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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Compare Momentum's response(yes I know) with that of Bernie, I know which one I prefer. You can tell Momentum's was made by committee.



A racist, misogynist demagogue has been elected President of the United States.

We extend our solidarity to the American people, in particular to women, people of colour, ethnic and religious minorities, migrants and LGBT+ people feeling afraid and abandoned today.

In our current system, wealth and power travels upwards, from the working and middle classes to the elite few at the top. Despite the hard work of many, the same few at the top reap all the rewards. Since the 2008 financial crisis the situation has worsened - inequality has sharply increased, living standards have fallen or stagnated, and many have been plunged into poverty and deprivation.

Trump has capitalised on this hardship and suffering, campaigning on a promise to create an economy that works for everyone. But Trump will not deliver this change. Neoliberal policies are responsible for the system that has benefited the few rather than the many, not the migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities who he has sought to scapegoat.

Political parties have failed to address a system that has left the majority of people behind, and have failed to respond to cries against the status quo, creating a void which is increasingly being filled by the far-right in many countries.

Progressives in the US, the UK and around the world must come together to stem this rising tide of fascism. We must condemn hate, division and discrimination. We must build support for a new economic programme, with fairness and environmental sustainability at its core, and social and foreign policies based on equality, justice and respect for human rights.

We must work together and organise in our communities to build support for an agenda for progressive change.

Today we have mourned. Now it’s time to organise.


Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer.

To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him.
Christ, Melanie Phillips is on Newsnight, defending Trump. Perfect end to this day.
gave newsnight a tune in...largely learned nothing from it - had to fast forward Melanie Phillips (jesus who let her in), but one thing that was genuinely interesting was a US journalist who made the case that:
Trump will say whatever he can to win, and largely will pretend he didn't say any of it (no surprise there), however there are two things that he has been consistent and enthusiastic about, and which he has talked about since 2001 (in some kind of book he published):
1. A belief that the US has no role in NATO and that Europe should defend itself , and
2. A genuine admiration for Putin

Lets take that to be true - what would it mean in practice? The commentator guessed it would mean pulling money out of NATO with the EU having to step up their economic contribution, and in regards Russia, a general green light for Russia to do what it wants.

Hard to know how much truth there is in that, and I cant imagine the rest of the Republican party being on board with that, but Im just parroting what was said.
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Trump's appointed a climate skeptic to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Less than 24 hours as president-elect and I'm already hoping he gets assassinated soon.

Trump Picks Climate Skeptic For EPA
heart attack might work too.

THat Paris climate deal did give the impression of being a real thing - too little too late of course, but seemed like it was being respected by major powers. Maybe I'm being naive on that. Anyhow, it would be an utter tragedy if Trump+co rip it up (which theyve publicly said they will).
I just watched the acceptance speech...one thing stood out at the end to me - his body language to Pence when they hand shake. Three times he yanks him quite violently towards him -check from 19.38-19.48

bizarre...ive never seen anything like it. Id put it down to a bullying, grabbing nature. Whatever else - its strange.

yeah but lets see if it actually happens. There is a chance its all talk
whats your take on it jurri?
I think it will be a routine presidency in essence. I fear, though, that it's the first definitive sign that that radical left wing politics may be obsolete, and that working class discontent might be confined to being expressed through populist demagogues, partly because of the determination of 'the left', in the absence of any real 'labour movement' or organised working class, to largely confine itself to identity politics.

Of course, I might be wrong. I sometimes am.
Whats the latest with the allegations of sexual abuse - is anyone trying to take him to court from all those counts?
Whats the latest with the allegations of sexual abuse - is anyone trying to take him to court from all those counts?

Presidential immunity.

Possible Trump Cabinet:

Five Live reporting 10's of thousands protesting outside Trump towers and around Manhattan, wonder how that will down in Ohio?
I think what we've seen in America is a working class revolt with mainly white voters rallying against the establishment. These people are the same type of "left behind" voters in forgotten deindustrialised towns and cities who voted Brexit in Britain. They've simply had enough of the same old politicians promising change and not delivering. In Donald Trump, they saw a man who was offering change and the chance to "make America great again", rather like Nigel Farage and other politicians advocating Brexit.

The pattern that emerges is that these people want a chance of hope and change. Take the last two US Elections, Obama painted himself as a change candidate who could unite America as the first black president, while Trump and those advocating Brexit have attempted to deliver similar pledges. This was a lot harder for Clinton and those politicians campaigning for Remain in the EU referendum, as they were trying to sell the status quo to people (more of the same) which sounds a lot less attractive, not helped by the fact they were very much 'establishment' politicians. The reality is that the old economic consensus is now defunct and mainstream politicians on the centre-left and centre-right need to deliver a coherent message to these angry voters to try and win them back. Until something is done about this disconnect, we will continue to see the rise of populist right politicians such as Trump in America, Farage in Britain and Le Pen in France.

