Double posted in error.
I disagree. I put the blame on the lack of knowledge/ignorance about the EU squarely at the door of the media. The right-wing media are firmly opposed to the EU (for whatever reasons) and have led a campaign of opposition and misinformation. Most people get their information from the media, not from government sources. The government has plenty of info about the EU but this is not used by the main source of public information - the media. There is also a general lack of interest about the EU, a pattern of which is followed by the media. You cannot honestly tell me the EU does nothing that benefits British citizens, yet when the EU does introduce new beneficial legislation, the media rarely report it (or they twist it into a negative)goneforlunch said:Right wing media barons didn't do much to oppose past EU integration. The electorate barely understands what EU membership means because our politicians and the media chose to make sure of it. If the EU is so good for Britain, why do you think they did that? And please, let's not try to pretend it's because the people wouldn't understand it.
Nice tryAnd this still isn't a left/right wing issue, unless you think democracy itself is the preserve of the right?
Explain what you mean by giving democracy away to the EU. I don't understand how democracy can be "given away" to a democratically accountable organisation? The EU is democratic but if you are concerned about a lack of democracy and accountability in the EU then you should support the Treaty, not oppose it. Or did you mean to say 'give away sovereignty' to the EU? Either way, in this day and age, certain problems can only be overcome by "surrendering" or "pooling" sovereignty - a fact you cannot deny.Because parliament has been handing our right to democracy to the EU for over 30 years, and we have very little chance of getting it back. Parliament before that was subject to democratic controls; ie it did NOT bind its successors.
How is this Treaty (or even the Constitution) a) a major constitutional change compared to the other amending treaties or b) a major constitutional change at all?And isn't that exactly what our senior politicians, assisted by the media, have been doing for decades ... stifling debate and hiding information? Major constitutional changes like this demand a referendum, especially when all mainstream political parties committed themselves to one.
I couldn't care less what David Cameron thinks about anything.David Cameron's trying to fudge the issue now with his six ifs - if the opponents of the treaty failed to defeat the Government in the Commons; if they failed in the Lords; if the Prime Minister did not change his mind; if there was not an early election; if every other country ratified the accord; and if no other EU state held a referendum on the issue - he might commit himself to post ratification referendum.
CyberRose said:The right-wing media are firmly opposed to the EU (for whatever reasons)
The EU isn't going to have much effect on profits of big businesses or political domination because a) small businesses are being squeezed out by EU inspired red tape, and b) because it is a big business orientated organisation, it's the bosses union, remember? Just how much do you suppose multinationals are making from EU approved schemes like biometrics and road pricing, etc.laptop said:Primarily, I think, because the proprietors fear its effect on their profits and political dominance.
To what end? More children than ever are taking up smoking and binge drinking.It's already hardened the line against tobacco and alcohol advertising.
But it hasn't stopped the proliferation of junk-food in supermarkets, and nor will it.They fear it may take away the advertising of junk-food at kids.
Well given its dominance over UK law it should do, but where's the evidence that it does?The EU Competition department is a sight more effective than its UK equivalent at stamping on their monopolistic tendencies.
So we'll have more space for cheap European re-runs and other EU approved programming. That's just great.The EU Culture department won't let them launch TV channels filled entirely with cheap US re-runs.
With the level of corruption in the EU, dream on, and when the opt-outs end it will also be the end stage for democratic rule.A more concerted EU without UK opt-outs would pose the risk - quel horreur - that Rupert Murdoch in particular might pay some income and corporation tax.
So even being in the heart of the EU, they remain unconvinced? And isn't that a pattern repeated all over in with the Portuguese community, the black community, the Muslim community, et al? People want to be with other people with a similar outlook.And there's another factor. The second time I visited Brussels, the local National Union of Journalists branch took me for a pint. They went to an utterly dreadful gloomy depressive faux-Irish bar - because they could order in English. That's the world the UK hacks there inhabit - they're not in Brussels or joined-up Europe at all, they're in an expat hell.
