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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I posted this on my birthday - not that it is particularly significant but then this is another of my more frivolous posts seeing as how I imagine a fair few people will have woken up and had a 'what the actual fuck' moment.

Maybe he's the antichrist. It's the sort of joke I could imagine Lucifer finding hilarious.

Interestingly if you let the vid run to the next tune up it is 'You can't always get what you want', which is what the Trump camp played at one point when they found he'd won.
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I've always scoffed at conspiracy theorists who state that Illuminati agents put mind control drugs in the water.

However I can think of no other explanation for the state of the world. The Illuminati must indeed exist and be pulling the strings for Trump to have won.
However I can think of no other explanation for the state of the world.

Here's an explanation: it's easier to make people angry and afraid than to make them happy and content. Ergo people who peddle anger and fear will alway have the edge in a political system that depends on popularity contests.
Hang on people being angry about the status quo, about the fact that their politicians are corrupt fucks, that their children are likely to have a worse quality of life than they do is surely a good thing? I'm angry about these things, what shows the abject failure the 'left' is that it is not they but the right that is capturing that anger.
Stunning outcome. They all got it wrong....pollsters, media. They didn't take into account the intensity of Trump support and the tepidness of Hillary support......although those things had been discussed by them throughout the campaign. Dark days and years ahead I think.

better keep those guns oiled and the powder dry.
Of course he would have; the states she lost in the north-east (Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and it looks like Michigan too) would not have been lost by Sanders.
She lost to a man who has admitted not paying his taxes and assaulting women. If he can win against those sorts of headlines he can win against anything.

This was horribly predictable form the very start. We are living in a world that is built by and for men like him.
Hang on people being angry about the status quo, about the fact that their politicians are corrupt fucks, that their children are likely to have a worse quality of life than they do is surely a good thing? I'm angry about these things, what shows the abject failure the 'left' is that it is not they but the right that is capturing that anger.

Once people are angry, they're more likely to go for the 'I will fix this for you' guy than the people saying 'let's team up and fix this together'. Nominally left wing populists like Blair and Obama have succeeded by putting themselves in the former category. Then they let everyone down because surprise surprise, a centralised power structure cannot fix the problems caused by centralised power structures.
She lost to a man who has admitted not paying his taxes and assaulting women. If he can win against those sorts of headlines he can win against anything.

This was horribly predictable form the very start. We are living in a world that is built by and for men like him.
Would Bernie Sanders have defeated Donald Trump?

all hypothetical now, but what stats there are suggest he wouldve at the very least done better than hilary and in the end trump didnt win it by much..a percentage point here and there
Would Bernie Sanders have defeated Donald Trump?

all hypothetical now, but what stats there are suggest he wouldve at the very least done better than hilary and in the end trump didnt win it by much..a percentage point here and there
Yeah, coz all the stats and polls nailed this, yeah?

I think based on our last general election, brexit and this we can consign polling in its current form to the dustbin.
She lost to a man who has admitted not paying his taxes and assaulting women. If he can win against those sorts of headlines he can win against anything.

This was horribly predictable form the very start.

It was, but that was because HRC was always going to do almost exactly what the GOP establishment tried to do to him in their primaries. Sanders would not have fought that campaign by trying to suggest that a misogynist billionaire was in fact a misogynist billionaire.
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