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Does Greece want to leave the EU?


Well-Known Member
A few months back a senior member of Syriza said they were getting pissed off with Brexit, but it wasn’t their leader. Maybe speaking out of turn.

Does Greece want to leave the EU?

Or maybe leave the Euro?

It was the ECB (and all that ride that train) that nuked them, not the EU per se (get your venn diagram out for that)

What do people in Greece now want?
Following the pauperisation and austerity imposed on Greece by the ECB, you would think it would be inevitable. Although many Greeks whose opinion I have asked have been firm remainers.
A few months back a senior member of Syriza said they were getting pissed off with Brexit, but it wasn’t their leader. Maybe speaking out of turn.

Does Greece want to leave the EU?

Or maybe leave the Euro?

It was the ECB (and all that ride that train) that nuked them, not the EU per se (get your venn diagram out for that)

What do people in Greece now want?
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Let's not buy paolo 's pathetic false differentiation between the ECB and the EU. The killings in Greece are attributable to the EU. It is part of the function of the EU to enforce these neo-liberal attacks on (Greek) labour.

Yes. It is the Eurozone’s adherence to the rigidity of neoliberalism.
Please forgive my error.
For complete clarity, do the people of Greece want to leave any of the following?

- EU

(There maybe other union organisations the people of Greece may or may not want to leave, those are the two that spring to mind. Add others that I’ve missed)
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