Likewise, you have not said why the Reform Treaty has reformed the EU for the worse (rememebr, the debate is over the Treaty, not over whether we should be in the EU or not). But I would agree somewhat that the pro-EU's have not exactly gone on the offensive ovver the Treaty. But this, imho, is purely because they always have to be on the defensive because of the right-wing media. So instead of report after report over how the Treaty will be beneficial, we merely have report after report of the pro-EU's countering the right-wing media's lies and scare stories. I fully agree they should go on the offensive, ignore outright any calls for a referendum and instead concentrate on the positives.goneforlunch said:CyberRose
Both the left and right wing are guilty of misinformation and pedalling EU propaganda. The FT gave Nick Clegg a platform to tell us his opinion as to why it is "Vital for Britain to commit to the "Europe". Take for instance, his "Why should I bother to vote, people ask, if all the important decisions are taken in boardrooms in Tokyo, Beijing, New York or Frankfurt?" He does not explain why people should vote when all the "important decisions" are taken in whatever city the national government ministers happen to be meeting under the qualified majority voting system, or in Brussels by unelected commissioners who have formally pledged loyalty to the EU.
We have just had a "reform" treaty, but Nick Clegg in his enthusiasm for the EU didn't explain how if at all it has reformed the EU for the better. And his desire to scrutinise the EU for powers and policies that can be executed at lower levels is all very nice, but it won't make any difference, any more than the parliamentary committee already doing the job can. Policies will still be executed from the centre with the power to implement them increasingly at regional levels.
I'm pretty sure the "Europe Diary" is purely to give a summary of what responsibilities the EU institutions have. As no insitution has the responsibility for committing fraud I don't see why it would be included. By the way, if here you're referring to the accounts that have never been signed off, perhaps you should look into why that is, especially in comparison to the way the UK's accounts are audited and then tell me which organisation is more thurough...the UK or EU (hint hint - it's the EU)I have a copy of the "Europe Diary" for 2007/08 given to schoolchildren. It is full of misinformation and propaganda. Take for instance its explanation of what the European Court of Justice does, "The European Union is funded by taxpayers money. Taxpayers have the right to know whether their money is being spent properly. The Court of Auditors, also based in Luxembourg, reviews the Commission's accounts and publishes and annual report on the way the money has been spent." Not a word is said about the massive amount of fraud that goes unchecked year after year.
I hope the red lines don't hold! The main negative for me is the exclusion of the Charter of Rights. It's not enough for me to oppose the Treaty because I hope that this issue will come back for debate sometime in the future on its own without all the other issues getting in the way.And as for official sources of information about the new treaty, like the FCO, information provided assumes the "red lines" will hold, when we know they are just as worthless as John Major's equally lauded "subsidiarity" was. And the FCO has always presented the most favourable analysis of EU matters.
Yawn. Yes it is democratically accountable. The Commission is appointed by national (elected) governments. The Council is made up of elected national governments and the Parliament is directly elected by the European people. No European laws can be passed without the approval of both the Council and the Parliament (two elected bodies). The Parliament can dissolve the Commission should it chose to do so (which it has in the past). How exactly is it not democratically accountable?? And how is the UK government any more democratic?The EU is NOT a democratically accountable organisation. One only has to look at the way the Constitution has been wheeled out once again under a different name, after its referendum rejections, let alone the rest. This has been discussed on this thread and has been pointed out to you before. As before, if you have a counter-argument, please say. And I'd most definitely deny your suggestion.
But the UK law that says a Parliament cannot bind its successors is obviously now been negated due to EU law taking preference. IE it no longer appliesOf course EU law takes preference over UK law, and this has been perfectly obvious since the Factortame case in 1988. British politicians CANNOT overturn EU law. What is that if not parliament binding its successors? And therefore, what's the point of voting for British politicians? And don't forget MEPs have very little power.
