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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Worth pointing out

a) The LA times polling has been Trump's preferred poll throughout the campaign and consistently showed him up by more than other polls.

b) It's been widely criticised.

I'm also so over polling.
Your recent post say " I'm so over this fucking election" and "I'm also so over polling". Clearly not over them enough as you are still posting :confused:

A Clinton fan for sure:rolleyes:
Your recent post say " I'm so over this fucking election" and "I'm also so over polling". Clearly not over them enough as you are still posting :confused:

A Clinton fan for sure:rolleyes:

I just want it to finally get on with it.

And no not a Clinton fan, just someone who thinks that Trump could literally bring about the end of civilisation. The man has so far made it abundantly clear that, he has no concept of what a nuclear deterrent is supposed to be, he has vicious temper, hasn't got the first notion about current affairs or world politics, and stated that if in command he would order his troops to commit war crimes.

So if my options are Clinton or a man likely to start WW3 it's a no fucking brainer.
I don't really think anyone would let the clown anywhere near the launch codes should he actually win and decide he doesn't like the cut of somebody's jib.
I just want it to finally get on with it.

And no not a Clinton fan, just someone who thinks that Trump could literally bring about the end of civilisation. The man has so far made it abundantly clear that, he has no concept of what a nuclear deterrent is supposed to be, he has vicious temper, hasn't got the first notion about current affairs or world politics, and stated that if in command he would order his troops to commit war crimes.

So if my options are Clinton or a man likely to start WW3 it's a no fucking brainer.
You don't think you are over reacting somewhat? Your option in this election isn't an option between "Clinton or a man likely to start WW3" maybe you have missed a number of her statements on Syria.
I'm so over this fucking election


No one's going to draw Michael Gove driving a car like this, it'd be ridiculous.

... but no-one would draw Cruz like this:

I don't really think anyone would let the clown anywhere near the launch codes should he actually win and decide he doesn't like the cut of somebody's jib.

The job title is "commander in chief", he's head of the armed forces, who's going to stop him? His minions? Those twats can't even get the cunt to stop tweeting.
The job title is "commander in chief", he's head of the armed forces, who's going to stop him? His minions? Those twats can't even get the cunt to stop tweeting.
Yes I get that, even so I can't see it as being something that would be allowed to happen.
You don't think you are over reacting somewhat? Your option in this election isn't an option between "Clinton or a man likely to start WW3" maybe you have missed a number of her statements on Syria.
Here's What Donald Trump Has Said About Nuclear Weapons

Does Clinton understand that nuclear weapons shouldn't be a first use weapon? Yes.

Does Donald? No.

Has Donald announced that his troops would explicitly target civilians? Yes.

Has Donald announced that Barack Obama and Hilary literally founded ISIS, and when asked to clarify it he doubled down on it.

So yes Clinton's middle east record is appalling but I think it's unlikely she'll turn the whole region into a glowing shard of glass (fun fact Ted Cruz actually promised to do that).
The job title is "commander in chief", he's head of the armed forces, who's going to stop him? His minions? Those twats can't even get the cunt to stop tweeting.

There is an 11% chance that a President will be bumped off during his term, and we have gone more than fifty years without that happening.
Yes I get that, even so I can't see it as being something that would be allowed to happen.

Unfortunately the whole process of "how we'd prevent President Trump having access to our nuclear arsenal" isnt something the armed forces ever foresaw. They always assumed that the person in charge would have some degree of sanity. And they elected Regan. Twice.
There is an 11% chance that a President will be bumped off during his term, and we have gone more than fifty years without that happening.

So the fate of the free world could hang on whether someone wants Taylor Swift to "notice" them?
So the fate of the free world could hang on whether someone wants Taylor Swift to "notice" them?

I think we all know, or at least suspect deep-down, that Taylor Swift would be the one behind the assassination plot.

mindless copy and paste ...cause I can
How many times has Philip Green been found crooked? What about the bankers? What about Mandelson who was cleared by all those investigations? Or Blunkett and that passport? Nothing to see in any of those?

Pathetic, Clinton is scum and the dealings of her and her husband are what normal people would rightly call crooked.
Also, lets not forget Trump's policy on immigration, birth control gay rights, mass Muslim deportations, climate change, Mexico and reintroducing stop and frisk (off the top of my head).*

Not to mention the fact that he's the candidate of choice of ever fucking racist misogynist neo-nazi scumbag in America.

No difference between Trump and Clinton? If you think that you're a fucking moron.

This is like when people said "there's no difference between Bush & Gore".

*He's also tried to argue a judge shouldn't preside over his case because he was "Mexican", and wants to shut down press freedom.

Thats just his policies, and before we get to the sexual assault and misogyny.
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People laugh when I say the world is completely fucked...hahahaha...laughing now?

It's all a fucking joke - get used to it..it ain't gonna get better by bitching on social media.

Trump is the least of it...
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I wonder how much the guy who has the recording of Trump using the 'n' word has put his price up to now? Time for Clinton to pay up.
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