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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Interesting that a number of states voted to legalize recreational marijuana.

So: the US will become a country where some citizens can smoke pot; but once the Trump Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, women won't be able to obtain legal abortions.

Can't wait for Justice Thiel

tbh trump wasn't even the scariest one of that bunch.

I agree. Worse than a Trump presidency, would be a Cruz presidency.

Our one hope is that Trump was lying or exaggerating many of the things he said - a distinct possibility.

Cruz is a true believer.

[Unfortunately, Pence seems to be cut from the same cloth as Cruz].
I'd draw an analogy between what's about to come, and an airline flight with severe turbulence.

When I'm on one of those turbulent flights, and it's really scary, I think to myself: "Well, the pilot is going to do the best he/she can - the pilot doesn't want to die either, just like I don't want to die."

I have to put my faith in the belief that Donald Trump doesn't want to die any more than I do.
If it was margin of error stuff you'd expect just as many pollsters to overstate Trump as understate him. Also you'd expect successive polls from the same pollster to do the same.

View attachment 95261
Only if errors are randomly distributed. But they're not, because there are systemic errors that act across all polls at once.
I think we ought to be realising now that what common sense tells you can and can't win an election is not necessarily a good guide.

If trump won it a monkey could have won it .

A Chinese monkey was also more reliable than the mainstream polls .

It's all bollocks.
So.... her real sin has to do with her decisions about her status as a wife; and not about her decisions as a politician? :facepalm:

No matter how much aerosol spray you try to apply, the stench of misogyny manages to waft through every time.

It was her status as a political partner of that mass murdering, rapist bastard . The deal was shed take over . a pair of psychopaths way worse than Fred and rose west .
So.... her real sin has to do with her decisions about her status as a wife; and not about her decisions as a politician? :facepalm:

No matter how much aerosol spray you try to apply, the stench of misogyny manages to waft through every time.
Tbh there's always been "something of the night" about hrc. the election was the unspeakable v the unbearable
Traditionally he has to host Trump for tea (or some shit) on the morning of the inauguration.

Go on Obama, you know you want to.
Does he have to? Is he carted off to Guantanamo if he doesn't?

Bullshit like this and concession speeches just show that despite all their rhetoric ultimately it's just a game to them.
and she never threatened to ban Muslims and grab men by their dicks, right? that swung it for you? shut up, you moron.

She's personally implicated in the deaths of over 2 million Muslims . Up to her ears in innocent blood . And she fully intended to kill a hell of a lot more before she got stopped in her tracks by the orange faced clown .
Stop pretending to give one flying fuck about Muslims while ignoring these crimes against humanity with her fingerprints all over them .

And fuck off .
She's personally implicated in the deaths of over 2 million Muslims . Up to her ears in innocent blood . And she fully intended to kill a hell of a lot more before she got stopped in her tracks by the orange faced clown .
Stop pretending to give one flying fuck about Muslims while ignoring these crimes against humanity with her fingerprints all over them .

And fuck off .

Of course, and Trump is the most innocent man in the world. Well done.
tbh trump wasn't even the scariest one of that bunch.
Obviously there were very diverse voters . ..and not just the elderly and rural voters.

By the way...
You forgot fans of The Simpsons . ..

(16 yrs ago)

All hail the Simpson prophecies.

Thats a clip from a episode from 2015.
If it was margin of error stuff you'd expect just as many pollsters to overstate Trump as understate him. Also you'd expect successive polls from the same pollster to do the same.

View attachment 95261
Of course, as an aside, the LA times polls which always had a Trump ahead were also significantly out - he lost the popular vote (or had last time I heard an hour ago). As did Bush and one of the Democrat presidents (can't remember which one). It's of no great significance given that the election is state based - and if it was a single national vote no doubt the numbers would be slightly different anyway, given that voter behaviour in the non-swing votes would alter. It is worth a passing mention though - Trump only got a minority of the voters.

The more interesting thing I haven't looked into today is voter registration in places like Florida. In Bush v Gore, Bush won not because of the hanging chads but because large numbers of black voters were excluded, by 'voter purging', disenfranchising felons etc. Not sure of how much of that is still in place in Florida or other states.
Tbh being as hrc won the popular vote she achieved her goal

Imagine a world in which people directed the anger that they are directing at the working-class instead at the DNC. Of course if we lived in that world then we wouldn't be in this situation anyway.
Clearly, that's embarrassing for team Hilary. But the fact is Trump got the coverage he did because he was already a celebrity and because he said things that grabbed the media's attention.

Yes clearly the Hillary Clinton campaign had no influence at all on the media which almost unanimously backed her.
Of course, as an aside, the LA times polls which always had a Trump ahead were also significantly out - he lost the popular vote (or had last time I heard an hour ago). As did Bush and one of the Democrat presidents (can't remember which one). It's of no great significance given that the election is state based - and if it was a single national vote no doubt the numbers would be slightly different anyway, given that voter behaviour in the non-swing votes would alter. It is worth a passing mention though - Trump only got a minority of the voters.

The more interesting thing I haven't looked into today is voter registration in places like Florida. In Bush v Gore, Bush won not because of the hanging chads but because large numbers of black voters were excluded, by 'voter purging', disenfranchising felons etc. Not sure of how much of that is still in place in Florida or other states.
Partial answer here:
Fact-checks about Florida voting and elections
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