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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Honestly I had forgotten about the birth certificate stuff, then I saw that Obama had talked with Trump to give him congratulations. Jesus.
It was Clinton's team in the primaries against obama who originally gave that nonsense legs and brought it into the political discourse, and thus to trumps attention.
8% of the black vote, 29% of the Latino and Asian vote.
The change from last time is in the right hand column. Admittedly the swing in the black vote isn't so surprising because there was an actual black candidate in the last two elections and none in this one. The swing in Latino/Hispanic and Asian voters is a bit more :eek:
Honestly I had forgotten about the birth certificate stuff, then I saw that Obama had talked with Trump to give him congratulations. Jesus.

Traditionally he has to host Trump for tea (or some shit) on the morning of the inauguration.


Go on Obama, you know you want to.
Once again the pollsters prove themselves less than accurate!

Yeah, coz all the stats and polls nailed this, yeah?

I think based on our last general election, brexit and this we can consign polling in its current form to the dustbin.
To be fair, for both Brexit and Trumpit, the pollsters had it at pretty much 50/50 in the last days. Both actual results were probably round about within the stated margin for error. Not their fault if people interpret 49/51 +/- 3 as being a solid prediction of a win for the 51.

Where they keep getting it wrong, however, is in translating raw data into results for first past the post systems. Which is tricky at best. They also keep mucking up the analysis of trends, which is less forgivable.
Just realised that as a unpleasant side effect of this shit, Farage has a new excuse to be even more of an insufferable racist little fuck now.
The change from last time is in the right hand column. Admittedly the swing in the black vote isn't so surprising because there was an actual black candidate in the last two elections and none in this one. The swing in Latino/Hispanic and Asian voters is a bit more :eek:

They were the vote that put Clinton in during the primary. Then, they didn't really show up in the numbers needed for the general. A different candidate to Clinton would have faired better against Trump.
- This does not bode well for Trump's alleged sexual asssault victims in their quest for justice
Yep - and plenty of others who have crossed him. :(

By the by, I've forgotten what happens to the investments/finances of American Presidents when in office? In Britain the PM (and Cabinet?) are supposed to leave the management of their assets of someone else and not make direct decisions about where to invest etc. Not sure what happens in the usa and too rushed to look at the moment. However I can't see Trump doing that.
Yet Clinton got more lower income votes.

View attachment 95251
And again: lower income voters are generally Democrat-inclined. The democrats could stand a stick of wood and it would get a decent showing among low income people for not being Republican (I know I'd vote for it). If we want to know the Trump/Clinton effect we need to look at the difference between this and recent elections. A 16% swing towards Trump is pretty significant, and a pretty significant failure for Clinton.
Which she partly made up for by gaining votes among those earning more than $50000 a year.
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