You answered your own question there. The EU is currently too large to operate efficiently. You should support meassures that insure our money is not wasted on an ineffective organisation. It alters the voting in some areas to take away vetoes (but not in any sensitive areas) but in doing so, it actually increases the UK's share of the vote, giving the UK more of a say in the EU (surely not something you oppose?!). It extends the term of the Presidency from 6 months to 18 months to ensure policies and plans can be properly implemented and not forgotten when the next Presidency takes its seat. But it doesn't give the EU any new competencies and all this scaremongering over "Presidents" and "Foreign Ministers" are nonsense because these positions/powers are already accredited to the EU so it's nothing new.Before I answer your question as to the major constitutional changes in the new treaty, please tell me why, if you think it's not a major constitutional change, you so convinced the treaty is a good thing? Even europhiles say that the EU was too big to work under the old arrangement.
Cameron and the Tories are a complete joke when it comes to the EU and its likely to split the party. They can't decide whether they're pro or anti. Cameron even wants to withdraw from the EPP and set up a new Parliamnetary group further to the right. He was gonna ally with the Kaczynski's from Poland and the Thatcherites from the Czech Republic, but they all decided there is no need for a referendum o the Treaty so Cameron looks stupid, broke a leadership election pledge and the idea is now on the back burner. So forgive when I say I don't care what Cameron thinks about the EU.I'm not surprised you don't care what Cameron thinks, as he's hardly standing in the way of European integration. But you should because his party looks like being the only realistic alternative to Labour. He might be our next PM.
Ah so basically when it suits your ends you'll support a referendum. You'd oppose a referendum if the public were pro-EU tho wouldn't you? Face facts, this Treaty, and the Constitution, never warrented a referendum as the changes they would make to the EU were simply not significant enough. The only reason you (and others calling for a referendum like UKIP) want a referendum is to oppose membership of the EU altogether, not because you oppsoe the Treaty (which insidently answers a lot of the sceptics criticisms over the EU and aims to put them right)I never suggested every decision should be taken by referendum, but I certainly don't think parliament can be trusted on the issue of the ratification of this treaty.
Not the question I asked - would women have been given the vote had all the men voted on whether to allow it or not?But yes I do think that women would have had the vote today, as they have in all the world's democracies, and there was no demand for a referendum on women's voting rights from men. And it was after all a male dominated parliament that allowed women the right to vote (albeit under pressure from women who gained more confidence after playing a vital role in the war effort). And naturally, being a woman, I would have supported a referendum on whether women should vote if the government hadn't given way.
Heh, you probably support the death penalty only because that would have us thrown out of the EU!As for the DP, I certainly wouldn't support it under the present regime, but unless the police and the government can come up with an effective deterrent/punishment system for offenders, I would support a referendum on it. Politicians are protected from the worst criminal elements, the people are not.
goneforlunch said:The EU isn't going to have much effect on profits of big businesses or political domination... because it is a big business orientated organisation, it's the bosses union, remember?
Just one report on how the treaty would be beneficial is all that's needed to start with. Where is it? The biggest media outlet of all, the BBC, is pro-EU, and has been for years, and even it can't make a case. Giving more power to unaccountable EU institutions is reforming the EU for the worse. But in thinking that Brown's pledge to hold a referendum should be ignored outright, you show only contempt for democracy, and in your admiration for the EU, you invite debate about the negatives in response. And to suggest that the ineffectiveness of the pro-EU cause is down to the "right wing media" is just risible.CyberRose said:Likewise, you have not said why the Reform Treaty has reformed the EU for the worse (rememebr, the debate is over the Treaty, not over whether we should be in the EU or not). But I would agree somewhat that the pro-EU's have not exactly gone on the offensive ovver the Treaty. But this, imho, is purely because they always have to be on the defensive because of the right-wing media. So instead of report after report over how the Treaty will be beneficial, we merely have report after report of the pro-EU's countering the right-wing media's lies and scare stories. I fully agree they should go on the offensive, ignore outright any calls for a referendum and instead concentrate on the positives.
