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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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that ad from Trump posted a few pages back about de industrialisation, jobs and all that really showed how he had an open goal on those issues. He was talking about the failure of neoliberalism etc - how could Clinton seriously respond to that? 'America's already great!' She and her team probably thought that was a great line, but it would most likely only have scored more points for Trump.
As that piece killer b linked to said
Trump sold Hope, Clinton sold the status quo.

Trump’s motto was “make America Great Again”. Clinton’s said “America’s already great.” That told anyone who wasn’t doing well that Clinton was not their candidate.

The Recovery Never Touched A Lot of People

And Clinton and Obama told those people they didn’t care about them. All this bullshit about the unemployment rate when the percentage of jobs available compared to the population never recoveredand when only one year of Obama’s reign saw general increases in income.
The majority of people voted for Clinton, is that right? But the way the thing works Trump won.
No Trump is still ahead in the popular vote ATM. (57,286,593 to 56,358,391 votes). That Clinton might lose while winning the popular vote was mooted as a possible scenario.

EDIT: If anybody can find a figure for turnout can they post it (and a link to the source) I'd be grateful. It'd' be interesting to see what extent people not turning out for Clinton was a factor.
Do working class white males not matter in this too, or are you playing some sort of shit identity politics devoid of any class analysis?

Besides plenty of black, LGBT and women did vote for Trump but that will be inconvenient for liberals.
My facebook feed is full of Azealia Banks screaming that her nigga won. Up the liberal elite etc. It's entertaining, she's quite funny. It's about all that is stopping me from shooting myself richt noo.
So many thick and vile cunts in America. What an ignorant shit hole and sewage dump.

No, no, no. I won't have that. The people have spoken. The thick and vile cunts are the liberal, intellectual, middle class elite (because no working class vote for the democrats) who believed that racism, misogyny and prejudice is wrong. Their day is over. America prevails.
he goes into more detail about the opposing camps messages in this blog, which is very good. Trump Pushes Hope While Clinton Pushes Fear | Ian Welsh
it's an interesting take and highlights how Trump's strategy pushed Clinton into a situation where the response could only be negative
had it been an ordinary Republican candidate she could have pretended to have a positive vision like they all usually do, but this time it wouldn't have been credible.
Starting to feel almost physically sick - this is how I imagine die hard Trump supporters feel today about their 'Leader' - spoiler warning toxic unashamed remixed Hitler speech. :mad:
And still people posting shit gifs 'thicko racists', 'fuhrer huh huh'. I realise it is much easier to do this than actually stop burying your liberal heads in the sand and start critically analysing why people like Trump have won and Clinton not.

Christ, Trump winning brings me no pleasure whatsoever (and nor would Clinton particularly), but really, the response on here just demonstrates precisely the point.
Holy crap, it's Springtime for Trump! Wouldn't be so bad if the House and Senate weren't also now Republican, and if he didn't have a Supreme Court justice to nominate, as it stands the US is about to become a much worse place to live than people could have imagined just a couple of years ago.
And still people posting shit gifs 'thicko racists', 'fuhrer huh huh'. I realise it is much easier to do this than actually stop burying your liberal heads in the sand and start critically analysing why people like Trump have won and Clinton not.

Christ, Trump winning brings me no pleasure whatsoever (and nor would Clinton particularly), but really, the response on here just demonstrates precisely the point.

Amazing isn't it. And will be the reason Le Pen storms it in France too.
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Do working class white males not matter in this too, or are you playing some sort of shit identity politics devoid of any class analysis?

Besides plenty of black, LGBT and women did vote for Trump but that will be inconvenient for liberals.
What do you think about this - from the exit polls. It suggests that the people on the lowest incomes voted for Clinton and that your use of the word 'plenty' should maybe be defined.


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Holy crap, it's Springtime for Trump! Wouldn't be so bad if the House and Senate weren't also now Republican, and if he didn't have a Supreme Court justice to nominate, as it stands the US is about to become a much worse place to live than people could have imagined just a couple of years ago.
Indeed. And the Supreme Court being the most important of those. The other "checks and balances" missing are after all just Democrat politicians.

Trump won't bring down the establishment or "drain the swamp". Hopefully this will demonstrate whose interests are protected by political institutions. What we will see is a harder Republican consensus in Washington.
Wouldn't have thought so.

Can you elaborate?

Apologies should have said 'some' die-hard Trump supporters. Over at Stormfront many Nazis,proto-Nazis ,KKKers and the like are ecstacic as to a Trump victory. Can't imagine a similar reaction for any other US President in recent history. 200 pages on their BB in less than 24 hours on a single thread.

Re: United States of America presidential election of 2016
Hail Wotan! The gods were with us! America Erwacht!
Apologies should have said 'some' die-hard Trump supporters. Over at Stormfront many Nazis,proto-Nazis ,KKKers and the like are ecstacic as to a Trump victory. Can't imagine a similar reaction for any other US President in recent history.
Reagan was popular with the far right. If you're looking for parallels, there are more to be found there than Germany in January 1933.
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