
Interests me how much my driving style has changed over the years.

Nowerdays, as I pay for my own fuel, tyres and windscreens, I leave a large gap to the car in front, take corners gently and leave myself plenty of time per journey.
it doesn't exactly mean you must stop in all circumstances in the same way that red does.

I nearly fucked right up a few months back, driving home late one night and due to tiredness I just carried straight on when I saw the lights turning despite being far too far back to get through safely. A car must have been approaching the lights from the other direction, as they changed as I suddenly realised they were going to drive straight into my side. I was able to pull onto the other side of the road to avoid them, but that was some proper numpty driving from me to get into the situation in the first place, it was like my brain had just failed to compute what the amber and red light meant.

Yeah, I was being deliberately narrow with that statement given the number of people I see on the roads who think amber means "accelerate and sneak through as the light turns red".
I found this to be quite a shocking video in terms of the casual incompetence demonstrated :-

Just how difficult is it to follow someone at a sensible speed and distance - especially on the approach to traffic lights. ?
Interests me how much my driving style has changed over the years.

Nowerdays, as I pay for my own fuel, tyres and windscreens, I leave a large gap to the car in front, take corners gently and leave myself plenty of time per journey.

Indeed. When I took my test there was no theory, we were still dong hand signals and three point turns!!!
tbf the other driver pulling out on the lambo is technically at fault (not their right of way), although they probably weren't expecting the other guy to be driving at such a prickish speed. Similar thing happened to someone at my ex's work - they pulled out thinking they had enough time to get out only to be hit by someone doing about 60 in a 30 - still their fault in the eyes of the insurance companies as it wasn't their right of way. Expensive in this case!
Talking about driving standards more generally, I was heading home down Plough Rd earlier and a big police 4x4 BMW ( reg BU 12...)
simply drove through a red light whilst turning right into York Rd, no blue lights = no emergency
no emergency and you must obey the law! Whats make them think they are above it!
On mile and a half ish walk to shops I nearly got run over three ties. First two jumping red lights, third coming round a corner, not indicating, because he was on the phone.

This is one of the most chilling films I saw last year. The rider was clearly aware of the dangers because he had a helmet cam. Shocking!

On mile and a half ish walk to shops I nearly got run over three ties. First two jumping red lights, third coming round a corner, not indicating, because he was on the phone.

This is one of the most chilling films I saw last year. The rider was clearly aware of the dangers because he had a helmet cam. Shocking!

Its all very well being aware of the dangers and having a helmet cam..... I don't see that as a reason to be doing 100 mph anywhere, especially on a road with one lane going each way.

At that speed I can't imagine the car driver even saw them coming properly.

Sad that he died though, RIP :(
The car driver in question said he never saw the bike. The driver waiting behind him said that they did see it. Draw your own conclusions.
Thought I was about to witness a smash yesterday, waiting to turn right at some lights behind another car when the car just set off despite there being a car coming the other way that had to do an emergency stop to avoid hitting it.
I saw some comedy terrible driving a couple of days ago.

I was in the middle lane of three coming onto a roundabout, also with 3 lanes on it. The middle lane on the island was queuing across the junction, but one kind soul left a gap so cars could cut across onto the free running lane 3.

The gentleman to my right saw the gap, and absolutely gunned it, only to stand heavily on the brakes a moment later in as he saw the white van trundling around lane 3 at full speed. No real harm one, just a gentle tap between the two - no damage to the van, lightly caved in front right body panel on the million pound McLaren P1 driven comedically badly by the gentleman to my right.
I pulled up at a red light behind a car. The light was red, they engaged gear and drove off, the light was still red, amazing!!
I pulled up at a red light behind a car. The light was red, they engaged gear and drove off, the light was still red, amazing!!

I've seen that a couple of times recently. One just crept slowly over the line when the lights were red and turned right, a bit like a cyclist who was ignoring the lights would do. 8am rush hour.
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