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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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It's good of Spanish speaking Americans to save Clinton in her hour of need. Reminds me a bit of this story which had a bit of a different ending.
Hillary Clinton Defends Call To Deport Child Migrants | Huffington Post

Those children were primarily fleeing the right-wing violence unleashed following the coup she backed in Honduras.

Obviously can't know for sure but it seems likely that a great many of the people who lined up into the night yesterday were basically there to vote for Not Trump, because his plans to build a wall to keep all the 'bad hombres' out and to deport members of your family etc seem more of an immediate threat. Things would no doubt look really different if HC had been up against someone who did not from day one hurl racist slurs threats and abuse at massive segments of the American population.
Just watched a fascinating doc "My Trans American American Road Trip". In it; Trump criticised the infamous North Carolina "Bathroom Bill", initially. But he seemed more concerned about the economic fallout, as a result, than the rights of transgender folk. Indeed, he later backtracked (after realising his criticism did not help his chances with conservative, LGBT haters regarding votes) and said that it was up to the state.
It'd be ironic if Trump's campaign had, in fact, died, just a few moments after he descended that "gold plated" escalator. When he opened his mouth, insulted millions of Hispanic Americans, during his announcement of his campaign, way back in June 2015. What we've just been witnessing, may have turned out to be its 500-day death throe.

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Can't read that link, can you c&p?
it's a long one, this is most of it (character limit).
PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. — Hispanic voters in key states surged to cast their ballots in the final days of early voting this weekend, a demonstration of political power that lifted Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes and threatened to block Donald J. Trump’s path to the White House.

In Florida, energized by the groundswell of Latino support and hoping to drive even more voters to the polls, Mrs. Clinton visited a handful of immigrant communities on Saturday and rallied Democrats in a town filled with Hispanic and Caribbean migrants.

“We are seeing tremendous momentum, large numbers of people turning out, breaking records,” Mrs. Clinton said here in Pembroke Pines before cutting her remarks short when torrential afternoon rain began falling on the racially mixed crowd. Before taking the stage, she greeted voters at a heavily Cuban early voting center in West Miami and then stopped in at her storefront field office in Miami’s Little Haiti.

Indeed, even as she fought a rear-guard action to defend a series of more heavily white states that appear to have grown more competitive, making trips to Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, Mrs. Clinton appeared to find a growing advantage in the more diverse presidential battlegrounds.
This long, unpredictable and often downright bizarre election was, in other words, ending along the lines it had been contested all along: with Americans sharply divided along demographic lines between the two candidates. But Democrats continued to hold the upper hand, thanks in part to the changing nature of the electorate in the most crucial states: Florida and a cluster of states in the South and the West.

Mr. Trump also began the day in this state, rallying supporters in Tampa, where he recognized Hispanic supporters in his audience and declared “the Cubans just endorsed me,” citing an award he had been given by a group of Cuban-Americans. Without explaining what he meant, Mr. Trump said, “The Hispanic vote is turning out to be much different than people thought.”

He also continued to assail Mrs. Clinton over her use of a private email server as secretary of state, highlighting the F.B.I.’s apparent discovery of messages on a computer used by Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide, and her estranged husband, the former congressman Anthony D. Weiner. But, continuing a recent pattern, Mr. Trump hurled claims at Mrs. Clinton that were highly speculative.

“Anthony Weiner has probably every classified email ever sent,” said Mr. Trump. “And, knowing this guy, he probably studied every single one, in between using his machine for other purposes.”

The F.B.I. is investigating whether Mr. Weiner sent sexually explicit text messages to a 15-year-old.
Mr. Trump also stopped on Saturday in North Carolina, and took advantage of the time-zone differences by flying west for evening rallies in Colorado and Nevada.

In Reno, Nev., he was rushed offstage by Secret Service agents after someone shouted that a member of the crowd had a gun, a reminder of the charged atmosphere at many of his events. No weapon was found, and Mr. Trump returned to finish his speech after a few minutes.

By holding events in those four increasingly diverse states, he was signaling a refusal to concede any ground to Mrs. Clinton and rejecting the strategy of past presidential candidates who have fought within the confines of a narrower electoral map in the campaign’s final hours.

He even announced Saturday morning that he planned to add a stop in Minnesota, long a Democratic bulwark and a state he had not been even contesting.

But the evidence from polling and the early voting turnout seemed to indicate he was facing the possibility of sweeping losses in states with sizable Hispanic populations, most likely affected by the racially tinged language he has used since beginning his campaign over 16 months ago, when he claimed the ranks of Mexican migrants were filled with rapists and drug dealers.

“The story of this election may be the mobilization of the Hispanic vote,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an anti-Trump Republican who has pleaded with his party to do more to win over Latinos. “So Trump deserves the award for Hispanic turnout. He did more to get them out than any Democrat has ever done.”

The question for Republicans, just 12 years after President George W. Bush carried at least a third of the Hispanic vote, is how long the Trump-inflicted damage with Latinos will haunt them.

Raising the specter of how difficult it has been for California Republicans since former Gov. Pete Wilson’s hard line toward illegal immigrants there, Mr. Graham said, “If we don’t come to grips with the demographic challenges we have with Hispanics in presidential politics, we’ll never right the ship.”

In Florida, at least 200,000 more Hispanics had voted early as of Friday than did during the entire early voting period four years ago, according to an analysis by Steve Schale, a Democratic strategist who helped run President Obama’s two campaigns here.

The turnout has been particularly explosive in South Florida and Central Florida, where thousands from Puerto Rico and other regions of Latin America have migrated in recent years. And 24 percent of the Hispanics casting early ballots were first-time voters, the analysis showed.
“It’s the demographics that are bailing her out,” Mr. Schale said.

