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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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So as far as clintons emails go, is it really that serious a scandal - serious enough to depress turnout i mean? im not sure i fully understand whats happened. was wiener sending the latest emails from her computer or something?

Im sure they must all have private email servers, its just that she got caught doing it

The all do, Bush 43's team deleted tens of thousands of emails, Colin Powell has gone on the record that he thinks it's a storm in a teacup. The e-mails aren't from Clinton, or To Clinton, and were found in a completely different case involving Weiner sexting a 15yo.
The all do, Bush 43's team deleted tens of thousands of emails, Colin Powell has gone on the record that he thinks it's a storm in a teacup. The e-mails aren't from Clinton, or To Clinton, and were found in a completely different case involving Weiner sexting a 15yo.

So what does clinton have to do with the weiner case? presumably hes been fired?
It's really odd that these rich, powerful people are sharing a laptop!

You've never forgotten your laptop or charger in work, and used your partners?

Christ you are such a fucking twat.
The FBI announced this morning that they plan to
investigate a new batch of emails from Hillary Clinton, after finding them in “connection with an unrelated case.” That unrelated case? Disgraced horny former congressman Anthony Weiner sending dong shots to a 15-year-old.

The FBI opened their investigation into Weiner’s dong pics a month ago. They found these previously unknown emails while examining Clinton staffer Huma Abedin’s devices for that case.
probably the grubbiest election I have seen in my life. Literally everyone involved is a vile human being
It's terrifying. I've always loved the US but this is now getting truly fucked. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women he's just met by their pussies has just edged ahead in the latest major polls. What the actual fuck.

It's terrifying. I've always loved the US but this is now getting truly fucked. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women he's just met by their pussies has just edged ahead in the latest major polls. What the actual fuck.

Weird innit? And we re-elected the Tories with a majority after they opened up core NHS services to the private sector (amongst many other heinous things). I think i must be really out of touch. Maybe i'm missing something everyone else can see. I feel a bit bewildered. Why do people vote for these fucks? Maybe its sadomasochism. I'm going to get a cabin in the backwoods and grow my own turnips.
It's terrifying. I've always loved the US but this is now getting truly fucked. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women he's just met by their pussies has just edged ahead in the latest major polls. What the actual fuck.

Or he's 48-43 behind. Or 49-42 ahead, even. Because that's the margin of error.

Anyway, he's got somewhere between 43 and 49 because the people who want to vote for him don't prioritise his misogyny as their key decision maker. Doesn't mean they like it or approve of it. They might hate it, but still hate other things more.

Whether he wins or loses this election, he'll still be a billionaire free to go and do whatever he wants, despite his admittance of sexual assault. Whether he's president or not is more the shitty icing on the crappy cake than the cake itself.
I'm so over this fucking election


No one's going to draw Michael Gove driving a car like this, it'd be ridiculous.
The Los Angeles Times/USC Dornsife daily tracking poll has Donald Trump (R) leading Hillary Clinton (D) by approximately 4 points. The poll found that Trump is at 46.9 percent, and Clinton is trailing at 43.3 percent. The LA/USC “Daybreak” poll tracks around 3,000 eligible voters until election day.
The Los Angeles Times/USC Dornsife daily tracking poll has Donald Trump (R) leading Hillary Clinton (D) by approximately 4 points. The poll found that Trump is at 46.9 percent, and Clinton is trailing at 43.3 percent. The LA/USC “Daybreak” poll tracks around 3,000 eligible voters until election day.

Worth pointing out

a) The LA times polling has been Trump's preferred poll throughout the campaign and consistently showed him up by more than other polls.

b) It's been widely criticised.

I'm also so over polling.
a tide of angry white voters without college degrees who have never voted before are drawn to the polls by Trump’s combination of anti-free trade and anti-minority rhetoric.
good old statesman. Just can't help itself
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