krtek a houby
Kick me again Jesus
How many pages of your passive-aggression must I endure?
How many pages of your passive-aggression must I endure?
You don't win people over by patronising them. Trump has lots of fascist elements to him. I'll keep pointing those out, thanks, for as long as they continue to be there. And winning over people who voted for Trump is less important to me at this particular moment than showing solidarity with the millions who sleep fearfully tonight as they contemplate their uncertain future.And this nonsense is why you better get used to losing.
You've just defined 50+% of the current governments of the world as fascist, let alone how many past governments. This is just nonsense, keep talking to yourselves about fascist Trump but you're only increasing the gap between you and the people you want to win over.
Indeed - according to that Washington Post story, she never made a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primary there, and it ended up being the state that put Trump over the top.
All those confused racist, sexist, xenophobic thickoes .
Trump’s birtherism is now Republican gospel: 72 percent of GOP voters still doubt President Obama’s citizenship
Stop shitting on threads.
Mostly, there was a lack of turnout of Obama voters for Clinton, but most of them either didn't vote or voted for a third party, just enough of them (and only just enough) for Trump to sneak home despite losing the popular vote by a whole percentage point.
Donald Trump has proposed a very detailed tax plan — but his statements on the campaign trail don't always match what his proposal would really do.
For instance, at a rally in Scranton, Pa., Trump promised to "massively cut taxes for the middle class, the forgotten people, the forgotten men and women of this country, who built our country." During a town hall meeting on NBC's Today show, he said he believes in raising taxes on the wealthy.
And at least half of Trump's supporters agreed with him on that, according to a pre-election survey by RAND Corp., a research group.
"Just before the election, after the last debate, 51 percent of them intending to vote for Trump supported increasing taxes on high-earning individuals," says Michael Pollard of RAND.
But Trump's plan does the opposite, says Lily Batchelder, a law professor at New York University and visiting fellow at the Tax Policy Center.
"If you look at the most wealthy, the top 1 percent would get about half of the benefits of his tax cuts, and a millionaire, for example, would get an average tax cut of $317,000," she says.
But a family earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year would get a tax cut of only $560, she says, and millions of middle-class working families will see their tax bills rise under Trump's plan — especially single-parent families.
Certainly. This election represents a miserable failure by the Democrats. Thing is, I fucking hate the Democrats generally, and Clinton's brand of them in particular. Some posts on here seem pretty strongly to be implying that somehow you're excusing Clinton (or Obama for that matter) by pointing out the vile, proto-fascist nature of a lot of what Trump stands for. Which is utter nonsense....afaik the Democrats conducted pretty major and intensive voter registration / get-out-the-vote campaigning that either seems to have failed to motivate or just succeeded in piling up votes in areas they were already going to win by a mile...Trump's success seems to have been achieved with very little "ground game" - like an improvised racing car - built for an absolute fraction of the money the Dems threw at their campaign - that has bits flying off in all directions as it careers wildly all over the track & finally drops to bits as it crosses the finishing line and is none the less a remarkable campaign achievemnt for all that....
falling back on Trump's win = racism as otherwise they've got to admit that they've just spent 8 years in power and done a pretty crap job of addressing or alleviating any genuine grievances on the part of the non-Clinton voting population
Not sure how you view it; but getting something that's so obvious, so wrong, doesn't seem like an indicator of intelligence to me. And to the extent that they're just willfully blind to the truth - that would seem to indicate the possible presence of racism and xenophobia.
Breitbart has propagated conspiracy theories, like Planned Parenthood having Nazi ties or Clinton aide Huma Abedin being a spy for Saudi Arabia. The website traffics in misogynist and racist stories; it frames women who push back against harassment or gender bias as weak and incompetent and portrays people of color and immigrants as inherently criminal.
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) spokesman Adam Jentleson said Trump’s choice of Bannon “signals that White Supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump’s White House. “
“It is easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion,” he added.
Maybe have compulsory pseudo-scientific IQ tests. Or eligibility to vote could be based on where you could afford to receive a tertiary education. If I was an American citizen, I would be a piece of uneducated white trash to my more privileged betters, but in a relationship with a working class woman of colour from the 'global south.' That might cause some ignorant liberal progressives/bigots to have a breakdown. Or their heads might explode.
You should visit the States. Might open your mind.
Btw; feel free to report my posts - but don't forget to report the post where you tell me to kill myself. Outta fairness, like.
Stop it.
Where do you believe Obama's birthplace was?
How hard was it for you to figure out?
It wasn't hard for me to figure out - I expect it's the same for you, and for almost everyone else on these boards.
seventh bullet
If you were an American citizen, there would be bits of the country you and your missus would know to avoid. And those places, after some decades of slowly getting better, are likely to be suddenly getting a whole lot worse, due in large part to the kind of people who believed the Obama birther bullshit.Maybe have compulsory pseudo-scientific IQ tests. Or eligibility to vote could be based on where you could afford to receive a tertiary education. If I was an American citizen, I would be a piece of uneducated white trash to my more privileged betters, but in a relationship with a working class woman of colour from the 'global south.' That might cause some ignorant liberal progressives/bigots to have a breakdown. Or their heads might explode.
Then there's this:
Folks genuinely think Sanders would have walked it? The GOP had enough dirt on him to make the election a walk in the park.
And he had almost zilch support from African Americans, and his supporters are still refusing to listen to consider why. Look up @Russian_Starr on Twitter if you still don't get it.
This conversation is kind of interesting to me.
Over my many years here, I've watched the characterization of the American public as a bunch of gun-toting racists who don't own passports and who generally have no clue about the rest of the world.
Now, since this election, they've somehow transmogrified into intelligent, well-informed working class people with a strong interest in advancing their lot in the Class War.
This conversation is kind of interesting to me.
Over my many years here, I've watched the characterization of the American public as a bunch of gun-toting racists who don't own passports and who generally have no clue about the rest of the world.
Now, since this election, they've somehow transmogrified into intelligent, well-informed working class people with a strong interest in advancing their lot in the Class War.
Yep, that's the important bit to comment on there. And you're her mister, if you like. Why not?'My missus.'
I think it is more that people might have actually had some really rather compelling reasons not to vote for Clinton.
This conversation is kind of interesting to me.
Over my many years here, I've watched the characterization of the American public as a bunch of gun-toting racists who don't own passports and who generally have no clue about the rest of the world.
Now, since this election, they've somehow transmogrified into intelligent, well-informed working class people with a strong interest in advancing their lot in the Class War.
Yep, that's the important bit to comment on there. And you're her mister, if you like. Why not?