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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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What happens if the POTUS was bankrupt? Can't imagine anything shaming Trump so much ragging on his wealth or lack of..
What happens if the POTUS was bankrupt? Can't imagine anything shaming Trump so much ragging on his wealth or lack of..

Oh he'd just start talking about his cock or how hot his daughters arse is - this is a man utterly defined and driven by his monstrous (and i use the word deliberately) ego. Nothing is a setback, it's just a failed attempt on his wealth/sexual prowess/brilliance and drives his delusions even further.

Nothing will stop him believing this stuff, not even impeachment and a prison cell. Only one thing will truly stop him, and the US Secret Service - possibly the most humourless organisation in the world - takes a very dim view of it.

Well, hitherto...
What happens if the POTUS was bankrupt? Can't imagine anything shaming Trump so much ragging on his wealth or lack of..
Well his real wealth is a subject he's remarkably touchy about and that's probably why he refused to disclose his tax affairs as it can't be due to diligent avoidance. Trump thinks that makes him "smart" and a lot of US voters seem to agree with him there.

Like a lot of high rollers he does have a big pile of debt; perhaps $1 billion mostly securitised.

On MarketWatch Trump’s debts are held by more than 150 Wall Street firms
As a result, a broader array of financial institutions now are in a potentially powerful position over the incoming president. If the Trump businesses were to default on their debts, the giant financial institutions that serve as so-called special servicers of these loan pools would have the power to foreclose on some of Trump’s marquee properties or seek the tens of millions of dollars that Trump personally guaranteed on the loans.
His administration is going to be as swampy as a swamp thing in a swamp with Wall St eager to splash about in it.
One things very clear, the Donald sure can get people excited. Claim down for fucks sake, some of you will give your fingers RSI. Its just some bloke who has won an election thousands of miles away from most of you, it isn't going to change your day to day life. Get over it and move on to something you can change :thumbs:

Democracy is a wonderful thing until you disagree with the result, personally I think democracy is total bollocks :)
Well that was fucking bonkers.

Still banging on about the wall with mexico, dismantling obamacare, threatening putin, threatening the chinese - i thought all that would have been left on the campaign trail.
This information has been passed to the media, with the connivance of the intelligence services, with the intent of delegitimising the next US president.

This is all incredibly unprecedented,.

If the story turns out to be false, then there will have been a very recent precident of using falsehood in order to delegitimize a President: Trump's incessant, multi-year insistence that Obama wasn't born in the US - a claim that he didn't question until September 2016, and a claim which 71% of Republican voters were still receptive to as of Fall 2016.
If the story turns out to be false, then there will have been a very recent precident of using falsehood in order to delegitimize a President: Trump's incessant, multi-year insistence that Obama wasn't born in the US - a claim that he didn't question until September 2016, and a claim which 71% of Republican voters were still receptive to as of Fall 2016.
Well Dubya got much the same treatment over hanging chads and being in cahoots with Big Oil. The Clintons got pursued relentlessly by Newt over often overblown scandals and Hilary would be facing a relentless smear campaign if she'd won. Systematically delegitimising a new President is practically traditional American political hardball. Not being a really bad loser is a downright un-American activity. Trump's so American he even manages to be a sore winner.

"Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards. Americans play to win all of the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an American." - General George Smith Patton
Well judging by that presser if you voted for Trump hoping to be entertained you are not going to be disappointed by the next four years.

It's almost worth the chance of getting obliterated by incoming nukes when the big buffoon really messes up.
The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

IN JANUARY, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”

Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes, and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing — eager — to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry and damaging those behaviors might be.

The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There are a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combatting those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?

All of these toxic ingredients were on full display yesterday as the Deep State unleashed its tawdriest and most aggressive assault yet on Trump: vesting credibility in and then causing the public disclosure of a completely unvetted and unverified document, compiled by a paid, anonymous operative while he was working for both GOP and Democratic opponents of Trump, accusing Trump of a wide range of crimes, corrupt acts and salacious private conduct. The reaction to all of this illustrates that while the Trump presidency poses grave dangers, so, too, do those who are increasingly unhinged in their flailing, slapdash, and destructive attempts to undermine it.
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