What A Load of Old Bollocks
“Samsara (world of forms and dualities) and Nirvana (the absoloute/void) are the same” to quote some old Zen wanker. It’s the tightest ontological claim I can see available to us, without perhaps the curative fantasy of ever lasting bliss (nirvana). Miya is another one isn’t it, the veil within everything (forms) that is one with the “void/brahman/absolute/God”Thing is that we all effectively operate according to a heuristic that is inherently dualistic, namely one that talks of agents with free will.
Even if we know deep down that the agents are constructions and free will is a bad concept, we all do it. As Daniel Dennett pointed out, there isn't really any other way to operate. Dennett was a monist in theory, but a dualist in everyday practice. Is anyone a monist in everyday practice? It's hard. Maybe a hardcore Buddhist monk?
And yes no other way to act. Blissed out nondualists in whatever tradition can be the worst. But it’s good also that some do it. The bodhisattva is a nice metaphor though, “one who has come back”