It didn't. But a large hunk of Trumps followers are that way.And where did a description of these white racist christians appear in the post from CR?
It didn't. But a large hunk of Trumps followers are that way.And where did a description of these white racist christians appear in the post from CR?
Well just say that then - rather than what you ended up with which was saying that 'people who've lost their jobs and homes due to globalisation and outsourcing' sound like brownshirts.It didn't. But a large hunk of Trumps followers are that way.
Hitler's followers were white racist christians facing unemployment. They saw Germany as humiliated & longed for a strong man to lead them out of the darkness. Here's Trump's populism....opposition to increasing the minimum wage.
What? All of them, the people who voted for him were all white racist Christians? Is that a fact?
Plus so far her main campaign message seems to be little more than " I am the proper person, a born expert . We are your betters and know better than you " .
She would be way worse I reckon . Trump a lot of stick over that Obama birth certificate business . But it's conveniently forgotten that the whole thing was itself started by Clinton when she was running against Obama for the nomination . It was her and her campaign group full of the worst slime balls going that started the whole whispering campaign about it . Trump ran with her racist ball .
Same thing with the border wall . Her and John McCain were shouting for a border fence and telling people not to hire immigrant labour long before Trump ever mentioned a wall .
How many wars have that woman and her entourage been up to their necks in ? Jesus ...she's genocidal .
And as regards palm greasing, Trump has already pointed out that Bill and Hillary attended his wedding , pretty much because he paid them to . He was a big donor to their " foundation " . He's had them in his own pocket . They've danced to his tune for years , for money .
Personally I think Sanders , should he somehow unlikely succeed in getting the Democrat nomination, has a much better chance of beating Trump than Clinton. Not only is the woman heartily disliked among left and right alike , but Trump can damage her in numerous ways that he can't damage Sanders .
But the main way in which she's worse is she's the elite personified . If she wins nothing ...absolutely NOTHING ..changes for the better, that's 100% guaranteed . Trump is at least talking about changing the nature and structure of the US system . Or at least saying it needs changed . He's that unpredictable he might just change something for the better . Something better might come along AFTER him if he changes things, another Sanders type might stand a chance in the future . There's zero hope of that with Clinton . Just more born to rule, we are your betters clones operating the same bought and paid for racket . There's a real possibility Trump could be a spanner in the works .
He's definitely a fucking spanner .
A lot of people won't want to wake up with Trump for president either.
He needs to look presidential, the tactics that worked on republican voters won't work with the general populace. Clinton has been around for a while, run for senate, if there was serious dirt someone would have brought it up before now.No doubt about that either . But by the time Trumps finished attacking Clinton ...or more precisely the Clintons, as they advertise themselves as a 2 for one package..the percentages on the least awful might be a bit surprising .
He needs to look presidential, the tactics that worked on republican voters won't work with the general populace.
All valid points as far as Clinton's track record goes. And yet it begs the question of 'better or worse in what sense'. HC would be more of the same - and we can all see plenty wrong with that. But it doesn't follow that a Trump-shaped spanner (/spanner-shaped Trump) will be remotely what's needed to improve matters. And bear in mind that all the Republicans have been since they won back Congress has been a spanner in the works - less has actually been done in terms of government business in this presidential term than any other I know of, because of the GOP's agenda of ceaslessly blocking anything that fellah in the White House wants purely on the 'principle' that he shouldn't have it, with no shred of an alternative on offer other than 'government should do nothing'.
Trump may be a different kind of spanner - less establishment/elite in some senses (although his claims to that are not much more convincing than Farage's to my ears - he just sounds like a regular moron, he's still a billionaire asshole) - but would he be in any way a more positive spanner?
He needs to look presidential, the tactics that worked on republican voters won't work with the general populace. Clinton has been around for a while, run for senate, if there was serious dirt someone would have brought it up before now.
...Trump may be a different kind of spanner - less establishment/elite in some senses (although his claims to that are not much more convincing than Farage's to my ears - he just sounds like a regular moron....
Let's not forget here that Trump is part of the elite. And he's given every indication that, at heart, he would work to make the rich even richer in the name of freedom.So one elite has just had their asses handed to them . By a guy they ridiculed right to the last moment . One half of the elite has been completely upended as a political force .
On the other hand I think he's genuine about non interventionism and bringing the US military back from abroad . That's very positive in my view . As well as creating jobs , infrastructure projects and the like. Opposition to Nafta. That stuff .
Let's not forget here that Trump is part of the elite. And he's given every indication that, at heart, he would work to make the rich even richer in the name of freedom.
As for his foreign 'policy', it's all over the place. All we can know for sure is that he wouldn't do most of what he's threatened he'd do over the months. But he has made horrible noises wrt Iran, Russia and even Cuba. I could see him going down the simpleton 'Evil Empire'/'Axis of Evil' routes of Reagan/Bush jnr. He's dangerous to the world potentially, but then so is Clinton.
I'm just not sure I believe his isolationist noises, which have gone side by side with condemning the normalisation of relations with pretty much anybody. He also talks about building up the US military (even bloody more). I'm not sure we can know, or even really guess, what he would really do - as the outsider who didn't have to take a public stand on any of them as they were happening, it's easy for him to condemn disasters in retrospect.He's talked consistently about withdrawing the US military from abroad and basing them in the US . He's totally condemned the disasters in Iraq and Libya and even Vietnam...that marks him out as very different from the Trumps and reagans, much less the clintons who have been every bit as bad as their republican counterparts . Worse in some ways .he opposes further meddling in Syria . He's repeatedly said he'd get along with Russia . Every indication is Clinton will continue taking her cue from the same people that have left a trail of destruction and millions dead across the globe . She's a cert for war .
The " evil empire / axis of evil " stuff was largely the work of Robert Kagan . Of Project for a New American century notoriety . Who these days along with his wife Barbara Nuland is in the Clinton camp . They're on the same page when it comes to that stuff , along with McCain and Lindsay Graham . Complete lunatics . All of them..fanatics . Hilary Clinton has proven time and time again she'll have a nation destroyed for absolutely nothing . And has openly laughed about bombing Iran , in the company of the vilest right wing hawks .
Trumps preference for isolationism is much less dangerous in my view . I don't see him as a warmonger at all . A cunt in other ways but not that one .
I don't know why you think Trump is some paragon of virtue.
He's repeatedly said he'd get along with Russia .
In a range of ways the guy will be fucking awful . But I think in others he could be better . But as regards establishment, the guy has just completely fucked the entire GOP over . He's wiped out ..completely..the strongest list of candidates they've fielded for years . Absolutely slaughtered them . And although he's got their nomination I still think its a stretch to actually call him a republican . It's more a badge of convenience .
So one elite has just had their asses handed to them . By a guy they ridiculed right to the last moment . One half of the elite has been completely upended as a political force .
Casually Red said:On the other hand I think he's genuine about non interventionism and bringing the US military back from abroad . That's very positive in my view . As well as creating jobs , infrastructure projects and the like. Opposition to Nafta. That stuff .
Casually Red said:Plus if he wins he's going to be so polarising the Democrats will finally have to accept the likes of the Clintons have had their day and it's time for a Sanders ...a more left populist type...type to be put in to get that fucking asshole out of the white house . I think it's positive in that he could potentially put a serious hole in both elites, and some real change could come out of the chaos he creates.