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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Donald Trump's campaign co-chair tells Michelle Obama to go to Africa and live with a gorilla

A New York developer and leading supporter of Donald Trump, is at the centre of outcry after he said he hoped Barack Obama died of mad cow disease that the First Lady moved to Africa and lived in a cave with gorillas.
Carl Paladino, the co-chairman of Mr Trump’s New York campaign, defended his comments that appeared in a free weekly newspaper published Buffalo. Artvoice asked several leading figures from the city for their hopes for 2017.
Or this [I think the full details bear repeating...]

Carl Paladino is a Buffalo, New York, businessman, a former Republican candidate for New York governor, and the New York state co-chair of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

He’s also an unabashed racist pushing crude fantasies about bestiality.

In a four-question survey of local personalities in Artvoice, a Buffalo arts and culture website, Paladino took the opportunity to reveal his thoughts about outgoing US president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. To the questions “What would you most like to happen in 2017?” and “What would you like to see go away in 2017?” he answered:

1. Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret [sic], who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady [sic] cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.

2. Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.

Other Buffalo news outlets, perhaps hoping this was some horrible editing error, contacted Paladino to verify he actually made those comments. As the Buffalo News reported:

Paladino verified to The Buffalo News that he did make the comments, while at the same time slamming News editors for inquiring.

“Of course I did,” he said Friday morning. “Tell them all to go f— themselves.”

“Tell that Rod Watson I made that comment just for him,” he continued, referencing one of the News’ black editors who is also a columnist.

In a year full of loathsome characters, we have a late contender for the worst of 2016

It's almost as if this Trump supporter, instead of being a well informed working-class American voting to right the wrongs of the System .... is like...... like a racist American Trump supporter.

Imagine that.
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Exclusive: Trump team seeks names of officials working to counter violent extremism

Trump has frequently criticized President Barack Obama for not doing enough to battle Islamic militants and for his refusal to use the term "radical Islam" to describe Islamic State and other militant groups.

Some career officials said they feared the incoming administration may be looking to undo the work that the Obama administration has done on countering violent extremism.

"They're picking a few issues to ask for people's names," said one government official who spoke on condition of anonymity, reflecting wider fears that those who worked on such issues could be marginalized by the new administration.

First he wanted a list of people who study climate change, then those involved in promoting women's rights. Hmmmm.

The answer to "Why did Planned Parenthood supporters vote Trump" appears to be: "They have paid no attention to what the Republican Party stands for."

The majority of people in the focus groups knew little about the intense social conservatism of people Trump has surrounded himself with. Shown a document listing Vice President–elect Pence’s legislative history on reproductive rights, a 54-year-old man in Phoenix said: “I’m astounded. I guess I’ve been living in a bubble. I wasn’t aware of this. He sounds like a tyrant when it comes to this.”

It seems more like a failure of the media or Facebook sharers or whatever for it to have completely escaped people's attention that the Republican Party has been waging war on Planned Parenthood for years, and that Mike Pence would turn the US into the Handmaiden's Tale if left to his own devices. I don't know what the Clinton campaign strategy in states like Arizona was, but maybe some TV ads focusing on this and flashing "THIS IS WHAT REPUBLICANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE" on the screen would have helped.
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The Artvoice comments are the latest example in a long history of Paladino making offensive statements, some of which caught national attention because of his role as a co-chairman in Donald J. Trump's New York State election campaign.

Paladino also defended a then-Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority commissioner who used a racial epithet to describe several African-American politicians, including Mayor Byron W. Brown.

And during his run for governor in 2010, Paladino received national attention for circulating emails, including pornographic images, and one that included the use of the N-word.

Paladino stirs outrage over new comments about Obama - The Buffalo News

In other words: your average, run-of-the-mill Trump supporter.
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I don't know what the Clinton campaign strategy in states like Arizona was, but maybe some TV ads focusing on this and flashing "THIS IS WHAT REPUBLICANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE" on the screen would have helped.
In the postmortem of the election, a frequent criticism of the Hillary campaign is that it failed to tie Trump to the Repub agenda as expressed in the congress. It focused on Trump bashing but never clearly said 'With Trump comes the Republican agenda of banning abortion, slashing social programs, trickle down economics, increased pollution, taking away health ins for millions, skyrocketing nat debt" etc. IOW It pretty much avoided political issues which was crazy. Trump/Repubs were such an easy target but Hillary failed to fire many meaningful shots at it.
In the postmortem of the election, a frequent criticism of the Hillary campaign is that it failed to tie Trump to the Repub agenda as expressed in the congress. It focused on Trump bashing but never clearly said 'With Trump comes the Republican agenda of banning abortion, slashing social programs, trickle down economics, increased pollution, taking away health ins for millions, skyrocketing nat debt" etc. IOW It pretty much avoided political issues which was crazy. Trump/Repubs were such an easy target but Hillary failed to fire many meaningful shots at it.