The Europe diary (which you can probably get a free copy of from the EU bookshop) is a fully fledged guide to modern living, all designed imho to convey the impression that the EU is the biggest and best caring organisation, and also includes a sanitised version of the EU's history. Catch 'em while they're young. (An acknowledgement of the fraud committed should be included to avoid a charge of propaganda. The EU's accounts are audited, the problem occurs when nothing is done to prevent the fraud it finds and it carries on and on and on.)I'm pretty sure the "Europe Diary" is purely to give a summary of what responsibilities the EU institutions have. As no insitution has the responsibility for committing fraud I don't see why it would be included. By the way, if here you're referring to the accounts that have never been signed off, perhaps you should look into why that is, especially in comparison to the way the UK's accounts are audited and then tell me which organisation is more thurough...the UK or EU (hint hint - it's the EU)
I never imagined you would approve of the red lines! And the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is a load of touchy feely crap, protecting rights that were never under threat prior to our joining the EEC, and rights that are given can be taken away. The EU and what is does is relevant to any argument about a treaty which means we are signing away our rights to independence away.I hope the red lines don't hold! The main negative for me is the exclusion of the Charter of Rights. It's not enough for me to oppose the Treaty because I hope that this issue will come back for debate sometime in the future on its own without all the other issues getting in the way.
No it isn't democratically accountable. It has elected elements that give it a veneer of accountability, but in reality the Council meets in secret with most its decisions being presented as nationally thought up policies, if they are presented honestly at all, so we don't know they are acting in our interests, so veneer is all it is. The EP to which MEPs are elected is the weakest of all the EU's institutions, and the last time it chose to reject the Commission, it wasn't over human or workers' rights, or global warming, or corpratism, it was over a single commissioners views of homosexuals. Nothing changed as a result.Yawn. Yes it is democratically accountable. The Commission is appointed by national (elected) governments. The Council is made up of elected national governments and the Parliament is directly elected by the European people. No European laws can be passed without the approval of both the Council and the Parliament (two elected bodies). The Parliament can dissolve the Commission should it chose to do so (which it has in the past). How exactly is it not democratically accountable?? And how is the UK government any more democratic?
And when did any government ever get itself elected on a mandate of allowing EU law to take preference over UK law? Not that that point would concern you very much.But the UK law that says a Parliament cannot bind its successors is obviously now been negated due to EU law taking preference. IE it no longer applies
I didn't answer my question, but I do support measures that would stop money being wasted on an ineffective organisation. I think we should leave the EU as you know. The vetoes are protected by the useless "red lines". And how on Earth does the UK get more of a say under the terms of the treaty???You answered your own question there. The EU is currently too large to operate efficiently. You should support meassures that insure our money is not wasted on an ineffective organisation. It alters the voting in some areas to take away vetoes (but not in any sensitive areas) but in doing so, it actually increases the UK's share of the vote, giving the UK more of a say in the EU (surely not something you oppose?!). It extends the term of the Presidency from 6 months to 18 months to ensure policies and plans can be properly implemented and not forgotten when the next Presidency takes its seat. But it doesn't give the EU any new competencies and all this scaremongering over "Presidents" and "Foreign Ministers" are nonsense because these positions/powers are already accredited to the EU so it's nothing new.
The Tories are a joke when it comes to the EU. We agree on something! But they are anti with a facade to kid their grassroots supporters. Cameron said he wanted to leave the EPP (the most federalist grouping in the EP) within "weeks not months" well over a year ago, but he hasn't. Words are cheap. Once again, how on Earth do you know which group he would ally with if he ever actually made the move? Cameron gets nowt but contempt from me too, but obviously for different reasons.Cameron and the Tories are a complete joke when it comes to the EU and its likely to split the party. They can't decide whether they're pro or anti. Cameron even wants to withdraw from the EPP and set up a new Parliamnetary group further to the right. He was gonna ally with the Kaczynski's from Poland and the Thatcherites from the Czech Republic, but they all decided there is no need for a referendum o the Treaty so Cameron looks stupid, broke a leadership election pledge and the idea is now on the back burner. So forgive when I say I don't care what Cameron thinks about the EU.
a) Yes, on a major constitutional issue such as this one, and b) No, I wouldn't, if there had been a demand for a referendum from a pro-EU public, I would have supported it, because I believe in democracy. But if the public supported the treaty a referendum wouldn't be needed because all three mainstream parties support it anyway.a)Ah so basically when it suits your ends you'll support a referendum. b) You'd oppose a referendum if the public were pro-EU tho wouldn't you?
