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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Trump has been endorsed by the Klan, Neo Nazis Racists, and thugs. Including this fucker. Watch Trump Supporter Chant “Jew S.A.” at Reporters, Call Them “Enemy” at Phoenix Rally

So yes I think it's accurate useful and funny, you snivelling apologist for a racist shitweasel.
Then you're a moron. Trump is disgusting but he's no fascist and to claim he is is both stupid, counter productive and insulting to those killed by fascist regimes.

This moronic meme you posted has one purpose and one purpose alone, for all the pricks like you to kiss each others arses and tell each other how progressive you are. It's exactly the type of crap that has resulted in Trump's rise.

And apart from CR no one on U75 has apologised for or supported Trump.
That's not an argument. I'm quite aware of my position on the US election thanks. Even if I haven't spent quite so much of my time on it as you have.

You're so aware of your position you're confident of lecturing other people on their position.
I see this thread like the referendum ones have also been reduced to liberal wank 'if you don't like Clinton you must like Trump' positionings and a stream of shit gifs.

Fucking hell, I keep thinking I've inadvertently ended up on a shit social media site. Urban used to be somewhere for critical analysis and not this fucking dire rubbish.
Then you're a moron. Trump is disgusting but he's no fascist and to claim he is is both stupid, counter productive and insulting to those killed by fascist regimes.

This moronic meme you posted has one purpose and one purpose alone, for all the pricks like you to kiss each others arses and tell each other how progressive you are. It's exactly the type of crap that has resulted in Trump's rise.

And apart from CR no one on U75 has apologised for or supported Trump.

He's threatened to ban press freedom, round up immigrants, railed against Jewish bankers, targetted minorities, and advocates torture of his enemies.

What's your definition of a fascist?
Possibly but the US spend way more on polling than the UK, so their polls are seen as more accurate, and through early voting we're getting strong hints that theres a big African American Hispanic and Women vote already cast, three blocks that more or less despise Trump.
Utter rubbish. US polls are all over the shop, from a narrow Clinton lead to a narrow Trump one. They use basically the same techniques as UK polls and the problems with both is ascertaining/guessing what the respective turnouts from various cohorts are going to be. Clinton is favourite, for sure, but not by a massive margin
Christ watching you scramble about for the moral high ground is like watching a mountaineer in Holland.
Though to be fair you're not lecturing now, you're just chucking insults around in an undignified attempt to avoid addressing the original point.
The actual definition of a fascist. If I were you I'd look it up. It's not just being mean.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


Donald Trump's attacks on the news media: A not-so-short history
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies


Trump's people: The Donald and white nationalism | Coffee House

Right Wing.

Donald Trump Jr. and the white nationalist alt-right: A pattern that goes way beyond coincidence

The only reason it doesn't fit the final two criteria is he's not been elected.
He's threatened to ban press freedom, round up immigrants, railed against Jewish bankers, targetted minorities, and advocates torture of his enemies.
Plenty of liberal democracies have attacked press freedom, plenty of liberal democracies are currently attacking immigrants (Australia has set up concentration camps) and targeting minorities, both Britain and the USA have aided in the torture of their enemies within the last decade. Is Britain a fascist regime? Australia? Saudi Arabia? Iran?
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


Donald Trump's attacks on the news media: A not-so-short history
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies


Trump's people: The Donald and white nationalism | Coffee House

Right Wing.

Donald Trump Jr. and the white nationalist alt-right: A pattern that goes way beyond coincidence

The only reason it doesn't fit the final two criteria is he's not been elected.
that's a really shit definition of fascism
Wouldn't vote for either of them and there's no realistic hypothetical situation that could make me. I'm not the one who's so obsessed by the ersatz democracy of another nation that I can't read criticism of one candidate without interpreting it as support for the other.
It seems to me that people in states where their vote might count and who decide to not stoop to vote in this election, or to vote for a 3rd candidate , are basically saying to minorities good luck but my principles and political philosophy are more important to me.
Trump is a text book example of populism I thought most people were down with that - the Donald doesn't really DO ideology...the recourse to conspiracy theories is an interesting overlap - although that is also a long embeded feature of American culture - "the paranoid style" etc

looks like Farage is looking to take on some consultancy work

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It seems to me that people in states where their vote might count and who decide to not stoop to vote in this election, or to vote for a 3rd candidate , are basically saying to minorities good luck but my principles and political philosophy are more important to me.
What a dumb thing to say. Who are these people with principles and political philosophy entirely removed from what they actually want in society? And if you're trying to suggest that I'm saying that from a privileged white male position then fuck off and what the fuck do you know about me or my family?
In the UK EU referendum, all the names and organisations flocked to support the remain side and the polls pretty much all showed a remain win, even up to the start of voting. Yet in a surprise for the reporting media, and many voters, leave won.

In the US presidential election, all the names and organisations have flocked to the Clinton side and all the polls (most) have been pointing to a Clinton win, could the actual result be a surprise like it was here?

It wasn't quite 'all the names' flocking to the remain side, with Boris Johnson and other well known politicians calling for leave. The print press was majority for leave, and had spent decades peddling anti-EU and anti-immigrant bollocks. I don't think it's that close a comparison.
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