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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I don't like it when the tories get elected. I don't like what they've done to the NHS and welfare, and that's at the very least. Should I just smile and accept it?
you don't have to, you can go somewhere else where you do like it

krtek a houby I thought you were leaving the UK to somewhere else from your posts in the Britexit stuff, so do it
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At least if the prophet Matt Groenig is correct we should be looking forward to Lisa Simpson becoming the first female President, succeeding Trump!
"Move somewhere else, just make sure you're rich enough to ignore any problems."
I wasn't rich when I moved here, but by accident while doing someone a favor I made a shit load of money which is useless to me living here
If anyone wants a longer read on why Clinton lost read Henwood's My Turn

The problem is, though, that most Americans haven't read Henwood's My Turn.

A number of times, I've posted articles discussing the effect of misogyny in this election, and you've tended to downplay it, pointing out the many valid political and policy reasons why Clinton wasn't a good candidate.

But imo, you, and many of the contributors to these boards, are better-read on matters of American politics, than are most Americans. We shouldn't forget that in spite of the facts, a large majority of Republicans - and a significant minority of all Americans - continue to have doubts about where President Obama was born:

One in Five Americans Still Think Obama is Foreign-Born, According to Poll

Poll: Persistent Partisan Divide Over 'Birther' Question

I have no doubt that if you were a voter in the US election, you would have carried out deep research on the candidates, the parties, and the issues, before you cast your vote. I have serious doubt that the majority of Americans did anything of the sort.

I have no doubt that whichever way you ended up voting, misogyny would not have been a factor. I have no confidence in thinking that it was not a factor for many of the people who actually did cast votes in this election.
you don't have to, you can go somewhere else where you do like it

So, let me get this straight. You shouldn't get bothered about results, governments and injustices. You shouldn't protest or strike or disssent? You should ignore all that and move to another country?
I wasn't rich when I moved here, but by accident while doing someone a favor I made a shit load of money which is useless to me living here

A great thing to aspire to "stay calm and if your very very luck things will go right for you" Thats it, humanity is sorted. We have a new way to live life.

Maybe you should write a book... you could call it... The Secret.
I wasn't rich when I moved here, but by accident while doing someone a favor I made a shit load of money which is useless to me living here

Oh, I just need to do someone a favour and make shitloads. So simple. Why didn't I think of that? Hey, if you don't need your useless money; are you going to give it away?
So, let me get this straight. You shouldn't get bothered about results, governments and injustices. You shouldn't protest or strike or disssent? You should ignore all that and move to another country?
You can do what you like, there are loads of things that go on in the world that I don't like, but if you can't change it why live with it.
A great thing to aspire to "stay calm and if your very very luck things will go right for you" Thats it, humanity is sorted. We have a new way to live life.

Maybe you should write a book... you could call it... The Secret.
Oh, I just need to do someone a favour and make shitloads. So simple. Why didn't I think of that? Hey, if you don't need your useless money; are you going to give it away?
Yes I do give it away and it makes me feel warm inside :rolleyes: I've sent thousands of $ worth of aid to children's and old peoples homes in Venezuela and the trust we set up helps people pay for their education, we also send books to people in Jail and build homes among many other things. My wife is a teacher and we can easily live on her wage.

I'm old now and have all I need, having loads of money here is useless and pointless, if I wanted a luxury life I wouldn't live here.
Yes I do give it away and it makes me feel warm inside :rolleyes: I've sent thousands of $ worth of aid to children's and old peoples homes in Venezuela and the trust we set up helps people pay for their education, we also send books to people in Jail and build homes among many other things. My wife is a teacher and we can easily live on her wage.

I'm old now and have all I need, having loads of money here is useless and pointless, if I wanted a luxury life I wouldn't live here.

Thats lovely but expecting everyone to be lucky enough to make a fortune or to be able to move is simplistic at best.
I have no doubt that if you were a voter in the US election, you would have carried out deep research on the candidates, the parties, and the issues, before you cast your vote. I have serious doubt that the majority of Americans did anything of the sort.
The American system - the parties but mainly the media - don't want or enable the public to make rational decisions about their vote. They say they want that, but they really don't. They want the voters to vote based on irrational decisions. That's the way the whole cavalcade is set up. So it's a bit rich for them to complain that the public didn't vote based on a serious consideration of the issues. I do smile inwardly when I see US commentators saying as much.

