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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Wait I thought war was woke now, it's so hard to keep up with people whose politics is mostly just constantly pivoting vacuous deference.
Donald's been telling porkies about his height.

It may just be an inch, but size apparently matters to Trump. A letterthat the businessman candidate displayed this summer from his longtime gastroenterologist — while appearing on the Dr. Oz show — stated he was 6-foot-3, though media reports were quick to point out discrepancies.

Slate, for example, posited that Trump was adding an inch to his height to avoid crossing into obesity territory — he also weighed 236 pounds — on the BMI index. That Slate article pointed to multiple media that pegged Trump as 6-foot-2, including Google, though thesearch engine now has Trump at 6-foot-3.

Trump's driver's license casts doubt on height claims

Mature! Not.

Yes, this is the US President.
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What is going on in Texas is despicable :(

I do wonder though, if this request has more to do with Ivanka and the things she wants to work on. Don't get me wrong, the man is an insane mysogynistic bully, but I think if we always jump to conclusions it just gives more fodder to the rabid right.
Do you mean he wants stats for women's health (e.g. maternal mortality, complications from illegal abortions, deaths from undiagnosed breast and cervical cancers, etc.) to plummet, then Ivanka can come in with some fancy new (for profit of course) programme supposedly to fix this? Just not too sure what you mean. I do think he wants to give her things to do as a "star turn" but I'm not sure how this fits with suppressing reproductive health care.

Edit: I doubt Trump has strong feelings either way about abortion, but he's spoken against it because his party pals expect him at least to regurgitate some of their fundamentalist Christian ideology and give the nod to laws that push it.
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It's the new post-truth orthodoxy.

"Really, if you think about it, Trump's no worse than Obama was."

Good luck selling that load of toss.

Oh, but there are plenty of willing "buyers" out there, happy to lap up this garbage. Because y'know, whatever he does, Trump's not a n****r. :mad:
Let's get America Working Again!

Donald Trump's vineyard is looking to hire foreign workers to start just days after he's sworn in as president.
In a filing with the U.S. Department of Labor, the Charlottesville, Virginia winery says it will need six workers to work six days a week as farmworkers and laborers. The pay is $10.72 an hour, and the temporary jobs are expected to run from Jan. 31 to June 30.

The vineyard is part of the Trump Winery, which has a hotel and tasting room that are open to the public. The winery, which is run by Trump's son Eric, did not respond to a request for comment about its use of foreign workers. Neither did the Trump transition team.

Trump's vineyard looking to hire foreign workers as laborers
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I wonder why on earth this accusatory culture of being intellectually dishonest and snarkily punching down isn't more electorally successful?
I'm certainly interested in hearing the deep analysis of why the President of the United States feels compelled to add an inch to his height, if you'd care to provide it. :)
Any man over 6 foot's height fluctuates by up to an inch over the course of a day. A lot of things worry me about Trump. Whether he is 6 foot 2 or 6 foot 3 is not one of those things.
Any man over 6 foot's height fluctuates by up to an inch over the course of a day. A lot of things worry me about Trump. Whether he is 6 foot 2 or 6 foot 3 is not one of those things.

This isn't about physical fluctuations in height. It's about someone whose licence says he's 6'2", saying he's 6'3", then complaining when the press reports that he's 6'2".

Of course it isn't a big deal on its own. What it is, is another small revelation of the character of the man - a vain, narcissistic man with a big chip on his shoulder.

Another small revelation of the character of the President of the United States.
So we have a load of vested interest placemen when he was supposed to be 'draining the swamp' plus various other u-turns. Obviously the guy's a lying piece of shit and quite possibly unstable to boot. Who knew?
Fucks sake "lets kick off the nuclear arms race". Ronald Regan thought this was crazy and he had Alzheimers.

'Let it be an arms race': Trump appears to double down on nuclear expansion

An arms race, but not of the Cold War variety of US against the USSR. This time it's the US and Russia against everyone else in the world. This is a whole new ball game.

Trump and Putin: The worst case scenario

Juuuuuuust in case folks missed it above, Trump was saying this nearly 30 years ago:

“Most of those [pre-nuclear] countries are in one form or another dominated by the US and the Soviet Union,” Trump told journalist Roy Rosenbaum. “Between those two nations you have the power to dominate any of those countries. So we should use our power of economic retaliation and they use their powers of retaliation, and between the two of us we will prevent the problem from happening. It would have been better having done something five years ago. But I believe even a country such as Pakistan would have to do something now. Five years from now they’ll laugh.”

When Rosenbaum suggested Pakistan would not respond favorably to this policy, Trump laughed:

“Maybe we should offer them something. I’m saying you start off as nicely as possible. You apply as much pressure as necessary until you achieve the goal. You start off telling them, ‘Let’s get rid of it.’ If that doesn’t work you then start cutting off aid. And more aid and then more. You do whatever is necessary so these people will have riots in the street, so they can’t get water. So they can’t get Band-Aids, so they can’t get food. Because that’s the only thing that’s going to do it—the people, the riots.”

Let this sink in.
Trump appoints his business attorney to manage international negotiations :facepalm:

President-elect Donald Trump is moving a top Trump Organization attorney over to serve as the administration's man to manage sensitive diplomatic and international negotiations.

Jason Greenblatt, the executive vice president and chief legal officer for Trump's business empire, will take on the title of special representative for international negotiations. A source familiar with the appointment told CNN that Greenblatt will primarily will be working on Israel-Palestinian peace process, the American relationship with Cuba and trade agreements.
An arms race, but not of the Cold War variety of US against the USSR. This time it's the US and Russia against everyone else in the world. This is a whole new ball game.

Trump and Putin: The worst case scenario

Juuuuuuust in case folks missed it above, Trump was saying this nearly 30 years ago:

“Most of those [pre-nuclear] countries are in one form or another dominated by the US and the Soviet Union,” Trump told journalist Roy Rosenbaum. “Between those two nations you have the power to dominate any of those countries. So we should use our power of economic retaliation and they use their powers of retaliation, and between the two of us we will prevent the problem from happening. It would have been better having done something five years ago. But I believe even a country such as Pakistan would have to do something now. Five years from now they’ll laugh.”

When Rosenbaum suggested Pakistan would not respond favorably to this policy, Trump laughed:

“Maybe we should offer them something. I’m saying you start off as nicely as possible. You apply as much pressure as necessary until you achieve the goal. You start off telling them, ‘Let’s get rid of it.’ If that doesn’t work you then start cutting off aid. And more aid and then more. You do whatever is necessary so these people will have riots in the street, so they can’t get water. So they can’t get Band-Aids, so they can’t get food. Because that’s the only thing that’s going to do it—the people, the riots.”

Let this sink in.

This is almost as bad as the Syrian thread now
Apparently the team behind the series The Man in the High Castle are likening the alternative history scenario where the Axis powers run the USA to Trump being elected.
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