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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Donald Trump just said that he's going to deport three million immigrants immediately

Trumps serious about mass deportations.

I hope I'm wrong, but I really think there could be something akin to a civil war brewing.

There's a lot of factors pointing in that direction: the divisiveness of Trump and determination of his opponents to resist, (daily protests are still continuing after 5 days, his inauguration is most likely going to see huge demonstrations) enthusiastic support for Trump from right wing militias, the stark geographical political divide, (cities vs country) the racial tension which would be inflamed by him carrying out deportations en masse, a divided elite, and the possibility that Trump will seek to undermine rule of law to prevent his impeachment. And, of course, the prevalence of guns in American society.

I really really hope I'm wrong and I'm over-reacting, but my intuition is screaming loudly.

It's going to be even worse than we expect, those who are rationalising away the negatives of any of this are in denial. Steve Bannon is chief strategist, this is going to be a horror show.
"I'm scared for myself, my children, and my family," wrote Fallon Banks, a black woman whose father is an immigrant from Cape Verde. "I'm scared that folks are going to pretend that this election is about social stratification, when it is clearly about protecting white supremacy."

"I see that the fear of 'the other' has come out of the closet. Never before have I felt so othered and marginalized, a less-than citizen in the eyes of so many in our country."
— Christina Daniels, a 33-year-old biracial woman from Laurel, Md.

"I am terrified now to even face the real world because Trump talks a big talk and his supporters just soak every last bit of it up. I'm more scared of his supporters than I am of him, and there's only one of him and thousands of them."
— Veronica Delanuez, an 18-year-old Cuban-American from Canton, Ga.

"I am full of fear for the African American and Hispanic communities. I see a Trump win as moving backward into racist bigotry and our country already has so much work to do."
— Kreh Mellick, a white woman from Penland, N.C.
"I see dark days ahead, but I have to accept that my country is comprised of people who may not want us as equals."
— Gabriel Acuna, a 24-year-old Filipino-American from Long Beach, Calif.

"I live in a place where it is still common for people to make disparaging and racist remarks about Native people in public places, with no recourse. This election has made that kind of rhetoric acceptable and maybe even encouraged. It ripped the Band-Aid off of the only recently scabbed-over 'us vs. them' mentality."
— Jake Robinson, a 25-year-old Native American from Bemidji, Minn.

"I fear a civil war, deeper divide in race relations and discrimination extending to all non-white, Christian Americans. I now wonder who will be the next class or group targeted. I am very sad for our country for this setback."
— Rhonda Clark, a 57-year-old white woman from Ventura, Iowa
Donald Trump just said that he's going to deport three million immigrants immediately

Trumps serious about mass deportations.

I hope I'm wrong, but I really think there could be something akin to a civil war brewing.

There's a lot of factors pointing in that direction: the divisiveness of Trump and determination of his opponents to resist, (daily protests are still continuing after 5 days, his inauguration is most likely going to see huge demonstrations) enthusiastic support for Trump from right wing militias, the stark geographical political divide, (cities vs country) the racial tension which would be inflamed by him carrying out deportations en masse, a divided elite, and the possibility that Trump will seek to undermine rule of law to prevent his impeachment. And, of course, the prevalence of guns in American society.

I really really hope I'm wrong and I'm over-reacting, but my intuition is screaming loudly.
This was the most frightening of all his 'pledges', definitely.
The plan is what, to send a giant deportation force driving around, stopping people who don't look sufficiently American and if they fail to show proof of status chucking them in back of the van and incarcerating them? Would that be constitutionally even possible though?

Today's stories say that in an interview yesterday Trump seemed to shift the focus on those who have criminal records, 'drug dealers gang members etc' - he thinks there's about 3 million of them and they're the priority, after those have been removed from the country and the border secured then he can start to go after all the remaining illegal immigrants.
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"Hopefully an end to EVERYTHING being RACE!!! My God, enough is enough! The race card has been played over and over and over. We are sick and tired of affirmative action, of people in the workplace not doing their share and then playing the race card when reprimanded. ... Tired of the media trying to make me feel guilty for being white. I voted for Obama the first round NOT because he was Black, but because I thought he was the right choice (I voted libertarian the second time around). IF this nation is going to heal, blacks need to get over themselves, stop trying to make us the villains and label themselves as AMERICANS. (period)"
— Timothy C. Wright, a 49-year-old white man from Springfield, Ill.