Yes, because she thought that she could win over the largely mythical 'moderate Republican demographic' and somehow use that to replace the white working-class demographic which won Obama the election in both 2008 and 2012, she basically failed to do this outside of states which vote Democrat anyway.


Nate Clinton swept all of the wealthy and white Protestant enclaves in Connecticut that always vote Republican. Clinton won Darien by 12 points — a 43-point improvement over 2012. She won New Canaan by 10 points, a 39-point gain.

Toni Wait, so this happened in Connecticut, but it didn’t happen in the suburbs of Philadelphia or Milwaukee, or in Michigan suburbs — where it would have mattered?

Nate Clinton made huge gains in the enclaves of the liberal elite, places like Boston, Seattle, Washington, D.C., where there’s a large professional class of lawyers or scientists or professors. But she just did not make similar gains in middle-class suburbs, like Long Island or around Tampa, Fla.
Trump won because he is a Manchurian candidate, part of a plot conceived by a now non-existent country to rig the US election 20 years later. I seriously think this stuff makes less sense than the racist birth certificate campaign.

Even better it's being pushed by people who talk about 'post-truth' and 'fake news'.
In the postmortem of the election, a frequent criticism of the Hillary campaign is that it failed to tie Trump to the Repub agenda as expressed in the congress. It focused on Trump bashing but never clearly said 'With Trump comes the Republican agenda of banning abortion, slashing social programs, trickle down economics, increased pollution, taking away health ins for millions, skyrocketing nat debt" etc. IOW It pretty much avoided political issues which was crazy. Trump/Repubs were such an easy target but Hillary failed to fire many meaningful shots at it.
I think this has been a thing among Democrats for a long time - glass half full, cock eyed optimists, too much faith that truth and what is right will prevail (Michelle Obama's "they go low, we go high" was a classic example), but also nervous about giving full, uncritical support to Democrat politicians because, either they don't personally agree with their views 100%, or their worried non Democrats will be upset by something they support and they don't want to divide the nation/state/county/community.

Before someone lights into me, I'm talking about party members - the ones who stuff envelopes, make phone calls, knock doors, organise coffee mornings, etc. I am not saying that every Democrat politician that ever lived was the picture of humility, generosity and/or riddled with self-doubt. But to be fair, during both the B Obama and B Clinton administrations, legislators from their own party were never foursquare behind them. So, plenty of policies never made it out of the starting gate, or ended up severely watered down in order to pass - like the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans aren't hampered by self-doubt. Most get chapter and verse on what to believe from the pulpit. They know what they are right and will pursue what's right by any means necessary. Party members and politicians follow their leaders, whatever they say or do. It surely must have taken hella mental gymnastics for some to fall in line behind Trump, but now their faith in him is unshakable, whatever he does. Every day there's a new announcement pointing to his incompetence, greed, nepotism, bigotry, thirst for war, disdain for any who don't lionise him, and intention to sell the country down the river to enrich himself. None of it matters to the folks who nailed their colours to his mast.

I think the Democrats genuinely believed voters would use their critical faculties, would see how catastrophic a Trump presidency would be, and would vote accordingly. Although Sanders (like Corbyn for Labour) brought out alot of people who probably wouldn't have voted at all, he also split off folks on the left of the party, who either stayed home or voted Stein. Sanders' wet pleas to them to back Hilary Clinton (a bit like Corbyn's limp lettuce backing for "Remain,") cut no ice.

Would it have made a difference if the Democrats had been more forthright in saying the Republicans want to trash the environment, cut access to health care, ban abortion, privitise state schools, etc.? I doubt it, because the message was already embedded that Clinton was a corrupt, greedy, war-mongering liar. Thus primed, why would anyone believe anything her campaign said?
Yea I'm sure it was the self doubt and other marks of fantastic character which got the ACA watered down, not the systemic corruption and the millions upon millions in donations from private health insurance companies desperate for Obama to increase the market share, which of course he duly did.

Obama campaigned on single payer and full transparency in the negotiation of health care reform, and made no attempt to deliver either. That isn't because he was riddled with self doubt or any other kind of romanticised form of anxiety, it was because he is a neoliberal politician implementing neoliberal policies. This of course is before we get to the Democrats to Obama's right who have been bought for decades by the same people who donated to Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Who do you think killed Colorado Care? Democrats. Why? Not because they were riddled with self-doubt, desperately sat at home with calculators trying to work out what is best for the average member of the American working-class. They killed it because they represent political and economic interests which necessitate attacks on even the most modest, purely regional, social democratic reforms. This is their politics. Most Democrats are against single payer for the same reason that Hamas cannot recognise the Israeli occupation of Palestine, this is their ideology.