I am facing facts. If it never warranted a referendum, why did all three major parties promise one? I oppose both the treaty and membership, and the treaty does nothing to answer my criticisms.Face facts, this Treaty, and the Constitution, never warrented a referendum as the changes they would make to the EU were simply not significant enough. The only reason you (and others calling for a referendum like UKIP) want a referendum is to oppose membership of the EU altogether, not because you oppsoe the Treaty (which insidently answers a lot of the sceptics criticisms over the EU and aims to put them right)
That's another theoretical question, and asking it suggests that you think a majority of men want to keep women down which is just ridiculous. But yes, as you asked, I do think women would have been given the vote.Not the question I asked - would women have been given the vote had all the men voted on whether to allow it or not?
That's a ridiculous comment too, and I'm as fed up with this as you are, so that's it from me for a while.Heh, you probably support the death penalty only because that would have us thrown out of the EU!
laptop said:It's a compromise between bosses and regulation of bosses - in contrast to the US system.
The rest of your points, attacking the effectiveness of the measures that bosses fear, are entirely irrelevant to the fact that they fear them.
Like I said, I agree the pro-EU media are on the defensive. Most analysis seems to concentrate on answering concerns rather than providing actual information on the Treaty. But I stick by what I've said - why do you think those supporting the Treaty have to resort to answering concerns rather than report on how the Treaty is beneficial? It's because of what I said about the right-wing media and other Eurosceptic groups deliberate attempt at stifling debate over the Treaty with their scaremongering and lies. This means those supporting the Treaty have to answer these silly claims leaving no time for the real debate. Look at the evidence (and you yourself), the right-wing media have concentrated solely on how similar the Treaty is to the Constitution, and whether therefore there should be a referendum. They've also spread blatant lies about foreign policy etc.goneforlunch said:Just one report on how the treaty would be beneficial is all that's needed to start with. Where is it? The biggest media outlet of all, the BBC, is pro-EU, and has been for years, and even it can't make a case. Giving more power to unaccountable EU institutions is reforming the EU for the worse. But in thinking that Brown's pledge to hold a referendum should be ignored outright, you show only contempt for democracy, and in your admiration for the EU, you invite debate about the negatives in response. And to suggest that the ineffectiveness of the pro-EU cause is down to the "right wing media" is just risible.
This is irrelevant to the debate.The Europe diary (which you can probably get a free copy of from the EU bookshop) is a fully fledged guide to modern living, all designed imho to convey the impression that the EU is the biggest and best caring organisation, and also includes a sanitised version of the EU's history. Catch 'em while they're young. (An acknowledgement of the fraud committed should be included to avoid a charge of propaganda. The EU's accounts are audited, the problem occurs when nothing is done to prevent the fraud it finds and it carries on and on and on.)
If the Charter was as insignificant as you claim, why was it such a big issue? Because the right-wing media and their rich chums made it an issue. Of course the right-wing don't want stricter worker's rights, it's not in their interests. But it IS in the interests of UK citizens. So what did they do? They published story after story claiming the Charter was "job destroying" and the public lapped it up as another example of "foreigners telling us what to do".I never imagined you would approve of the red lines! And the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is a load of touchy feely crap, protecting rights that were never under threat prior to our joining the EEC, and rights that are given can be taken away. The EU and what is does is relevant to any argument about a treaty which means we are signing away our rights to independence away.
Here you're demonstrating a severe lack of knowledge about the Treaty that you oppose so much, in fact, given what you have said above, I fully expect you to tell me in your next post that you support the TreatyNo it isn't democratically accountable. It has elected elements that give it a veneer of accountability, but in reality the Council meets in secret with most its decisions being presented as nationally thought up policies, if they are presented honestly at all, so we don't know they are acting in our interests, so veneer is all it is. The EP to which MEPs are elected is the weakest of all the EU's institutions, and the last time it chose to reject the Commission, it wasn't over human or workers' rights, or global warming, or corpratism, it was over a single commissioners views of homosexuals. Nothing changed as a result.
