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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Someone at home sent me this:

The hucksters of discontent

TLDR: a stinging attack on Naomi Klein's response to Trump's election, which manages to not only misrepresent what she says, but to insinuate that she is objectively pro-Trump, or even subjectively pro-T.

I think it's probably better if I don't respond to the person who sent me this one.

One thing that comes through very loudly from those who reject the class analysis of this catastrophe is that they think any analysis of that type entails making excuses for those who voted for Orange Hitler. It entails no such thing - but I think this will have to be made explicit.
Someone at home sent me this:

The hucksters of discontent

TLDR: a stinging attack on Naomi Klein's response to Trump's election, which manages to not only misrepresent what she says, but to insinuate that she is objectively pro-Trump, or even subjectively pro-T.

I think it's probably better if I don't respond to the person who sent me this one.

One thing that comes through very loudly from those who reject the class analysis of this catastrophe is that they think any analysis of that type entails making excuses for those who voted for Orange Hitler. It entails no such thing - but I think this will have to be made explicit.

Even the desire or willingness to think things through seems to make you guilty of something or other, which is probably why we are here in the first place. TINA or you are with Trump, even when the people have decided that there is an alternative and that alternative is Trump.
Even the desire or willingness to think things through seems to make you guilty of something or other, which is probably why we are here in the first place. TINA or you are with Trump, even when the people have decided that there is an alternative and that alternative is Trump.

Am should know this - she's been a great writer/activist for two decades on the class nature of immigration. Her collapse into pathetic moralism mirrors the best of that lot. Moorings lost - became priest.

edit: for those of you from the old aut-op-sy list, yes this is the same AM.
Trump is the president settlers could only dream of | +972 Magazine

Although President-elect Donald Trump and his foreign policy team are only beginning to develop their agenda for his coming administration, his surprising election on Tuesday may already be having an impact on Israel’s West Bank settlement policy. On Thursday, Jason Greenblatt, co-chairman of the Trump campaign’s Israel Advisory Committee, told Israel’s Army Radio that “it is certainly not Mr. Trump’s view that settlement activities should be condemned and that it is an obstacle for peace, because it is not an obstacle for peace.” Later, Israeli Science Minister Ofir Akunis, also speaking on Army Radio, “called for a renewed wave of settlement construction,” according to the Associated Press.
From March

The New Republicans

In a remarkable New York Times story, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell has revealed the strategy of the Hillary Democrats as they face the challenge of Donald Trump:

“For every one of those blue-collar Democrats he picks up, he will lose to Hillary two socially moderate Republicans and independents in suburban Cleveland, suburban Columbus, suburban Cincinnati, suburban Philadelphia, suburban Pittsburgh, places like that,” he said.

In other words, they’re hoping to terrify the moderately conservative into voting for their candidate. Forget having any positive message that might attract disaffected “blue-collar Democrats,” meaning the white working class. The appeal is going to be to the center–right. Forget too the enthusiasm for Sanders among the young, an appeal based on hope for a better future. As former Obama advisor turned Uber advisor David Plouffe put it in the same article:

“Hope and change, not so much. More like hate and castrate.”

Marco Rubio coyly suggested the other day that Donald Trump has a tiny todger (as Keith Richards said of Mick Jagger). Plouffe is jonseing to cut it off.

So it’s come to this: as I wrote last week, the Dem leadership hasn’t merely abandoned hope, it’s running against it. Policies that could materially benefit those disaffected blue-collar sorts would displease the party’s funders and must be ruled out. The Dems’ desperate hope is that fear of Trump will close the deal.

Maybe it’ll work—though everyone has underestimated Trump’s appeal all along (me included, I should say). But this strategy of writing off the white working class is precisely what has fueled his rise. As Ed Luce, the Financial Times’ very sharp columnist, wrote in yesterday’s paper:

It is the white vote—and particularly white males—that ought to worry Mrs Clinton. Blue collar whites are America’s angriest people. They feel belittled, trod upon and discarded. The future belongs neither to them nor their children. Mrs Clinton personifies an establishment that has taken everything for itself while talking down to those it has left behind. Mr Trump is their revenge.

Rendell & Co.’s strategy feeds into this unfortunate dynamic.

Dems will, of course, dismiss those angry white voters as hopelessly racist and sexist. Some no doubt are, and that’s the source of Trump’s appeal to them. But that’s not all that could appeal to them. The Sanders campaign has shown that policies that could benefit them materially have great electoral potential. But the Dem leadership would rather court suburban independents and Republicans than cross their funders.

