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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

Brought this worrying trend up a few months back

The right are emboldened by their political leaders to spout their hateful noise and fear it's going to get worse

Reckon it's important to give a fuck about American laws, because what happens in that place tends to ripple across the globe and gain influence and admirers. These laws are inflaming hatred against LGBT folk. Which is yet another huge section of the people who are being targeted by the far right.

The words "grooming" and "groomer" are being increasingly used to smear people who speak out against homophobia and bigotry (especially LGBT and their allies) as paedophiles.

The Don't Say Gay law in Florida, prohibits any teachings on or discussions of LGBT at schools. Similar to the crackdown on sexuality in Putin's Russia and 80s Britain - the infamous Section 28

Section 28: What was it and how did it affect LGBT+ people? - BBC Three

‘Don’t Say Gay’: Disney clashes with DeSantis over Florida bill

Republicans Say ‘Groomer’ to Put a Nice Face on Homophobia

The worry is that there will be more needless massacres and murders with the kind of tensions and hatreds being inflamed.
Do these people not understand that performers know the difference between an audience of adults and one of 3 year olds?

Do they not appreciate that kids have probably seen more sexual explicitness in pop videos?

Well, they know that, but don't let it get in the way of good old moral outrage.
When people accuse drag queens or trans women of trying to take sexual advantage of women and children I'm always reminded of a friend's excellent observation that the best way to get access to vulnerable people has been and always will be 'man-face' - just be a man in a position of authority like manager, priest, teacher or sports trainer. Much easier and more effective than pretending to be a woman.
When people accuse drag queens or trans women of trying to take sexual advantage of women and children I'm always reminded of a friend's excellent observation that the best way to get access to vulnerable people has been and always will be 'man-face' - just be a man in a position of authority like manager, priest, teacher or sports trainer. Much easier and more effective than pretending to be a woman.
Or be incredibly vocal in condemning and protesting against drag queens or trans women and accusing them of being paedophiles. That would be great cover for people guilty of abusing kids.
Do these people not understand that performers know the difference between an audience of adults and one of 3 year olds?

Do they not appreciate that kids have probably seen more sexual explicitness in pop videos?

Well, they know that, but don't let it get in the way of good old moral outrage.

I don't think they understand much of anything. They just swallow whatever they're fed by the internet and don't bother putting it through a 'does this actually make sense' filter first. As long as it gives them an excuse to hate someone they already hated anyway, then it's a fact.
You probably want to hold your noses for this one but if you actually engage in conversation these would be the bits you're refuting
You probably want to hold your noses for this one but if you actually engage in conversation these would be the bits you're refuting

Don't think I want to hear about safeguarding from people who invade a kids event at a library and scream a load of weird, upestting shit.
This isn't an adult act though is it, it's for kids.

As for political purposes, does there have to be one?
It is an adult act, for kids. And of course it’s political. What in your view is the message you hope children will take from this experience?
It is an adult act, for kids. And of course it’s political. What in your view is the message you hope children will take from this experience?

Again, must there be a message? Can't some kids just listen to some stories?

Perhaps people should take their kids to something more traditional, with fewer adult themes. Like a Punch and Judy show.
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