Who has ever voted for Labour, Liberals or Conservatives purely over the issue of Europe?! Nobody!And when did any government ever get itself elected on a mandate of allowing EU law to take preference over UK law? Not that that point would concern you very much.
Again, if you don't know anything about the Treaty and the reforms it makes, I don't see how you're in any position to oppose (or support) or try and tell me its not in the interests of British people.I didn't answer my question, but I do support measures that would stop money being wasted on an ineffective organisation. I think we should leave the EU as you know. The vetoes are protected by the useless "red lines". And how on Earth does the UK get more of a say under the terms of the treaty???
I think the Tories already said who they were gonna ally with following withdrawal from the EPP, luckily one (half) of the members have just been given the boot in Poland!The Tories are a joke when it comes to the EU. We agree on something! But they are anti with a facade to kid their grassroots supporters. Cameron said he wanted to leave the EPP (the most federalist grouping in the EP) within "weeks not months" well over a year ago, but he hasn't. Words are cheap. Once again, how on Earth do you know which group he would ally with if he ever actually made the move? Cameron gets nowt but contempt from me too, but obviously for different reasons.
Yes, anti-EU parties tend not to do so well at election time, what does that tell you about the mood of the British people?But for all the Tories infighting over the EU, when it comes to the crunch they support it for better or worse, and always have done ever since Tory leader, MacMillan tried to take us in and was kept out by de Gaulle.
See above: You seeming know very little about the Reform Treaty and its contents, so how you can tell me it's a "major constitutional" change, God only knows.a) Yes, on a major constitutional issue such as this one, and b) No, I wouldn't, if there had been a demand for a referendum from a pro-EU public, I would have supported it, because I believe in democracy. But if the public supported the treaty a referendum wouldn't be needed because all three mainstream parties support it anyway.
Ha! It answers a hell of a lot of your criticisms and concerns! (And Labour promised a referendum because of pressure when the French promised one, and the other two parties are just opportunists who know they would never have to go through with that promise)I am facing facts. If it never warranted a referendum, why did all three major parties promise one? I oppose both the treaty and membership, and the treaty does nothing to answer my criticisms.
You think all the men would have voted in favour of giving women the vote in the early 20th C? Yea right!That's another theoretical question, and asking it suggests that you think a majority of men want to keep women down which is just ridiculous. But yes, as you asked, I do think women would have been given the vote.
Well considering I've pointed out that if you are genuinely concerned about the EU then you should support the Treaty, and given the fact we both know you couldn't care less about the Treaty and simply oppose UK membership of the EU, I expect it will be a while before you're able to think of something to say back about this Treaty that allows you to maintain your opposition to it!That's a ridiculous comment too, and I'm as fed up with this as you are, so that's it from me for a while.
CyberRose said:Well considering I've pointed out that if you are genuinely concerned about the EU then you should support the Treaty, and given the fact we both know you couldn't care less about the Treaty and simply oppose UK membership of the EU, I expect it will be a while before you're able to think of something to say back about this Treaty that allows you to maintain your opposition to it!
goneforlunch said:Sorry I forgot to ask, how do you know they do fear them?
CyberRose said:There should not be a referendum however similar the Treaty is to the Constitution and there should never have been a referendum promised for that.
If you're concerned about democracy and British tradition then you should oppose a referendum because to have a referendum on the Reform Treaty will not be a decision by the public it will be a decision by Rupert Murdoch and the other right-wing media barons.
You claim to support democracy so why do you think policy should be decided on by media barons and their millionaire allies like Paul Sykes?
You claim to support British tradition so why do you not think Parliament should decide, as they have done for 100s of years without holding referendums?
Do you think the electorate should have been given a referendum to ask them if they wanted to let women have a vote? Do you think the public should have been given a referendum to ask them whether they wanted the death penalty abolishing? Because I can tell you now in your ideal world women would not have the vote (ever) and the we'd still be hanging criminals like barbarians.