So far that potential hasn’t shown up much in the Democratic primaries, because the disaffected don’t normally vote in them. But the longer-term potential shows up repeatedly in the popularity contests and hypothetical general election matchups. There’s one out just this morning from CNN and ORC International that should cause worry at Hillary Central. Some highlights:

  • 42% of those polled offered a “favorable” rating for Hillary, and 55% unfavorable, for a net of –13. In November 2014 she had a net favorable rating of +21. That’s a shift of 34 percentage points in 15 months. As recently as October 2015, her net negative rating was just 4 points; she’s lost 17 in four months. This confirms a law of Hillary’s popularity: the more people see her the less they like her.
  • That -13 net puts Hillary’s net positives towards the bottom of the broad presidential field. Ben Carson earns a net of +9; Rubio, + 6; Kasich, +19. Hillary does do better than Trump, at -23. But the highest net positive in the field is Bernie Sanders, +23.
  • In hypothetical general election races, Hillary beats Trump by 8 points. That margin looks comfy now, but given the trajectory of Trump’s support, far from armor-plated. But she would lose to Rubio by 3 and Cruz by 1.
  • Sanders would beat Trump by 12, Rubio also by 12, and Cruz by 17.
  • Hillary’s negatives are surprisingly broad, as are Sanders’ positives, as the graph below shows.

Polls at this stage of the election are more suggestive than definitive, but the “electability” argument for the HRC candidacy is based mostly on the wishes of her fans.

Not mentioned here: race. Hillary clearly has a huge base of support among black voters, and it would be ugly and unproductive of me to type out a lecture on how they’re mistaken in that preference. I don’t understand it, but it’s not my business to second-guess it. What I will say, though, is that the Democratic establishment is playing a cynical game, relying on that “firewall” of support while they court moderate Republicans in the Columbus suburbs by running against social democracy and amping up the fear factor. Because as the man from Uber says, “Hope and change, not so much. More like hate and castrate.”
Donald Trump just said that he's going to deport three million immigrants immediately

Trumps serious about mass deportations.

I hope I'm wrong, but I really think there could be something akin to a civil war brewing.

There's a lot of factors pointing in that direction: the divisiveness of Trump and determination of his opponents to resist, (daily protests are still continuing after 5 days, his inauguration is most likely going to see huge demonstrations) enthusiastic support for Trump from right wing militias, the stark geographical political divide, (cities vs country) the racial tension which would be inflamed by him carrying out deportations en masse, a divided elite, and the possibility that Trump will seek to undermine rule of law to prevent his impeachment. And, of course, the prevalence of guns in American society.

I really really hope I'm wrong and I'm over-reacting, but my intuition is screaming loudly.

Obama deported 2.5 million over his tenure, can't find source but was noted on Sky News.
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That picture yesterday of Farage & Trump posing in front of the gilded doors of Trump's penthouse apartment was cropped, it was a proper ukip knees up it seems (Saturday night in Trump Tower, whilst security lockdown due to protests outside).
View attachment 95479
(2nd from left is Arron banks & far right = Raheem Kassam).

very revealing, Banks is still deciding whether to create/fund a right wing/populist Momentum.
Even the desire or willingness to think things through seems to make you guilty of something or other, which is probably why we are here in the first place. TINA or you are with Trump, even when the people have decided that there is an alternative and that alternative is Trump.

The JC4PM/Momentum sites are totally devoid of critical thinking.
Obama deported 2.5 million over his tenure, can't find source but was noted on Sky News.

He can't do it straight away. There has to be some due process involved. He hasn't got the power, unless he intends to declare himself King. TBH, I'm not certain he won't do that considering the lack of mental stability he's displayed.
Just read a thing in Guardian about the danger to abortion rights under Trump and about how Breitbart Bannon being given such an important job is really bad news for anyone who thought maybe the misogyny of Trump was nothing to worry about too much.
The comments are full of people saying things like fuck feminism stop whinging you sore loser etc. What the fuck is going on. Article in guardian about abortion rights being under threat ffs.

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One thing that comes through very loudly from those who reject the class analysis of this catastrophe is that they think any analysis of that type entails making excuses for those who voted for Orange Hitler. It entails no such thing - but I think this will have to be made explicit.

Not sure that it's a total rejection of the class analysis, at least on my part, but more a belief that what's going on in the US is more nuanced.

Arguably, racism is a tool used by elites to damage the solidarity of the working class, which would gain immeasurably in power if white workers and minority workers/workers of color could come to realize that they have so much in common.

Maybe that day will come; but in the meantime, the separation continues to exist, the promotion and use of racism by elites continues - and many white US voters who have been taken in by the fallacy, who have been raised with it as part of their lives, have heeded the call of a demagogue who preaches the politics of white dominance.
So Obama get 90 minutes to Farage's 60 minutes - good to see the President Elect has his finger on the button ! (Just not yet - that is coming).

Theresa May is 'nuts' not to use Nigel Farage's 'hotline to the White House'

“We thought we were only going to get a few minutes but Trump wanted to download all about the campaign and Brexit, talking person to person with Nigel,” Banks said. “It was about an hour and we talked about all sorts, whether Theresa May was going to deliver Brexit. It was not a jokey meeting. They were really going through all the big issues.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion: Wisconsin has 10 Electoral College votes - Trump won with 290 EC votes to Clinton's 228.
She also lost it by 60,000 votes when Obama won it by over 200,000 and it accounted for roughly a third of Trumps lead in the electoral college. Trump got less votes in Wisconsin than Romney did in 2012 so she lost the state by losing votes rather than any swing to Trump.
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