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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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For what good it will do, I see there is a protest outside the American embassy tonight, sadly too sick to make it Stand Up To Racism - We are the majority and we will stand up to racism

"Anti-racist protest tonight against Trump election outside US Embassy London
Anti-racist protesters will gather outside the USA embassy tonight after the election of Donald Trump as US President (details below).
Trump has cynically whipped up fear and racism, exploiting the stagnant US economy and the fall in living standards for the majority of Americans, to mobilise his vote."

And the best bit is Clinton is the first loser in presidential history that didn't even bother giving a concession speech . Just locked herself into a room and had Podesta tell her supporters in the Kavitz centre to go home. Quite the repayment to all those people who'd campaigned for her, donated money etc .

Like some arch villain. " you have all failed me, you useless worms " . Bet she wishes she had a big pedal she could press on the floor and make everyone in America fall into a pool of piranhas .

The arrogance .
And the best bit is Clinton is the first loser in presidential history that didn't even bother giving a concession speech . Just locked herself into a room and had Podesta tell her supporters in the Kavitz centre to go home. Quite the repayment to all those people who'd campaigned for her, donated money etc .

Like some arch villain. " you have all failed me, you useless worms " . Bet she wishes she had a big pedal she could press on the floor and make everyone in America fall into a pool of piranhas .

The arrogance .

I get a kick from imagining that she was in no fit state to make that speech last night.

She is making her sad-faced speech today instead. Any minute now according to cnn's tedious coverage, though she is already running very late again today.
You know things have gotten weird when David Duke is tweeting "GOD BLESS WIKILEAKS."

The democrats used to say that too . Wiki leaks were their darlings once until they starTed airing their dirty laundry. Overnight wiki leaks became a Russian front , that Clinton wanted droned .
Paul Ryan is making his 'Republican unity' speech. Found a way to suck up to Trump by speaking of how Trump heard a voice that nobody else heard, and connected with those people.

I don't know if the twat in the hat is krtek but it's exactly how I picture him .

Bwah ha ha

All this angst and handwringing is going to be hilarious . Especially from the celebrity arseholes

So now you've moved from calling me a sissy and telling me to suck on Trump's cock to comparing me to a crying woman?

Whatever. Have a good laddish time with your drinking buddies.

Credit where it's due to the Merk for this one.

She's already been groped by one US president, if this new bastard tries it on with her. . .
Anyway I'm out of this thread now (feel free to post stuff but I'll not be responding, its all history now), I have a dog that want's to go for a walk along the beach in this lovely sunshine and 28C temp.

The Donald has won and the people of the "home of the free" have got what they deserve, so they and the rest of the world needs to just move on. I do have some predictions, not one meter of "the wall" will be built and that there will be no ban on Muslim entering the USA (most people get knocked back nowadays if they have a Muslim looking name, just look at what happened to Yusuf Islam when he tried to collect his Hall of fame award) and most of the other bullshit Trump said will just not happen.

Don't get to excited about the political bullshit you can't do anything about, it will just make you sad :)
You don't like Americans I take it
Been waiting ages already with several false starts.

Her entire presidential hopes summed up .

Imagine ...spending 30 years of your life preparing for the big day , endlessly networking, getting to grips with the levers of power...enduring the husbands incessant affairs / rapes in order to get into office..and then losing to this utter fucknut who only entered politics 2 years ago . After getting the idea from the Simpsons .

Her whole life wasted . And losing to this clown ?? Of all people to snatch her " rightful entitlement " away from her ??

Donald fucking trump .



And the best bit is Clinton is the first loser in presidential history that didn't even bother giving a concession speech . Just locked herself into a room and had Podesta tell her supporters in the Kavitz centre to go home. Quite the repayment to all those people who'd campaigned for her, donated money etc .

Like some arch villain. " you have all failed me, you useless worms " . Bet she wishes she had a big pedal she could press on the floor and make everyone in America fall into a pool of piranhas .