There should be no progress in society if we let referendums decide whether or not to introduce policy because it is just too easy to stifle debate, hide information and insure that everybody that votes will be voting for everything but the actual subject of the referendum.
If you want a debate about whether or not the Reform Treaty should be ratified then you can either post up your opinions on the CONTENT of the Treaty and how these reforms will be negative for the EU and the UK, or you can just crawl back to your right-wing mates and moan and cry about whether you want a referendum while hiding from entering into an actual relevant debate on the subject...
I know a lot about its contents.cyberRose said:- I want you to comment specifically about the contents of the Treaty because goneforlunch opposes the Treaty without having a clue about the contents of it
CyberRose said:I wasn't aware the Treaty even contained anything about the Euro at all! After all, the Euro was introduced 8 years ago, so why would it?!
The new Protocols agreed in the 2004 IGC14 will be annexed to the existing Treaties (i.e. Protocol on the role of national Parliaments in the European Union, Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, Protocol on the Euro Group, Protocol on permanent structured cooperation in the field of defence and Protocol on the accession of the Union to the ECHR).
Added to that is The Centre for European Reform's view ...12. PROTOCOL ON THE EURO GROUP
THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to promote conditions for stronger economic growth in the European Union and, to that end, to develop ever‑closer coordination of economic policies within the euro area, CONSCIOUS of the need to lay down special provisions for enhanced dialogue between the Member States whose currency is the euro, pending the euro becoming the currency of all Member States of the Union, HAVE AGREED upon the following provisions, which are annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ...
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ...41.pdf]Official Journal of the European Union
The fact that most other EU countries have decided in favour of parliamentary ratification should work in Brown’s favour. Only the Irish are required by law to hold a referendum, which will probably take place next May. In the Netherlands, the state council, an advisory body, concluded after a lengthy analysis that a referendum was not needed. The Dutch cabinet says it will follow this advice as long as the treaty is not changed at the last minute. The referendum-happy Danes have reserved their decision until the final text has been agreed. The Danish opposition insists on having a political, not just a legal, debate on the need for a referendum. But the government points out that the nine clauses it thought involved the transfer of sovereignty have been removed. No other country is currently considering putting the new treaty to a popular vote – although with half a dozen member-states holding a national election between now and 2009, there is always the chance of a policy reversal somewhere in the EU.
The main lesson that many EU leaders will draw from this lengthy, and often frustrating episode in treaty making is: never again. With 27 members, and more likely to join in the future, reaching the kind of complex and fragile compromise that underlies EU treaties has become very difficult. The Union may still adopt treaties on specific issues, such as climate change.
But most European leaders agree that the EU has more important things to do than to fiddle with its institutions and decision-making procedures. And since any substantive new treaty would probably be subject to a referendum in a number of EU countries, the risk of failure would be high.
The Constitution would have wiped out all the existing treaties and replaced them with a single text, therefore, EVERYTHING remotely connected to the EU would have been mentioned, including the Euro. But no, I have not read the Treaty (nor have you) which is why I asked if it mentioned the Euro as I was under the impression that was done and dusted. This treaty is, like all the others, an amending treaty, so the only text contained would be amendments and additions to the previous treaties. Either way, it's a completely irrelevant point.goneforlunch said:Have you read the Treaty? Even the original Constitution had a distinct section on monetary policy, in which it was stated that "the currency of the union shall be the euro".
Like I said, irrelevant
Ok so you've taken an completely irrelevant part of everything I had written previously and added it to an equally irrelevant quote about referendums (again).It seems that Gordon Brown is one of the leaders who thinks never again, so opposed is he to a referendum on the new treaty.
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing said:Well, it's not so clear either. I try to be sincere with you. When the French people voted "no" at the referendum, they did not vote on articles, they did not even vote on our proposals. They voted against the political power in place, the people in charge, at that moment. So you cannot tell, say, strictly speaking that they approved or disapproved certain part of the text. They did not in fact, because they did not voted on the text.