Ok, I noticed at the time of Brexit, when Sanders lost the Democrat nomination to Clinton and after Trump won, there were quite a few posts here suggesting these were related to politicians failing to engage with working class voters.
If you look at figures for voting to leave the EU, 53% of white people voted leave. Only 27% of Black and 33% of Asian people did (see link below
6th graph down). Couldn't find a breakdown based on class, but I couldn't find any reports showing widespread support among working class BAME for Brexit, then there was the spate of racist and xenophobic attacks after the vote. So it's hard to argue that the leave result was from working class disaffection, unless you
exclude people of colour from the definition of "working class."
Every time I suggested Sanders would have fared less well than Clinton as the Democrat candidate either because lotsa white folks wouldn't vote for a Jewish Socialist and he had little support from African Americans, explaining both, I was just told I was talking shit. Explaining why I just might have some insight into how and why white, rural working class Americans might vote (i.e. like it's where I come from), I was slammed for unfairly calling white working class Americans racist. When I posted links to a brace of articles from African Americans explaining why Sanders wouldn't cut it, naw, no interest.
In the presidential election,
57% of white voters went for Trump. Only 8% of African American voters did. A higher proportion of African Americans are working class than whites are (i.e. in blue collar jobs, have lower levels of education and worse income and benefit packages - indicators most Americans use when they talk about class.) So, folks who still harp on about working class Americans rejecting Clinton, they certainly ain't including African Americans in their definition of working class.
Somehow down the track, my drawing attention to the above, my explanation of how white supremacy is embedded in US culture, my suggestion of white, male dominance in political movements on the left, and the fertile imaginations of some posters, led to a some quite childish personal attacks. That's the ones I can see because I muted the most tedious posters.
Ah well, at least plenty examples round these parts to support the concept of
Horseshoe Theory.