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Do you dry the sink?

Do you dry the sink?

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Washing up bowls. Ew. Minging. 🤢🤮
Always used a washing up bowl until I moved in with my now wife, who (correctly) pointed out the complete pointlessness of them to me.

Now they make me boke at even the thought of them. Gross things.

Never dried the sink though.
I have the same views about washing up bowls. Stopped using one some years ago
I do the bathroom sink when I'm deep cleaning. Kitchen sink only when I'm moving out of a place, it's the last job, shine up the drainer and sink.

I did used to do it when I lived in a bus and the entire housework took about 3 mins a day.

Otherwise no way. Who's got time for that? And ironing. Bollocks to that too....
Fully agree on bowls. But then I wash everything under cold running water with heaps of soap and rinsing. Just the thought of all that food scum at the bottom. Yeanah
Only if I plan to take it in my luggage when I visit relatives. They'd moan even more if it was still dripping when I arrived.
Yup, I'll dry the sink / draining board, fairly often, tbh.

It's stainless steel but our hard(-ish) water leaves marks when it dries, so IF I'm showing off, then the sink, taps and draining board all get cleaned and dried..

^ This. Nothing beats a dry, buffed up and shiny stainless steel sink and draining board.

When I’m done drying it. I stand there look at it with pride. Then I make a cup of tea.
I use a washing up bowl so I can save the water for plants but the outside of it and the sink it's sat in are both clean, and I tend to lick plates and pans clean first so there's very little grease or food scraps. All the people who just fling plates in the sink still covered with half their meal give me the boak
I use a washing up bowl so I can save the water for plants but the outside of it and the sink it's sat in are both clean, and I tend to lick plates and pans clean first so there's very little grease or food scraps. All the people who just fling plates in the sink still covered with half their meal give me the boak
This. I only have one sink so if someone has - yet again - hidden a plate with a huge dollop of mustard or something on it with the rest of the dishes, that has to be washed off into the sink rather than the bowl, ditto toast crumbs. Cleaning the bowl is part of cleaning down after washing up.
This. I only have one sink so if someone has - yet again - hidden a plate with a huge dollop of mustard or something on it with the rest of the dishes, that has to be washed off into the sink rather than the bowl, ditto toast crumbs. Cleaning the bowl is part of cleaning down after washing up.
Luckily not an issue most of the time as I live alone, but I point blank refuse to go near the washing up if someone's done that. It's a sensory thing, genuinely makes me feel ill.
I’m afraid I do. I’m very particular about sinks and toilets. I’ve not pursued a couple of relationships after I’ve seen their loo. I like them polished to a high shine. A friend of mine has a similar thing about microwaves - new guy, first time she visits she’ll find a way to look inside and under the microwave - and things progress or not from there.

When she told me this, I was glad she’d never looked in mine, because as one of the worlds worst cooks it contains indelible evidence of every exploding ready meal I’ve ever fucked up. When my son was younger and couldn’t make his own meals, I had to serve him with a dedicated teaspoon so he could pick out any bits of molten plastic.

Sinks though. Yes. Kitchen and bathroom. Drying and polishing the sink is the thing I do after brushing my teeth.
I voted hell no but had to add only on special occasions because I will if there's a spider or something that I'm trying to catch and relocate, which happens quite a lot
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