So in the context of this, I totally understand the alienation that people feel which has prompted them to vote for Brexit or Trump. However, this is where my own and these voters' paths cross. The reality is Trump is no "man of the people" or change candidate for that matter. Take the fact that Trump has a background as a property billionaire, the type of person who contributed towards the financial crash of 2008 which has hit the very same people he purports to represent very hard financially. He has also earnt mega bucks and not paid certain taxes for decades, while he also favours cutting the top rate of tax for the richest in society. I also fear his 'protectionist' trade policies could also hit the American economy. So I fear that people voting for Trump in the hope of change may very well end up disappointed.

But I guess we have to accept that a majority of American people have voted for Trump to be president, so whether we like it or not, Britain has to respect this decision and try and work with Trump. They remain a crucial trading and political ally to us. On a slightly happier tone to end my post, I seriously doubt that Trump's most ridiculous policies will ever see light of day. Legislation still needs to pass through the Senate and House of Reps, full of Republicans that are weary of him.
But I guess we have to accept that a majority of American people have voted for Trump to be president
Clinton won the popular vote 47.7% to Trump's 47.5% - a small margin maybe but one that shouldn't be forgotten. If it had been the other way round and Clinton won the electoral college with fewer total votes than Trump, I've no doubt he would've cried fix and railed about how the system was stacked against him.
I think what we've seen in America is a working class revolt with mainly white voters rallying against the establishment. These people are the same type of "left behind" voters in forgotten deindustrialised towns and cities who voted Brexit in Britain. They've simply had enough of the same old politicians promising change and not delivering. In Donald Trump, they saw a man who was offering change and the chance to "make America great again", rather like Nigel Farage and other politicians advocating Brexit.

The pattern that emerges is that these people want a chance of hope and change. Take the last two US Elections, Obama painted himself as a change candidate who could unite America as the first black president, while Trump and those advocating Brexit have attempted to deliver similar pledges. This was a lot harder for Clinton and those politicians campaigning for Remain in the EU referendum, as they were trying to sell the status quo to people (more of the same) which sounds a lot less attractive, not helped by the fact they were very much 'establishment' politicians. The reality is that the old economic consensus is now defunct and mainstream politicians on the centre-left and centre-right need to deliver a coherent message to these angry voters to try and win them back. Until something is done about this disconnect, we will continue to see the rise of populist right politicians such as Trump in America, Farage in Britain and Le Pen in France.

So in the context of this, I totally understand the alienation that people feel which has prompted them to vote for Brexit or Trump. However, this is where my own and these voters' paths cross. The reality is Trump is no "man of the people" or change candidate for that matter. Take the fact that Trump has a background as a property billionaire, the type of person who contributed towards the financial crash of 2008 which has hit the very same people he purports to represent very hard financially. He has also earnt mega bucks and not paid certain taxes for decades, while he also favours cutting the top rate of tax for the richest in society. I also fear his 'protectionist' trade policies could also hit the American economy. So I fear that people voting for Trump in the hope of change may very well end up disappointed.

But I guess we have to accept that a majority of American people have voted for Trump to be president, so whether we like it or not, Britain has to respect this decision and try and work with Trump. They remain a crucial trading and political ally to us. On a slightly happier tone to end my post, I seriously doubt that Trump's most ridiculous policies will ever see light of day. Legislation still needs to pass through the Senate and House of Reps, full of Republicans that are weary of him.
Jesus Christ you're a boring cunt.
The enemies list has been started.
I would never judge anybody for exercising their right to and the freedom to choose who they want. But let me just tell you, Mr. Trump has a long memory and we’re keeping a list.”
Omarosa: Republicans Who Vote Against Donald Trump Will Be Put On "A List"

And Cuba is worried.
Cubans worried on Wednesday that President Trump would throw the United States’ 2-year-old detente with Cuba into reverse, erasing their hopes for a more prosperous future of normal ties with Washington.......The Cuban government, meanwhile, announced the launch of five days of nationwide military exercises to prepare troops to confront what it called “a range of actions by the enemy,”
Cuba announces military drills on heels of Donald Trump's surprise win
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Trump wants to ape the presidency of Reagan

May wants to echo the premiership of Maggie

and the off boil cold war with Russia

feels like it gone back 30 years...

At least Reagan had been Governer of California.....

I'm pointing out the image was an episode was from a different decade than the episode you are talking about. Why can't you get that?

...which was why I posted the video clip from 2000...

Point being made was. .not many predicted the Trump win...but the Simpsons had it as a freaky joke 16 years ago... why cant you get that?

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