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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Feel a bit sad now Cruz isn't in it. Don't think I've ever chuckled at a campaign like it got on Tuesday with the Cruz/Fish monster/JFK/Zodiac thing.:D
talking of conspiraloons - saw something about a Trump/Clinton conspiracy - they are New York Mates, so he ran so people would think she wasn't that bad and vote for her instead of him:D
Hitler's followers were white racist christians facing unemployment. They saw Germany as humiliated & longed for a strong man to lead them out of the darkness.

Hitler's appeal wasn't to the Catholic or the Protestant voter blocs in Germany, both of which had their own "pet" parties to vote for. Hitler's appeal was to political conservatives, social Darwinists, racists and to the significant number of people who bought into the whole "stab in the back" thesis. This was regardless of whether the individual was religious or atheist, and Nazism itself paid little attention to, and had little respect for, Christianity and its sects.
music weirdly not sinister enough. Makes him seem like he is striding through a news room or something. Its too upbeat.
Rereading the first few pages of this thread is interesting (and funny) now we know the result.

It is very interesting to see how the US cable news channels are handling this story, they gave Trump loads of airtime believing that he would fuck himself just by opening his mouth, he has said some amazing things but they haven't stopped him, yet. All their talking-heads have been saying for months, "if he looses this primary he'll be finished" and "he will never recover from saying this or that", but he just marched on regardless, so much for political editors, commentators and experts.

I think he can beat Clinton if he plays a blinder (I'm not sure he will), while Trump has a problem with women voters so does she, he beats her on all polls about the economy, terrorism and immigration (the top three issues with voters according to CNN) and she also has trust issues. He will attack her on the FBI investigation over her Email (many legal experts believe the investigation will end with the FBI recommending that the Justice Department indict Clinton and that they may produce an interim report before November), the Clinton Foundation accepting kickbacks from foreign interests in exchange for favorable deals while she was Secretary of State, her support for NAFTA and other trade deals, her voting record and Benghazi.

It isn't a done deal yet and we really could see Trump as the leader of the free world, as some people call the US President.

Trump is also vulnerable on a number of issues, when he was attacked over Trump university at one of the debates he looked very uncomfortable, but for some reason it wasn't followed up by others, he has also made some very bad deals so his view that he is "the deal-maker" is also weak, his biggest weakness is policy and if Clinton sticks to that and doesn't get down and dirty with personal issues she has a much better chance of showing Trump for what he is.

Personally I couldn't give a flying fuck who wins, but it would be entertaining to see President Trump, I wonder if he could out do Phil the Greek with his off the cuff remarks.
keep being told its not possible without a significant portion of black and hispanic voters turning out for him and thats not going to happen

Hope its true, I despise the bull ignorance of rapey cunts like him who never saw anything they couln't buy or take
Yes the Black and Hispanic vote is very important nowadays in US elections, but getting the black vote out is very difficult according to the US news stations I listen to, they claim this is the reason so many areas with a black majority are represented by white politicians at local, state and national level (I'm not sure how true that is but that is what is reported).

I also think he can get some of the Hispanic voters on side, apparently lots of Hispanic people who have a vote are against illegal immigration and pro deportation of people who are illegal and those released from jail. Polls among Hispanics people are difficult to read/understand as it isn't easy to know if they have a vote or not, is a comment I have heard a number of times on TV news programs. Not all polls are taken just from people on the voting register (people registered to vote) and that is something people need to look at to understand if the polls is any good.

And as has been said above, there are still 6 months for him to change peoples minds.
trumps a proper isolationist isn't he? I thought it was posturing against the unpopular wars but he really is hunker down and fuck the rest of it. China! I said CHINA! bring me more hair.
trumps a proper isolationist isn't he? I thought it was posturing against the unpopular wars but he really is hunker down and fuck the rest of it. China! I said CHINA! bring me more hair.

He'll backtrack on that one day one hour one. :D Oh, we need you more than you need us, and we owe you tons of money? Ah, yes, no, we won't be sending troops to the South China Sea.

He's kind of an isolationist in some of his utterings, but in others, he's very clearly an American imperialist for whom it is America's God-Given-Right to rule the world.
trumps a proper isolationist isn't he? I thought it was posturing against the unpopular wars but he really is hunker down and fuck the rest of it. China! I said CHINA! bring me more hair.

Not really. He was against the second Gulf war, but only because he was stupid enough to think that Bush Sr. should have gotten Saddam Hussein when we were there the first time. It would have resulted in the same power vacuum we have now, only sooner.
Not really. He was against the second Gulf war, but only because he was stupid enough to think that Bush Sr. should have gotten Saddam Hussein when we were there the first time. It would have resulted in the same power vacuum we have now, only sooner.
The Donald loves war.
Guess that's how he'd pay for massive military spending increase & massive tax cuts for everyone. What an absolute clown. He'll take the Repub party down with him. :thumbs:
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"America is Already Great" Hat


What with this hat and the Clinton people deciding on 'Dangerous Donald' as an epithet maybe the Clinton campaign really can defy demographics, history and polling by giving the election to Donald Trump.
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