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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

Orang Utan

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Story here:
I think this is footage of the disruption, though not confirmed (be warned it's quite upsetting):

It's a worrying development IMO.
These people are clearly motivated by nothing but hatred and malice and their supposed concern for children is quite obviously nonsense as they wouldn't be yelling at children about grooming and using terms like autogynephilia.
How to counter such hatred though?
I work in that sphere and we also have such activities coming up. Would like to support any way I could.

Funny how no-one's ever protested at a theatre for putting on a pantomomime!
Because having angry men storm into a library is good for small children unlike being read a story by a funny lady.

They're gonna be busy in panto season, by God!
(though the vocal protester in the vid is a woman)
Story here:
I think this is footage of the disruption, though not confirmed (be warned it's quite upsetting):

It's a worrying development IMO.
These people are clearly motivated by nothing but hatred and malice and their supposed concern for children is quite obviously nonsense as they wouldn't be yelling at children about grooming and using terms like autogynephilia.
How to counter such hatred though?
I work in that sphere and we also have such activities coming up. Would like to support any way I could.

Funny how no-one's ever protested at a theatre for putting on a pantomomime!

Listen to how those fucking moron QAnon deluded shitheads have upset those kids with their bullshit. Utter fucking cunts.

I hope the drag artist sues the fuck out of them too.
There’s a lot of bigotry about this to be found online as I discovered when I clicked on the Untowardtowardspaedophiles hashtag last night :mad:
It sounds like very much an imitation of US stuff, Proud Boy types have been doing this shit for years over there, see:

Hopefully we're a bit less likely to have idiots taking guns to the library here?
Isn't there sometimes a drag element to panto (ugly sisters etc) was my point. And it's for CHILDREN!!1!
Yes, exactly. And it also demonstrates that drag does not necessarily ‘sexualise’ anything.
Drag queens may be explicit and risqué at a cabaret, but they’re not going to do the same act as they do at a story time event. For kids, it’s just a grown up playing dress up and reading a story, while emphasising the beauty of diversity. If anything the innuendo of pantomime is more risqué than these events.
It sounds like very much an imitation of US stuff, Proud Boy types have been doing this shit for years over there, see:

Hopefully we're a bit less likely to have idiots taking guns to the library here?
Have our own fash ever taken an interest? As I said on the other thread men dressing as women is seen as a perversion by the far right. But this does seem like an import as I'm not aware of drag queens being targets here.
It sounds like very much an imitation of US stuff, Proud Boy types have been doing this shit for years over there, see:

Hopefully we're a bit less likely to have idiots taking guns to the library here?
It's just another outlet for the rising right wing homophobia in the US, followed by a handful of idiot shitstains here.
Have our own fash ever taken an interest? As I said on the other thread men dressing as women is seen as a perversion by the far right. But this does seem like an import as I'm not aware of drag queens being targets here.
I mean, I dunno if the people who turned up in Reading have been fully ID'd, but it sounds like that's what's happening right now. Also, looking at the article in the OP:
"Following Reading, Samuel will run sessions in libraries at Crewe, Bristol, Cornwall, Brighton and Hove, Portsmouth, Leeds, Cardiff, Rochdale, Bolton and Somerset."
Sounds like it might be a good idea for people in those areas to be prepared then. List of dates here:
I have not noticed any controversy over panto in the past (haven't bothered to check though). tis curious.

Because panto is something we’ve done forever.

In this case, we have imported both drag queen story time and the right-wing protester element from the US as a package deal.
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It sounds like very much an imitation of US stuff, Proud Boy types have been doing this shit for years over there, see:

Hopefully we're a bit less likely to have idiots taking guns to the library here?

Like much of the anti-LGBT groomer rhetoric currently being deployed in the US the drag queen moral panic began in the UK on mumsnet and gender critical twitter. The campaign against this event also began on mumsnet and there seems to have been at least one gender critical activist involved:

The irony is that many of the traditional stories we've repeated to kids for generations have really toxic messages. If you want to talk about protecting kids from perverts, what about the hero of Sleeping Beauty who kisses sleeping women without their consent?!
The irony is that many of the traditional stories we've repeated to kids for generations have really toxic messages. If you want to talk about protecting kids from perverts, what about the hero of Sleeping Beauty who kisses sleeping women without their consent?!

Or horrific stories like Hansel & Gretel.
(though the vocal protester in the vid is a woman)

just one other example,

there are as may women as men with reactionary ideas about gender roles, based on my own experience. this antidrag stuff is about keeping the rightwing attacks coming consistently from many directions, a theme i've touched on before. it's also an attempt not to revive this bullshit Pizzagate conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
Saw someone online moaning she was 'terrified' (her words) to send her daughter to primary schoool because of all of the weird, pervy stuff going on in schools outlined by.... Graham Linehan in a blog post. Honestly, it was such bullshit, there was evidence parents had complained about the things listed, but no evidence whatsoever of any harm resulting, nor any evidence that any of this stuff was common - so things like 'mixed sex dorms on a school trip' (no background, guessing this might mean there was a trans child, who presumably their peers were happy to share with), 'Year 8 girls getting lessons on sex positivity and making plasticine vaginas' (note use of year group, not age, to make it look worse - but actually age 12-13 seems ideal and appropriate to be giving the girls the message they shouldn't have to endure miserable sex and to understand their bodies) and kids being told that sometimes men can give birth (horrors!)
Saw someone online moaning she was 'terrified' (her words) to send her daughter to primary schoool because of all of the weird, pervy stuff going on in schools outlined by.... Graham Linehan in a blog post. Honestly, it was such bullshit, there was evidence parents had complained about the things listed, but no evidence whatsoever of any harm resulting, nor any evidence that any of this stuff was common - so things like 'mixed sex dorms on a school trip' (no background, guessing this might mean there was a trans child, who presumably their peers were happy to share with), 'Year 8 girls getting lessons on sex positivity and making plasticine vaginas' (note use of year group, not age, to make it look worse - but actually age 12-13 seems ideal and appropriate to be giving the girls the message they shouldn't have to endure miserable sex and to understand their bodies) and kids being told that sometimes men can give birth (horrors!)

With schools anyone, whether actual parents or just axe-grinding weirdos, can fling whatever shit they like online and the staff aren't really able to reply or correct bad information because unlike the trolls we're required to actually care about confidentiality, safeguarding, ridiculous 'woke' stuff like that.
Terf story time seems less popular with the kids.

Gruffalos and BFG's are one thing, it's easy to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy a fun story about them. But an all-powerful trans cabal abolishing the word 'woman'? Any five year old could tell that was a load of old hogwash.
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