Would it have made a difference if the Democrats had been more forthright in saying the Republicans want to trash the environment, cut access to health care, ban abortion, privitise state schools, etc.? I doubt it, because the message was already embedded that Clinton was a corrupt, greedy, war-mongering liar. Thus primed, why would anyone believe anything her campaign said

It always comes down to this sort of disgusting deference, doesn't it? Masses bad, big powerful smart politicians good. Only one of these can fail the other.
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Also isn't it amazing that people like CRI who called Sanders and his supporters sexist and racist throughout the primaries are now upset that Sanders was in some always unspecified way insufficiently pro-HRC? Why would you want a big horrible racist sexist like Sanders out stumping for you?

Imagine believing that being against single payer, or even a Mitt Romney neoliberal 'market solution' like the ACA, was somehow indicative of having a good character. Wow.

Discussing politics with Dems on the internet now reminds me of trying to engage with Zeitgeist believers years ago.
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Also isn't it amazing that people like CRI who called Sanders and his supporters sexist and racist throughout the primaries are now upset that Sanders was in some always unspecified way insufficiently pro-HRC? Why would you want a big horrible racist sexist like Sanders out stumping for you?

Imagine believing that being against single payer, or even a Mitt Romney neoliberal 'market solution' like the ACA, was somehow indicative of having a good character. Wow.
And these same people were always keen to claim that middle America would never vote for a Socialist Jew.
I think this has been a thing among Democrats for a long time - glass half full, cock eyed optimists, too much faith that truth and what is right will prevail (Michelle Obama's "they go low, we go high" was a classic example), but also nervous about giving full, uncritical support to Democrat politicians because, either they don't personally agree with their views 100%, or their worried non Democrats will be upset by something they support and they don't want to divide the nation/state/county/community.

Before someone lights into me, I'm talking about party members - the ones who stuff envelopes, make phone calls, knock doors, organise coffee mornings, etc. I am not saying that every Democrat politician that ever lived was the picture of humility, generosity and/or riddled with self-doubt. But to be fair, during both the B Obama and B Clinton administrations, legislators from their own party were never foursquare behind them. So, plenty of policies never made it out of the starting gate, or ended up severely watered down in order to pass - like the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans aren't hampered by self-doubt. Most get chapter and verse on what to believe from the pulpit. They know what they are right and will pursue what's right by any means necessary. Party members and politicians follow their leaders, whatever they say or do. It surely must have taken hella mental gymnastics for some to fall in line behind Trump, but now their faith in him is unshakable, whatever he does. Every day there's a new announcement pointing to his incompetence, greed, nepotism, bigotry, thirst for war, disdain for any who don't lionise him, and intention to sell the country down the river to enrich himself. None of it matters to the folks who nailed their colours to his mast.

I think the Democrats genuinely believed voters would use their critical faculties, would see how catastrophic a Trump presidency would be, and would vote accordingly. Although Sanders (like Corbyn for Labour) brought out alot of people who probably wouldn't have voted at all, he also split off folks on the left of the party, who either stayed home or voted Stein. Sanders' wet pleas to them to back Hilary Clinton (a bit like Corbyn's limp lettuce backing for "Remain,") cut no ice.

Would it have made a difference if the Democrats had been more forthright in saying the Republicans want to trash the environment, cut access to health care, ban abortion, privitise state schools, etc.? I doubt it, because the message was already embedded that Clinton was a corrupt, greedy, war-mongering liar. Thus primed, why would anyone believe anything her campaign said?
After repeatedly screaming at anyone who actually tries to analyse the election as something more complex than Hillary good Trump bad that the election is over and it can only be the fault of Trump and the evil racists are you really trying to blame some of this on Sanders?
After repeatedly screaming at anyone who actually tries to analyse the election as something more complex than Hillary good Trump bad that the election is over and it can only be the fault of Trump and the evil racists are you really trying to blame some of this on Sanders?

Bernie Sanders of course being the candidate who had a 'rules of engagement' with HRC that meant that he never went too far in criticising her on the many facets on which he could have - corruption, the e-mails, the foreign policy. Despite this they still rigged the primary against him, slandered him and his supporters as sexists and racists, lied about violence at Nevada through DNC organs like MSNBC.

After all this he criss-crossed the country campaigning for the person whose campaign rigged the primary against him.

Not only that, the Sanders campaign desperately tried to save the Clinton campaign from itself, and had their ADVICE (I am talking about their advice, without Bernie Sanders as President or VP or whatever) been heeded then we probably wouldn't be facing Trump.

