I knew this would happen. Here's the thing. Are you actually saying that if something is popular predominantly amongst people who do not have college degrees (or do not own property or who are below the median income or whatever) then to criticise that thing that is popular = liberal elitist snobbery?
So anything I might think that's bad about Trump / Brexit is in effect a slur on their supporters from a sneering elitist liberal etc?
You've lost me. What did Gwb do that was good? He wasn't a racist cunt. That's about all I have
Hitler made the trains run on time, I've heard
Hitler made the trains run on time, I've heard
Hitler made the trains run on time, I've heard
...somehow this doesn't surprise me...
...somehow this doesn't surprise me...
The nose touching is traditionally meant to mean the speaker is lying, i think, or maybe in this case just showing off.Why does he itch his nose after every sentence? Is he on something?
it's a tell isn't it? he's full of shit, and (subconsciously at least) knows it.Why does he itch his nose after every sentence? Is he on something?
it's a tell isn't it? he's full of shit, and he nose it.
irl troll. Does amuse me though. Especially when he wears a crap t shirt. Keeping it real
There's nothing to indict her for. Even the Clinton hating FBI couldn't find anything. The House will hold endless hearings on the never ending email "scandal" like they've held endless hearings on the Benghazi "scandal" and will find nothing. They will probably try to impeach but that will go nowhere.Once she wins she may not spend much time in office, indictment is still a distinct possibility and then we will have Spanish speaking Spanish speaker Tim Kaine who as a Spanish speaker will be cease to be a Spanish speaking Vice President and will become a Spanish speaking President which would mean that he will no doubt be speaking Spanish in the Whitehouse, possibly with other Spanish speakers and in other cases with speakers of languages which are not Spanish.
"Clinton hating FBI", and people are calling Trump/UKIP/Corbyn supporters loons.
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
Unnamed sources say FBI is biased claims from a paper with a long history of Clinton bias, wow, that's me convinced.
Unnamed sources say FBI is biased claims from a paper with a long history of Clinton bias, wow, that's me convinced.
How have the media, political, governmental, etc elite lined up so far. Solidly behind Clinton and against Trump so why would the FBI be some sort of pro-Trump island in pro-Clinton elite. It's bullshit and the fact that pricks like you who mocked people for (rightly) believing in a bias against Trump are now peddling this crap just shows what hypocritical moronic wankers you are.
Unnamed sources say FBI is biased claims from a paper with a long history of Clinton bias, wow, that's me convinced.
How have the media, political, governmental, etc elite lined up so far. Solidly behind Clinton and against Trump so why would the FBI be some sort of pro-Trump island in pro-Clinton elite. It's bullshit and the fact that pricks like you who mocked people for (rightly) believing in a bias against Trump are now peddling this crap just shows what hypocritical moronic wankers you are.
That's a bit unnecessary.
The FBI man Comey for instance has been a lifelong Republican (although he recently said he's no longer registered as one). Has donated to the GOP in the past. . Why does bias on one side make it not ok to point up that just maybe possibly there are political reasons for this oddly timed 'revelation' of the weiner laptop etc.
Gawwd, I certainly hope the "elite" is pro-Clinton considering the alternative.Unnamed sources say FBI is biased claims from a paper with a long history of Clinton bias, wow, that's me convinced.
How have the media, political, governmental, etc elite lined up so far. Solidly behind Clinton and against Trump so why would the FBI be some sort of pro-Trump island in pro-Clinton elite. It's bullshit and the fact that pricks like you who mocked people for (rightly) believing in a bias against Trump are now peddling this crap just shows what hypocritical moronic wankers you are.
Yes, I know Obama appointed him, did so disregarding the fact that he's been a lifelong registered Republican. Doesn't mean the man is apolitical.He was appointed by Obama and praised widely by Democrats up until very recently.