In Orlando, voters waited up to 90 minutes on Saturday at one early voting location at a library, some spending the time taking pictures of one another in front of candidates’ signs. Parking lots for a quarter-mile surrounding the area were packed.

Mrs. Clinton clearly carried the day there. Jon-Carlos Perez, 30, an independent voter and a concrete laborer originally from Puerto Rico, said he cast his vote for Mrs. Clinton in part because “she’s not an idiot like Trump.”

Alyssa Perez, 23, a doctoral student at the University of Central Florida who voted at another busy location in Orlando, said she considered Mr. Trump to be “anti-women, anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim” and said, “I don’t want to live in a country where there is a president who has those kinds of views.”

Canvassing on Saturday morning in North Miami, Mary Kay Henry, the president of the Service Employees International Union, and a handful of local members focused on households, many of them Haitian or Hispanic, with an infrequent voting history. But nearly every resident who answered their door assured her they had already voted.

“The word is out,” said Ms. Henry, as roosters scooted between yards.

But it was not just Florida where Hispanics were poised to send a powerful message. In Nevada, which has the fastest-growing Latino population in the West, Democrats appeared to have built a fearsome advantage in Las Vegas’s Clark County at the end of early voting Friday, largely because of a surge of votes from Mexican-Americans. The early voting period was extended until 10 p.m. at one Hispanic grocery store in Las Vegas, where the images of hundreds of voters waiting in line ricocheted across the internet. (On Saturday, Mr. Trump claimed, without any evidence, that the hours had been extended so Democrats could be bused in.)
As of the end of early voting on Thursday, five states with surging Hispanic populations — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina and Nevada — had already cast ballots equivalent to over 50 percent of their total turnout from 2012, according to an analysis by Catalist, a Democratic data firm.

“You can credit him for that,” said Karl Rove, the Republican strategist. “Not her.”
According to another NYT story, Trump's campaign team finally managed to ban him from using Twitter on his own.

At the rally, Mr. Trump did as he was told, quickly praising the F.B.I. and warning that Mrs. Clinton could not be permitted to “take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.” Then, improbably, he moved on.

For the next week, his staff deployed a series of creative tricks to protect its boss from his most self-destructive impulses.

Several advisers warned him that he risked becoming like a wild animal chasing its prey so zealously that it raced over a cliff — a reminder that he could pursue his grievances and his eagerness to fling insults, but that the cost would be a plunge into an electoral abyss.

Taking away Twitter turned out to be an essential move by his press team, which deprived him of a previously unfiltered channel for his aggressions.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/07/u...ck&contentCollection=Home Page&pgtype=article
In the UK EU referendum, all the names and organisations flocked to support the remain side and the polls pretty much all showed a remain win, even up to the start of voting. Yet in a surprise for the reporting media, and many voters, leave won.

In the US presidential election, all the names and organisations have flocked to the Clinton side and all the polls (most) have been pointing to a Clinton win, could the actual result be a surprise like it was here?
In the UK EU referendum, all the names and organisations flocked to support the remain side and the polls pretty much all showed a remain win, even up to the start of voting. Yet in a surprise for the reporting media, and many voters, leave won.

In the US presidential election, all the names and organisations have flocked to the Clinton side and all the polls (most) have been pointing to a Clinton win, could the actual result be a surprise like it was here?

Possibly but the US spend way more on polling than the UK, so their polls are seen as more accurate, and through early voting we're getting strong hints that theres a big African American Hispanic and Women vote already cast, three blocks that more or less despise Trump.
Trump has been endorsed by the Klan, Neo Nazis Racists, and thugs. Including this fucker. Watch Trump Supporter Chant “Jew S.A.” at Reporters, Call Them “Enemy” at Phoenix Rally

So yes I think it's accurate useful and funny, you snivelling apologist for a racist shitweasel.
Your insults might be worth more if you said them without your tongue wedged halfway up Ms Clinton's arsehole. You've been the chief snivelling apologist of the US election threads this year.
Your insults might be worth more if you said them without your tongue wedged halfway up Ms Clinton's arsehole. You've been the chief snivelling apologist of the US election threads this year.

Firstly, Donald has been endorsed by the Klan, David Duke, The Alt Right, Alex Jones, and Neo Nazis, that's not a insult shithead, those are facts. And if you support Donald you're on the same team as ISIS, the Klan, Marie Le Pen, Kim Jong Jung, Ted Nugent and Newt Gringritch,

If my options are a qualified competent centre right technocrat who's probably too hawkish on the middle east, who's worst crime in the run up to this election is not carrying a second phone, but the alternative is a spray tanned mushroom cloud with no impulse control and a prediction for sexual assault. Then yes, weirdly, I'm a reluctant Hilary fan.

What's your excuse?
Firstly, Donald has been endorsed by the Klan, David Duke, The Alt Right, Alex Jones, and Neo Nazis, that's not a insult shithead, those are facts. And if you support Donald you're on the same team as ISIS, the Klan, Marie Le Pen, Kim Jong Jung, Ted Nugent and Newt Gringritch,

If my options are a qualified competent centre right technocrat who's probably too hawkish on the middle east, who's worst crime in the run up to this election is not carrying a second phone, but the alternative is a spray tanned mushroom cloud with no impulse control and a prediction for sexual assault. Then yes, weirdly, I'm a reluctant Hilary fan.

What's your excuse?

Your options? Do you have a vote?
Wouldn't vote for either of them and there's no realistic hypothetical situation that could make me. I'm not the one who's so obsessed by the ersatz democracy of another nation that I can't read criticism of one candidate without interpreting it as support for the other.

You are staggeringly unaware.
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