Team Bernie: Hillary ‘F*cking Ignored’ Us in Swing States

“They fucking ignored us on all these [three] battleground states [while] we were sounding the alarm for months,” Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and former Sanders surrogate who served on the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform committee, told The Daily Beast. “We kept saying to each other like, ‘What the fuck, why are they just blowing us off? They need these voters more than anybody.’”

According to Konst and multiple other people involved with these discussions, the Clinton campaign agreed to a meeting with a cadre of Sanders surrogates during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in July. The purpose of the meeting, which included Clinton’s national political director Amanda Rentería and Team Hillary’s progressive outreach coordinator (and former Sanders senior aide) Nick Carter, was to address the concerns many Sanders camp alums were voicing about Clinton’s strategy going into the general election against Trump. Carter declined to comment on this story.

“Once we were at the convention, Bernie people were on the ground—we could feel it, people were pissed off, there with their pitchforks ready to fight,” Konst recalled. “But before the convention, after the platform committee meeting that I was on, Bernie surrogates were talking constantly, saying, ‘Oh my god, Hillary is going to lose if she doesn’t address TPP and [free] trade and [all these] other issues. We were looking at the polling and thought that if these people stay home, she’ll lose.”

When their meeting finally happened during the Democratic convention, the progressive activists’ fears were only inflamed.

“We were saying we are offering our help—nobody wanted [President] Donald Trump,” Konst continued, noting that the “Bernie world” side was offering Clinton’s team their plans—strategy memos, lists of hardened state organizers, timelines, data, the works—to win over certain voters in areas she ultimately lost but where Sanders had won during the primary.

“We were painting them a dire picture, and I couldn’t help but think they literally looked like they had no idea what was going on here,” she continued. “I remember their faces, it was like they had never fucking heard this stuff before. It’s what we had been screaming for the past 9 months… It’s like [they] forgot the basics of Politics 101.”

As the days and weeks flew by, the Bernie delegation kept underscoring TPP, jobs, union allies, the youth vote, and the environment, and pitched multiple rallies with Sanders in states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan (a state where Sanders unexpectedly beat Clinton in the Democratic primary, and a state that Clinton actively neglected during the general).

“The math that they lost on, is the math we won on,” Konst said. “So we wrote out a plan, and sent it to them, telling them to stop thinking you’re going to get this ‘Obama coalition,’ it’s not going to happen.”

Assurances were then made with various Clinton senior staffers that they would follow through with subsequent meetings and phone calls to address these gaps and warnings. Instead, meetings were canceled and “rescheduled” into oblivion.

“We not only screamed about this, we wrote memos, we begged,” Jane Kleeb, Nebraska Democratic Party chair and another Sanders booster who was at the DNC meeting, said. “I spent a good chunk of time writing memos about how [Bernie’s surrogates] could be utilized on the campaign trail, about ‘issue voters,’ about the environment, Black Lives Matter, Dakota Access Pipeline, rogue cops, you name it… I was [also] talking specifically about rural communities, and how [Hillary] completely ignored and abandoned anything that we cared about.”

But ignore all this of course.

Russia, Comey, Racism, Obama, Stupid poor people, Clinton is a woke POC/WOC, Socialism is redistributing wealth to racists. Russia again.
And these same people were always keen to claim that middle America would never vote for a Socialist Jew.
They wouldn't. Seriously, you guys aren't getting this. Apart from some parts of Cook County and the environs, Sanders would have got far fewer votes than Clinton in Illinois. African Americans didn't buy his spiel, didn't go for him in the primaries, and many would have stayed home if he was on the ticket on election day. Voting preferences of African Americans seem to be invisible to socialists. (Edit: as in they take their support for granted.)

But what would I know? I only grew up there, all my family still live there and I talk with them regularly but no, of course you are right. Bernie Sanders would have wiped the floor with Trump and installed a socialist paradise by now. Sure.
After repeatedly screaming at anyone who actually tries to analyse the election as something more complex than Hillary good Trump bad that the election is over and it can only be the fault of Trump and the evil racists are you really trying to blame some of this on Sanders?
Do yourself a favour and put me on ignore pal.
They wouldn't. Seriously, you guys aren't getting this. Apart from some parts of Cook County and the environs, Sanders would have got far fewer votes than Clinton in Illinois. African Americans didn't buy his spiel, didn't go for him in the primaries, and many would have stayed home if he was on the ticket on election day. Voting preferences of African Americans seem to be invisible to socialists. (Edit: as in they take their support for granted.)

But what would I know? I only grew up there, all my family still live there and I talk with them regularly but no, of course you are right. Bernie Sanders would have wiped the floor with Trump and installed a socialist paradise by now. Sure.
I think you are so scarred by your upbringing in Nixonland that you can't actually think straight about it.
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