This is also true of the UK, so I'm not making a nationalist point. (Though the U.K is somewhat behind the US on this, the institutions here are very keen to catch up).
Thats lovely but expecting everyone to be lucky enough to make a fortune or to be able to move is simplistic at best.
Making a fortune, yes you are right (I never set out to make one) but moving isn't simplistic, you speak English so can move almost anywhere in the world and teach it or use other skills you have. It takes about 6 months to learn the basics of most languages and you'd be fluent with-in 2 years with a little effort.

I thought you were moving away from the UK (from what you posted in one of the BE threads) so why are you saying its simplistic?
After Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights act. He said something along the lines of "this will give the Republicans the south for a generation".

...he supposedly expressed it in slightly more ...ahem...robust terms than that though...

Patrick Caddell: The real election surprise? The uprising of the American people

Here are some of our latest results among likely voters from early October 2016:

1. The power of ordinary people to control our country is getting weaker every day, as political leaders on both sides, fight to protect their own power and privilege, at the expense of the nation’s well-being. We need to restore what we really believe in – real democracy by the people and real free-enterprise. AGREE = 87%; DISAGREE = 10%

2. The country is run by an alliance of incumbent politicians, media pundits, lobbyists and other powerful money interests for their own gain at the expense of the American people. AGREE = 87%; DISAGREE = 10%

3. Most politicians really care about people like me. AGREE = 25%; DISAGREE = 69%

4. Powerful interests from Wall Street banks to corporations, unions and political interest groups have used campaign and lobbying money to rig the system for them. They are looting the national treasury of billions of dollars at the expense of every man, woman and child. AGREE = 81%; DISAGREE = 13%

5. The U.S. has a two-track economy where most Americans struggle every day, where good jobs are hard to find, where huge corporations get all the rewards. We need fundamental changes to fix the inequity in our economic system. AGREE = 81%; DISAGREE = 15%

6. Political leaders are more interested in protecting their power and privilege than doing what is right for the American people. AGREE = 86%; DISAGREE = 11%

7. The two main political parties are too beholden to special and corporate interest to create any meaningful change. AGREE = 76%; DISAGREE = 19%

8. The real struggle for America is not between Democrats and Republicans but between mainstream American and the ruling political elites. AGREE = 67%; DISAGREE = 24%

For years, the political elites have governed America for their own benefit and to the detriment of the American people – this election is the best chance in our lives to take back our government. AGREE = 63% (with 46% strongly agreeing); DISAGREE = 31%

Voters were then asked the same two questions of each candidate: Which is closer to your opinion if (Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump) wins: the political elites and special interests win; the political elite and special interests lose.

By 65 percent to 35 percent voters said that if Hillary Clinton wins the political elites WIN. And by an opposite margin, the majority of voters said that by 57 percent to 43 percent the elites LOSE if Trump wins.

Significant numbers of Clinton’s own voters believe that her win is a victory for the unpopular elites and special political interests.

Patrick Caddell is a Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor. He served as pollster for President Jimmy Carter, Gary Hart, Joe Biden and others. He is a Fox News political analyst and co-host of "Political Insiders" Sundays on Fox News Channel.
Then you're a moron. Trump is disgusting but he's no fascist and to claim he is is both stupid, counter productive and insulting to those killed by fascist regimes.

This moronic meme you posted has one purpose and one purpose alone, for all the pricks like you to kiss each others arses and tell each other how progressive you are. It's exactly the type of crap that has resulted in Trump's rise.

And apart from CR no one on U75 has apologised for or supported Trump.

I've made very clear numerous times I pretty much despise him . My very first post on this thread is totally anti trump . My reasons for wanting to see him win , in the absence of sanders, are the very same reasons expressed by Pilger . Who's not a trump supporter either .

I'm convinced also that for the moment at least we've ducked a very serious armed confrontation with Russia . That was a virtual certainty had that genocidal , messianic fucking lunatic won the election .

Celebrating now in pub .
Making a fortune, yes you are right (I never set out to make one) but moving isn't simplistic, you speak English so can move almost anywhere in the world and teach it or use other skills you have. It takes about 6 months to learn the basics of most languages and you'd be fluent with-in 2 years with a little effort.

I thought you were moving away from the UK (from what you posted in one of the BE threads) so why are you saying its simplistic?
Moving away from your entire support network -- family, friends, career, culture -- is always a nuclear option. To pretend otherwise is indeed highly simplistic.
It seems to me that people in states where their vote might count and who decide to not stoop to vote in this election, or to vote for a 3rd candidate , are basically saying to minorities good luck but my principles and political philosophy are more important to me.