The arrogance .
She is doing it now
I get a kick from imagining that she was in no fit state to make that speech last night.

She is making her sad-faced speech today instead. Any minute now according to cnn's tedious coverage, though she is already running very late again today.

I picture her sitting silently transfixed on the hotel bed staring at the screen . Everyone round her completely silent . Just silence. But a mood sort of like in hitlers bunker when reality dawns on him, and there's Russian voices at the end of the street. And her aides silently sneaking out the door and sloping off.
Everybody too scared to say anything .

I think you are mixing me up with someone else, I don't think I berated anyone on the Venezuelan thread for not coming up a solution, my view is clear, there is only one solution, the people of that country need to rise up and take control back. There is no solution there via the ballot box.

You sound like just the man to do it, why don't you get Attica and yourself to organise a Int. Brigade to Venezuela to lead the glorious revolution! Dickhead.
Once people are angry, they're more likely to go for the 'I will fix this for you' guy than the people saying 'let's team up and fix this together'. Nominally left wing populists like Blair and Obama have succeeded by putting themselves in the former category. Then they let everyone down because surprise surprise, a centralised power structure cannot fix the problems caused by centralised power structures.

Neither Blair nor Obama were left wing . They were neoliberals . And they didn't fail. They succeeded . Just as Blairs heroine Thatcher did . It's just some people fell for their " left " bullshit and expected something different .

These types of people don't want to fix anything . They reckoned the system worked for the people it's supposed to work for . And wanted to look after those people . The super rich . A system didn't make Blair destroy Iraq or Obama destroy Libya and bail the banks out . Their own desires and who owned them were responsible for that.

And people like trump are winning because way too much of the so called left are too busy jazz handing and rooting for monsters like Clinton . And are way too comfortable with neo liberalism . Their failure is their own fault, their own unfitness for purpose . To fail like this in the midst of mass austerity , joblessness and deep working class anger at the capitalist system is a result of being utterly shit and little else . They didn't use to be like this . But now they are . They're prissy, condescending and wrapped up in so much irrelevant bullshit nobody wants to know .

Plus Syriza got elected, and we're still shit because they were in thrall to the Eu and the capitalists could gauge their bottom line and had them by the ballls. They failed because they were shit .
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I picture her sitting silently transfixed on the hotel bed staring at the screen . Everyone round her completely silent . Just silence. But a mood sort of like in hitlers bunker when reality dawns on him, and there's Russian voices at the end of the street. And her aides silently sneaking out the door and sloping off.
Everybody too scared to say anything .

wasactually surprised y the size of the entourage she still has:
Her whole life wasted . And losing to this clown ?? Of all people to snatch her " rightful entitlement " away from her ??

Donald fucking trump .




Yeah, cos that's the really important thing, Hillary Clinton is sad. Fuck everyone else, the fact that she lost and is sad is hilarious and happy news. ha ha. ok.
Well said .

As she's unlikely to see a crimes against humanity trial this is the closest to justice there's likely to be. That and she won't be able to kill any more .
Neither Blair nor Obama were left wing . They were neoliberals . And they didn't fail. They succeeded . Just as Blairs heroine Thatcher did . It's just some people fell for their " left " bullshit and expected something different .

That's why I said 'nominally left wing' not 'left wing'. I also said, 'they let people down' not, 'they failed'. Those are two very different statements.
you know what? clinton's despair is somehow not quite compensating for the shitiness of the situation the world is in now. Fuck her - she's partly responsible for allowing a capricous, racist, bullying proto-fascist bigot sieze control of the most powerful nation in the world - but there is no joy to be had here.
you know what? clinton's despair is somehow not quite compensating for the shitiness of the situation the world is in now. Fuck her - she's partly responsible for allowing a capricous, racist, bullying proto-fascist bigot sieze control of the most powerful nation in the world - but there is no joy to be had here.

You cannot blame Trump on Clinton. America just elected a sexual predator and you're saying it's the woman's fault?
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