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What was that bit with Ruby where he talked about changing faces? What was that all about? Weird dialogue.
And why is it always changed faces? 'After my latest regeneration, I ended up with new wrists'.
FFS, surrounded by newbs and fake fans.

You mean the people still watching it?

And why is it always changed faces? 'After my latest regeneration, I ended up with new wrists'.

Didn’t Tennant initially generate with a limp wrist (foreshadowing?), and got a better working one after his hand was lopped off while he still had some “regeneration energy” left?
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FFS, surrounded by newbs and fake fans.

View attachment 429365

Sutekh. Seth. The Typhonian Beast, Set, Sadok, Satan.

Watch the Pyramids of Mars. Then you’ll be better informed, and maybe you won’t be so sniffy about set design and special effects.

🙄 Lightweights.

Anyway, I've done my homework now. There's also a point in the 70s series where a puff of smoke emerged from one of the baddies, which also features in the current one.
Nah I'll watch at home.
Really looking forward to it though!
Just don't fancy going to the cinema for it, at home I can sit in my jimjams with my cat on my lap and still have a bag of sweets if I want :D
Just getting round to part 1 tonight..

Husband has many issues:
- time lords recognise other time lords. It should be obvious if she is or is not grandaughter. (Unless they are using chameleon arc)

- stupid pointless tickboxing in one scene but not one single actual foreigner.

- Doctor hasn't cried yet, but we're saving it.

- livestream "10am American time" - there is more than one timezone in America. New York time.ornwhat?

- more general pandering to US audience "declaration of independence"? - which one? American? What other planets might have had independence days? Why no witty comment from The Doctor?

So far we're 18 minutes in, and he really hates it.

I might say to him he should switch it off and touch grass, but likely he'd cry.

What a shame.

( There are other things also, but I won't mention them for fear of upsetting the perpetually upset).
Well daughter and I watched three episodes of the Pyramids of Mars last night. She was transfixed. Hopefully squeeze the last one in tonight. She's looking forward to it. People saying kids today won't watch this stuff because it is slow and shoddy etc are full of shit. A lot of you watched it as kids. I did. I watched black and white Tomb of the Cybermen on VHS and old episodes a relative recorded off UK gold in the age of Jurassic Park ffs. My Christmas present when I was 8 was the Curse of Peladon on VHS and the first missing adventure book. I couldn't have been happier.
If they have an interest they'll watch.
A bit of a re-watch, because it flew fast and furious and I know I missed some things....

That CGI dog (fine, jackal, whatever) is really, really shit for a show that has Disney money thrown at it, isn't it? :D
Is it bad? I can’t judge these things as I’m dipping into Classic Who. But for side by side comparison here’s Sutekh across the decades:



  • Haha
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Husband has many issues:
- time lords recognise other time lords. It should be obvious if she is or is not grandaughter. (Unless they are using chameleon arc)
Is Susan a timelord? It was never confirmed in her original run and I’m not at all clear about how Gallifreyan primogeniture laws worked.
Is Susan a timelord? It was never confirmed in her original run and I’m not at all clear about how Gallifreyan primogeniture laws worked.

The Doc in the this episode even thought it was a regenerated Susan, which is what the erk was. There should be no wondering about it. Timelords recognise other time lords, So this whole "is it, isn't it" line of questioning shouldn't really happen, but at the same time kind of confirms timelord status otherwise what is there to wonder about? It's really piss poor writing.

I mean episode 1, as in back in 1963, they confirm they are from the same planet. I don't think it has to be named named outright, because people can use their brains, and of course a lot wasn't established back then, but it's pretty much a given.
The Doc in the this episode even thought it was a regenerated Susan, which is what the erk was. There should be no wondering about it. Timelords recognise other time lords, So this whole "is it, isn't it" line of questioning shouldn't really happen, but at the same time kind of confirms timelord status otherwise what is there to wonder about? It's really piss poor writing.

I mean episode 1, as in back in 1963, they confirm they are from the same planet. I don't think it has to be named named outright, because people can use their brains, and of course a lot wasn't established back then, but it's pretty much a given.
well as you already pointed out it has already been established they could be fob-watched, and therefore not recognise each other, and it's not exactly hard for the writers to invent another reason why not.
well as you already pointed out it has already been established they could be fob-watched, and therefore not recognise each other, and it's not exactly hard for the writers to invent another reason why not.
Which is also exactly why it's annoying. Much in the way Sonic Screwdriver now is just a magic wand.

Who was always supposed to be scifi, with an educational Horizon like undertone, not fantasy where the writers can do whatervver-the-fuck-they-like and then make up some handwavy bullshit.

Reeks of narc-y ego.
Which is also exactly why it's annoying. Much in the way Sonic Screwdriver now is just a magic wand.

Who was always supposed to be scifi, with an educational Horizon like undertone, not fantasy where the writers can do whatervver-the-fuck-they-like and then make up some handwavy bullshit.

Reeks of narc-y ego.
Hmm. I think Who strayed away from hard sci fi a very very long time ago. It might have been supposed to be something along the lines of what you say in 1963 but I don't think there was a lot left of that by the seventies.
I am really looking forward to tomorrows episode, I normally watch when it is aired according to the schedule, but I have to be up early tomorrow at around the time N gets home from work - does it go on iPlayer from midnight tonight? Or do we have to wait til Sunday to watch together?
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