While trendy liberals are saying I couldn't care less about the half million dead Iraqi kids her and her husband callously murdered in the face of world wide condemnation . Because they weren't westerners and therefore are sort of subhuman . Which is racism . Had they been white westerners a vote for her would be unconscionable .

So fuck them. They deserved to lose this to an utter clown like that . Fully deserved it .
Moving away from your entire support network -- family, friends, career, culture -- is always a nuclear option. To pretend otherwise is indeed highly simplistic.
So I'm mixing you up with someone else :confused: You didn't say you were leaving the UK in a Britexit thread?
And billions do not.
maybe because they don't want too and like it where they are and are not moaning about everything :thumbs:
So I'm mixing you up with someone else :confused: You didn't say you were leaving the UK in a Britexit thread?
You're mixing me up with somebody else on this page, let alone a different thread.
maybe because they don't want too and like it where they are and are not moaning about everything :thumbs:
Simplistic babble.
moving to somewhere you want/like isn't simplistic millions of people do it

Little did I realise when you were berating people on the Venezuela thread for not coming up with solutions, that your own solutions were so laughable.Though I doubt you'd have suggested that solution to Venezuelans, so why you think it's a good fit for any other countries citizens is beyond me.
So I'm mixing you up with someone else :confused: You didn't say you were leaving the UK in a Britexit thread?

That was me, and its still an option but its a very nuclear option that will involve a lot of hard work and coordination on both my partners side and my side and that is liable to fail.

Neither of us have skills particularly required by foreign countries, nor the money for this to be a certain success.

We're also getting on a bit which further complicates matters.
Little did I realise when you were berating people on the Venezuela thread for not coming up with solutions, that your own solutions were so laughable.Though I doubt you'd have suggested that solution to Venezuelans, so why you think it's a good fit for any other countries citizens is beyond me.
I think you are mixing me up with someone else, I don't think I berated anyone on the Venezuelan thread for not coming up a solution, my view is clear, there is only one solution, the people of that country need to rise up and take control back. There is no solution there via the ballot box.

That was me, and its still an option but its a very nuclear option that will involve a lot of hard work and coordination on both my partners side and my side and that is liable to fail.

Neither of us have skills particularly required by foreign countries, nor the money for this to be a certain success.

We're also getting on a bit which further complicates matters.
Sorry, I don't recall your screen name from the BE threads (that isn't meant to be a dig) I'm sure krtek a houby said they were leaving and they haven't said it wasn't them. I'll go and have a look for the post, if they do say it wasn't them.

I'm not saying moving to the other-side of the world is easy, I know it isn't as I've done it, but it is a clear option if you don't like it where you are.
I'm not saying moving to the other-side of the world is easy, I know it isn't as I've done it, but it is a clear option if you don't like it where you are.
"Not easy" (rather an understatement) makes it an option -- clear or otherwise -- one would rather not take unless other avenues have been exhausted. It is not practical advice for anyone vaguely dissatisfied with the status quo where they are.
Its krtek a houby who I thought was saying they were moving from the UK on a BE thread

Oh ffs. We've been saving up for years planning to move, yes. Because of various family, health and other personal reasons and redundancies - well, Brexit was the final straw and hastened our decisions. But we're not rolling in money & our meagre savings have been compromised by the economic legacy of Brexit. Something I didn't see coming (being not the cleverest person there is) even weeks and months into the Brexit.

So not everyone can afford to leave. Gods knows it's going to be a huge challenge; we're not young, either. It may or may not happen.

But I'll still fucking protest against the Abe govt if I see fit. Or any other govt.

I don't know if the twat in the hat is krtek but it's exactly how I picture him .

Bwah ha ha

All this angst and handwringing is going to be hilarious . Especially from the celebrity arseholes
Anyway I'm out of this thread now (feel free to post stuff but I'll not be responding, its all history now), I have a dog that want's to go for a walk along the beach in this lovely sunshine and 28C temp.

The Donald has won and the people of the "home of the free" have got what they deserve, so they and the rest of the world needs to just move on. I do have some predictions, not one meter of "the wall" will be built and that there will be no ban on Muslim entering the USA (most people get knocked back nowadays if they have a Muslim looking name, just look at what happened to Yusuf Islam when he tried to collect his Hall of fame award) and most of the other bullshit Trump said will just not happen.

Don't get to excited about the political bullshit you can't do anything about, it will just make you sad :)
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