"I see black Americans being the ones pulling out the race card because power in our nation has changed."
— Cathi Cranston, a 55-year-old white woman from Little Rock, Ark.
"I see race relations the same as they have always been. No better, no worse. I think it's delusional to have ever thought otherwise."
— Ivan Torers, a 25-year-old Mexican-American from Lake Elsinore, Calif.

"The white men who've held the power and money for 400+ years still have it and are breathing a sigh of relief. I fear it may take another civil war for power to ever significantly change hands and actually reflect the demographics of the United States."
— Arline Erven, a 33-year-old white woman from Stockbridge, Ga.

"The scary theme in this election cycle was the underlying racial tension that has always been present. ... Unfortunately as many people who see a brown or black person as a threat, I feel that now we'll see every white person as that person who'll do us harm, look the other way, or even worse, support the actions taken against us."
— Edmundo Rives, a Colombian-American Muslim convert who immigrated to New York City at age 4, from Leesburg, Va.
If this was the '80s and I was still wearing the T-shirts of thrash bands, I'd be tempted by this one:

his inauguration is most likely going to see huge demonstrations) enthusiastic support for Trump from right wing militias
There will be massive security at the inauguration trying to keep the anti and pro Trump factions apart. There will probably be army troops all along the parade route & Trump won't dare get out of the limo to greet the crowd.
Donald Trump just said that he's going to deport three million immigrants immediately

Trumps serious about mass deportations.

I hope I'm wrong, but I really think there could be something akin to a civil war brewing.

There's a lot of factors pointing in that direction: the divisiveness of Trump and determination of his opponents to resist, (daily protests are still continuing after 5 days, his inauguration is most likely going to see huge demonstrations) enthusiastic support for Trump from right wing militias, the stark geographical political divide, (cities vs country) the racial tension which would be inflamed by him carrying out deportations en masse, a divided elite, and the possibility that Trump will seek to undermine rule of law to prevent his impeachment. And, of course, the prevalence of guns in American society.

I really really hope I'm wrong and I'm over-reacting, but my intuition is screaming loudly.
You know the Obama administration deported 3 million don't you?
I know, but it's the "immediately" which is different. It could be bluster and I don't know how he would plan to do it. But it's worrying.

Trump has repeatedly praised the Eisenhower administration's "Operation Wetback," which involved rounding up Mexicans and packing them into cargo ships to be sent to southern Mexico, or dumping them deep in the Mexican interior. Plenty died from drowning, heat stroke, etc., and plenty of US citizens were caught up in the mass deportations.
"The Eisenhower mass deportation policy was tragic," Aguilar said. "Human rights were violated. People were removed to distant locations without food and water. There were many deaths, unnecessary deaths. Sometimes even U.S. citizens of Hispanic origin, of Mexican origin were removed. It was a travesty. It was terrible. Immigrants were humiliated. So to say it's a success story is ridiculous. It shows that Mr. Trump doesn't know what he's talking about."

It Came Up In The Debate: Here Are 3 Things To Know About 'Operation Wetback'
That picture yesterday of Farage & Trump posing in front of the gilded doors of Trump's penthouse apartment was cropped, it was a proper ukip knees up it seems (Saturday night in Trump Tower, whilst security lockdown due to protests outside).
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(2nd from left is Arron banks & far right = Raheem Kassam).
On the deportation issue, which Trump said he would start on day 1, he said in an interview that he will start with illegals who have been convicted of crime.
One thing that is worth noting about Trump and seems to go unmentioned in debate, perhaps because we enjoy feeling superior to the Americans for no reason at all, he still talks about illegal immigrants in the same way that politicians in Europe talk about immigrants.
Theresa May thinks she's got the memo now - what do the people want? Not Immigrants, apparently. That's what she'll run with in her speech today anyway, to jubilant response from DM readers.
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