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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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What I find on Google, is that Trump got an incredibly low percentage of the black vote; also on Google is the fact that Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes.
He got more black voters than Romney.

What I have been unable to find is turnout figures for the black population. More people voted for no-one than voted for any of the candidates.
He got more black voters than Romney.


That's interesting.

The picture gets more complicated when comparing this with prior elections:

Trump performed better with black voters than McCain did in 2008, and on par with Bush’s performance in 2000.

Trump performed as well as McCain did with Latino voters in 2008, and did only somewhat worse than Bush in 2000

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.

It seems reasonable to think that a percentage of conservative black voters voted for the black candidate in the two elections involving Barack Obama.

Another interesting fact - from the exit polls -

Trump actually performed slightly worse among white voters than Mitt Romney did.

- same article
I have. From start to finish. Which is why I'm so interested in these instances of Trump apologising.

The only examples of note have been from Casually Red and squirrelp neither of whom have been involved in the current discussion. So examples please.

I've referred to trump as a no good cunt from page one of this thread and regularly throughout . Wanting a Clinton defeat , and pointing out how awful that candidate and everything she stands for is is not Trump apologism . trump is vile , dangerous , despicable ..a horrible cunt . I've made that clear repeatedly .
How about demonstrating genuine commitment to tackling the inequalities that underpin the divisions?

When history tells folks that such calls for solidarity are mostly about window-dressing, that issues affecting them will always be bottom of the agenda and they'll be thrown under a bus when the going gets tough, don't be surprised if they say, "Nah."

Was a big problem with Sanders campaign - looked great on paper to white folks who are still scratching their heads why Black people didn't fall into line.

I think that was..and remains..an infinitely bigger problem with the Clinton campaign . Who arent merely scratching their heads about people not falling into line but going into meltdown..despite being smugness incarnate right up until the moment reality slapped them silly at 3 in the morning . Which was quite gratifying to watch .

Sanders big problem was that his own party was inherently corrupt ...to its core...and conspired to ensure the other candidate won instead .
I'm not going to link it on here, but stumbled across a vid of Bill Reilly talking about the upcoming demonstrations and blockades at the inauguration. Now it may be just the usual far right crap, but in casting resistance to Trump as an attempted coup and assassination, in linking the left with Daesh and in calling on the right to tool up and prepare to support the state in violent suppression of any resistance there is more than a whiff of the US far right preparing to do " a Rwanda" on the largely unarmed US left.

The bloodcurdling threats underneath the vid online only serve to reinforce this.

Looks like things may be about to go to a whole new level I am afraid.:(
I'm not going to link it on here, but stumbled across a vid of Bill Reilly talking about the upcoming demonstrations and blockades at the inauguration. Now it may be just the usual far right crap, but in casting resistance to Trump as an attempted coup and assassination, in linking the left with Daesh and in calling on the right to tool up and prepare to support the state in violent suppression of any resistance there is more than a whiff of the US far right preparing to do " a Rwanda" on the largely unarmed US left.

The bloodcurdling threats underneath the vid online only serve to reinforce this.

Looks like things may be about to go to a whole new level I am afraid.:(

Rwanda ?

Rwanda ?


Ok..how many million US liberals do you think might die in the first month of this Trumpocide ? Ball park figure ? 2 million...3 million ?
Rwanda ?

Rwanda ?


Ok..how many million US liberals do you think might die in the first month of this Trumpocide ? Ball park figure ? 2 million...3 million ?

Scoff away, hope you are justified in scoffing. But from what I can see there is going to be blood in America. O'Reilly, the Breitbart gang, the xtian fundies are talking the language of civil war. They are now not sounding too different from fruit loop Alex Jones and his guest last month:

"MATT BRACKEN: Demographically, we’re doomed. If they keep the borders wide open for another election cycle, if they get another couple Ruth Bader Ginsburgs on the Supreme Court, then the only way back will be a shooting civil war. And a shooting civil war today won’t be a clean North-South thing – like war in northern Virginia with a line around Richmond, it’s going to be more like Bloody Kansas, or Missouri, with Quantrill and the Red Legs. It'll be a war of assassinations, IEDs -- it’s going to be a really nasty war.

ALEX JONES (HOST): It’s going to be the war of the death squads.

BRACKEN: Yeah. Or like Argentina in the ‘70s with people being taken out on helicopters and thrown out in the ocean. It’s going to be that kind of a war."

Do you think "liberals" are the only target and Putinbot "reds" like yourself will be safe from the "purge" ?
I'm not going to link it on here, but stumbled across a vid of Bill Reilly talking about the upcoming demonstrations and blockades at the inauguration. Now it may be just the usual far right crap, but in casting resistance to Trump as an attempted coup and assassination, in linking the left with Daesh and in calling on the right to tool up and prepare to support the state in violent suppression of any resistance there is more than a whiff of the US far right preparing to do " a Rwanda" on the largely unarmed US left.

The bloodcurdling threats underneath the vid online only serve to reinforce this.

Looks like things may be about to go to a whole new level I am afraid.:(
Could get pretty nasty. Trump is the most hated and feared president elect in living memory. I went to Bush's "counter-inaugural" for his 2nd term and it was wimpy and disorganized. But the Donald is infinitely worse and has very violence prone followers.
On top of the daunting threats to any inaugural ceremony, the three dozen agencies responsible for security at the Jan. 20 festivities are preparing for the possibility of large numbers of protesters flooding the capital, along with what may be nearly a million supporters of Mr. Trump.
Scoff away, hope you are justified in scoffing. But from what I can see there is going to be blood in America. O'Reilly, the Breitbart gang, the xtian fundies are talking the language of civil war. They are now not sounding too different from fruit loop Alex Jones and his guest last month:

"MATT BRACKEN: Demographically, we’re doomed. If they keep the borders wide open for another election cycle, if they get another couple Ruth Bader Ginsburgs on the Supreme Court, then the only way back will be a shooting civil war. And a shooting civil war today won’t be a clean North-South thing – like war in northern Virginia with a line around Richmond, it’s going to be more like Bloody Kansas, or Missouri, with Quantrill and the Red Legs. It'll be a war of assassinations, IEDs -- it’s going to be a really nasty war.

ALEX JONES (HOST): It’s going to be the war of the death squads.

BRACKEN: Yeah. Or like Argentina in the ‘70s with people being taken out on helicopters and thrown out in the ocean. It’s going to be that kind of a war."

Do you think "liberals" are the only target and Putinbot "reds" like yourself will be safe from the "purge" ?

Yeah because I don't live other there, I don't take Alex Jones seriously and because there isn't going to be a feckin Rwanda genocide in the US . Wise up .

Even on invowars they're surmising it'll only be as bad as Guatemala or El Salvador .
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