Rereading the first few pages of this thread is interesting (and funny) now we know the result.
It is very interesting to see how the US cable news channels are handling this story, they gave Trump loads of airtime believing that he would fuck himself just by opening his mouth, he has said some amazing things but they haven't stopped him, yet. All their talking-heads have been saying for months, "if he looses this primary he'll be finished" and "he will never recover from saying this or that", but he just marched on regardless, so much for political editors, commentators and experts.
I think he can beat Clinton if he plays a blinder (I'm not sure he will), while Trump has a problem with women voters so does she, he beats her on all polls about the economy, terrorism and immigration (the top three issues with voters according to CNN) and she also has trust issues. He will attack her on the FBI investigation over her Email (many legal experts believe the investigation will end with the FBI recommending that the Justice Department indict Clinton and that they may produce an interim report before November), the Clinton Foundation accepting kickbacks from foreign interests in exchange for favorable deals while she was Secretary of State, her support for NAFTA and other trade deals, her voting record and Benghazi.
It isn't a done deal yet and we really could see Trump as the leader of the free world, as some people call the US President.
Trump is also vulnerable on a number of issues, when he was attacked over Trump university at one of the debates he looked very uncomfortable, but for some reason it wasn't followed up by others, he has also made some very bad deals so his view that he is "the deal-maker" is also weak, his biggest weakness is policy and if Clinton sticks to that and doesn't get down and dirty with personal issues she has a much better chance of showing Trump for what he is.
Personally I couldn't give a flying fuck who wins, but it would be entertaining to see President Trump, I wonder if he could out do Phil the Greek with his off the cuff remarks.