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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I think you are so scarred by your upbringing in Nixonland that you can't actually think straight about it.

Speaking of Nixonland

'Nixon was more liberal,' Obama says

President Obama said in an interview airing Monday he was "probably not" the most liberal American president, arguing that "in a lot of ways," even Richard Nixon was farther to the left.

"The truth of the matter is, when you look at some of my policies, in a lot of ways Richard Nixon was more liberal than I was," Obama told Fox News's Bill O'Reilly. "Started the EPA, you know, started a whole lot of the regulatory state that has made our air and water clean."
Always nice to see hopeful things.

Indianapolis Colts black cheerleader hugs boy who used slur

Leanna went to shake the boy's hand when they met an Indianapolis Colts conference room on Wednesday night, but he instead greeted her with a hug and flowers.

"He actually referred to himself as a dumb kid that messed up and he said he was trying to be funny and wasn't and that he made a mistake and he was sorry," she told the IndyStar, "very sorry for hurting me and others."

The boy's mother, who accompanied him to the meeting, thanked the cheerleader for her forgiveness and told her the boy had not learned such language at home, Leanna said.

The cheerleader told the IndyStar: "I'm at peace with it."

"I hope that people look at themselves and step back and realise everybody makes mistakes," she added. "Nobody's perfect."

Indianapolis Colts black cheerleader hugs boy who used slur - BBC News
No. If you can't actually discuss or argue your points why don't you toddle off back to the bandwidth thread where you can endlessly spam bullshit to your heart's content.
Uh no, unless someone died and left you in charge, we can all post wherever we like here, so long as it's within the roooolz. You wanna bust a blood vessel from reading my posts? No skin off my arse.
I think you are so scarred by your upbringing in Nixonland that you can't actually think straight about it.
They announced his resignation when I was at church camp. Used to draw pictures of the people testifying at the Watergate hearings, but tbf, hadn't a clue what it was about. Too young.
Uh no, unless someone died and left you in charge, we can all post wherever we like here, so long as it's within the roooolz. You wanna bust a blood vessel from reading my posts? No skin off my arse.
Then I'm equally entitled to neither put you on ignore nor stop commenting on your inane nonsense aren't I? No burst blood vessels here, you're the one who has to put your critics on ignore or beg others to do the same to you.
Sniff Sniff snort

What's Going On With Trump's Sniffling?

Then I'm equally entitled to neither put you on ignore nor stop commenting on your inane nonsense aren't I? No burst blood vessels here, you're the one who has to put your critics on ignore or beg others to do the same to you.
It's the season of peace and goodwill to all men. The ignore button can help with this.
I do wonder how a man of his age has been able to campaign so hard, non-stop, 7 days a week, for months now. I can barely make it through a standard work week. Many top job politicians are on something. There was a good tv series on the subject called Altered Statesman. Trump is definitely the kind of man to have his own doctor on hand at all times.. ..
I thought the same with D Cameron, theyre all corrupt hypocrites who don't play fair.
They are knowingly engaging in cat-and-mouse provocation and counter with stuff like this in the South China Sea whatever the ostensible purpose was though.

Given the election of the mango millionaire, its more 'Tom and Jerry'
Yes, it sounds like that to you. It doesn't sound like that to many Americans on the left of the US political spectrum. That is the point I'm trying to make.

I know this is a UK based message board and probably 95% of contributors are British or British folks abroad. Fair enough. But, I have noticed when some of the Americans or ex-Americans here try to explain (not necessarily even agree) why some Americans think and do this or that, from a position of experience, it gets rubbished. Lost count of the times folk have refused to countenance the embedded white supremacy in the US, usually with a, "Naw, mate, it's all about class," when no buddy, it's not.

Perhaps I could suggest that those in need of understanding the 'mood of a America today' visit the American sites, 'mother Jones' and 'politico'
Apologies to those who are familiar with them, but to those who aren't! be careful in visiting the 'comments sections'
However they open many a window as to how the Average American feels.
Also makes you thankful that you are a citizen of the UK, despite our many shortfalls.
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Seeing lots of "ugh" responses to this from African Americans on t'interwebs. Stories like this give white folks the warm fuzzies and confirm that it's okay to treat people of colour like trash coz y'know, they'll forgive you for it in the end and everyone will applaud your transformation. :(

Yeah, best to just keep people divided.
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For what it's worth...

Barack Obama: I'm 'confident' I could have won a third term as president
Barack Obama has said he believes he would have won a third term in office were he eligible to run in the 2016 presidential election... ...In a wide-ranging interview with former aide David Axelrod, the outgoing president expressed his belief that he could have won re-election in 2016, based on his view that most Americans still subscribed to his progressive vision and ideals.
The outgoing president summarized this progressive American spirit as one that “manifests itself in communities all across the country. We see it in this younger generation that is smarter, more tolerant, more innovative, more creative, more entrepreneurial, would not even think about, you know, discriminating against somebody for example because of their sexual orientation.” Ultimately, Obama did not think the election represented a sea change in American politics or a repudiation of his administration, insisting that “the culture actually did shift, that the majority does buy into the notion of one America that is tolerant and diverse and open and full of energy and dynamism”.
This bit is, IMO, particularly significant
Obama might very well have fared better in the 2016 election. Clinton was unable to turn out as many African American voters as Obama had in the previous two general elections. Her support among blue-collar white voters also collapsed. This was particularly notable in Wisconsin, a state where Obama won white non-college-educated voters in both 2008 and 2012. Clinton was unable to compensate for these demographic losses with sufficient gains among Hispanic, white and college-educated voters.
Yeah, best to just keep people divided.

How about demonstrating genuine commitment to tackling the inequalities that underpin the divisions?

When history tells folks that such calls for solidarity are mostly about window-dressing, that issues affecting them will always be bottom of the agenda and they'll be thrown under a bus when the going gets tough, don't be surprised if they say, "Nah."

Was a big problem with Sanders campaign - looked great on paper to white folks who are still scratching their heads why Black people didn't fall into line.
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