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Do we support Insulate Britain?

Do we support Insulate Britain in here or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 34.2%
  • No

    Votes: 56 47.9%
  • Dont know

    Votes: 21 17.9%

  • Total voters
I take no pleasure from them being imprisoned. But they've been daft in how they've gone about things.

The overwhelming majority of people have sympathy with their aim to slow climate change, and most would stand to gain financially from the state footing the bill for insulation. So, for IB to have made themselves so unpopular speaks volumes about how misconceived this tactic is. (I get that they're demonised by the right-wing press, but the IB lot have presented them with an open goal.)

There's loads of things they could've done that'd impact on those whose policies need to change (whereas the current actions don't), and which the public would be happy to see (rather than just pissing them off).
I'm an ordinary Londoner, and I don't feel they're setting themselves directly (or even indirectly) in conflict with me, in the least.

But I suppose unlike some posters on this thread, I don't unthinkingly swallow the position of the Daily Star on every current issue.
I suspect you are in a minority but I could be wrong. The reaction of drivers and passers by would suggest you might be tho.

I’m not unsympathetic to the cause. I just think what absolute fucking whoppers these older middle class people are making of themselves, cos they bring the issue to the attention of people whilst simultaneously alienating them from it.

Making people late for work, kids late for school, raising peoples blood pressure, putting lives at risk… these things make people affected think your a cunt. I mean yeh sure, they may also become aware that home insulation could form part of the solution to climate change. But the risk is they then think, but only cunts think that.

I mean correct me if I’m wrong. That would just seem the reasoning to me.
Conflict isn’t restricted to direct contact. These activists are setting themselves directly in conflict with ordinary Londoners. Unsurprisingly, they’re pissed off. That’s their intention isn’t it. What do I need to get a grip on?
the fact that there needs to be disruption to the "ordinary"
I suspect you are in a minority but I could be wrong. The reaction of drivers and passers by would suggest you might be tho.

I’m not unsympathetic to the cause. I just think what absolute fucking whoppers these older middle class people are making of themselves, cos they bring the issue to the attention of people whilst simultaneously alienating them from it.

Making people late for work, kids late for school, raising peoples blood pressure, putting lives at risk… these things make people affected think your a cunt. I mean yeh sure, they may also become aware that home insulation could form part of the solution to climate change. But the risk is they then think, but only cunts think that.

I mean correct me if I’m wrong. That would just seem the reasoning to me.
Again, I think the number of people who have been seriously affected has been significantly exaggerated, as has the level of genuine public animosity. No one I know has been affected by their actions, even in passing, and perhaps more significantly, no one I know has ever made a comment like "have you seen what these Insulate Britain twats have been up to now?"

I don't agree with their tactics, and some of them may well be unpleasant middle class twats, but I also don't think they deserve the level of vitriol they're getting from sections of the press and from some posters here.

ETA And ordinary people in London are made late for work, kids late for school, peoples blood pressure raised, lives put at risk everyday, by the sheer amount of traffic on the roads.

A few extra roads being blocked occasionally is barely noticeable.
I'm an ordinary Londoner, and I don't feel they're setting themselves directly (or even indirectly) in conflict with me, in the least.

That's because you haven't been trapped by them. Imagine they had glued themselves to your front door, trapping you inside just before you had to leave for a hospital appointment. That's the actual affect they are having on people. And I'm not talking about consequential delay due to traffic jams - it's the placing of themselves in front of specific individuals and telling those individuals that they don't care about their lives that is literally "setting themselves up directly in conflict with the public".
I don't agree with their tactics, and some of them may well be unpleasant middle class twats, but I also don't think they deserve the level of vitriol they're getting from sections of the press and from some posters here.

Hang on, they knew what they were doing, the injunctions were a warning, they knew they could end-up in prison, but they were happy with that, so excuse me if I laugh at the twats.
That's because you haven't been trapped by them. Imagine they had glued themselves to your front door, trapping you inside just before you had to leave for a hospital appointment. That's the actual affect they are having on people. And I'm not talking about consequential delay due to traffic jams - it's the placing of themselves in front of specific individuals and telling those individuals that they don't care about their lives that is literally "setting themselves up directly in conflict with the public".
Maybe I missed this story, but can you please link to where anyone from Insulate Britain has glued themselves to someone's front door, trapping them inside just before they had to leave for a hospital appointment, unless it's just a figment of your over-active imagination.
That's because you haven't been trapped by them. Imagine they had glued themselves to your front door, trapping you inside just before you had to leave for a hospital appointment. That's the actual affect they are having on people. And I'm not talking about consequential delay due to traffic jams - it's the placing of themselves in front of specific individuals and telling those individuals that they don't care about their lives that is literally "setting themselves up directly in conflict with the public".
You're being somewhat overblown and excitable here. Has Roger hallam forced you to stay at home?
Of course they didn't, but presumably when they blocked a road they will have made someone really working class really late for something really important and therefore they're all cunts
Maybe I missed this story, but can you please link to where anyone from Insulate Britain has glued themselves to someone's front door, trapping them inside just before they had to leave for a hospital appointment, unless it's just a figment of your over-active imagination.

I asked you to imagine it, because you seem to have some trouble putting yourself in the shoes of those drivers who have had someone run into the road and glue themselves in front of their car, trapping them there for hours. Perhaps you're just incapable of empathy.
I asked you to imagine it, because you seem to have some trouble putting yourself in the shoes of those drivers who have had someone run into the road and glue themselves in front of their car, trapping them there for hours. Perhaps you're just incapable of empathy.
I tend not to get that angry if my private car journey is disrupted by protest marches or strike activity as long as they're not no-vax or fash , personally. I understand that people need to protest
I asked you to imagine it, because you seem to have some trouble putting yourself in the shoes of those drivers who have had someone run into the road and glue themselves in front of their car, trapping them there for hours. Perhaps you're just incapable of empathy.
I can certainly imagine it, and I can even have empathy for someone in the imaginary situation where it happened, but it has nothing with the subject under discussion, it's just yet more of your nonsense.
I tend not to get that angry if my private car journey is disrupted by protest marches or strike activity as long as they're not no-vax or fash , personally. I understand that people need to protest

Incidental disruption by crowds, perhaps because you took a wrong turn or didn't plan ahead, is an entirely different thing.
I can certainly imagine it, and I can even have empathy for someone in the imaginary situation where it happened, but it has nothing with the subject under discussion, it's just yet more of your nonsense.

You obvsouly don't get it, because you compared being trapped for hours by someone gluing themselves in front of you to the delays caused by general traffic jams in London.
I'm an ordinary Londoner, and I don't feel they're setting themselves directly (or even indirectly) in conflict with me, in the least.

But I suppose unlike some posters on this thread, I don't unthinkingly swallow the position of the Daily Star on every current issue.

But why are they blocking your path? Making you late for whatever isn't going to empower you in any meaningful way, and if the government can't be bothered to mount a proper response to climate change, then they're not going to give a shit about you being inconvenienced. I can easily understand why someone might get pissed off with such protests, because they don't seem to be actually capable of anything other than making peoples' lives more difficult.

Like, I can agree with the need for more radical action, and still think that that getting in the way of ordinary people is a stupid and counter-productive thing to do.
But why are they blocking your path? Making you late for whatever isn't going to empower you in any meaningful way, and if the government can't be bothered to mount a proper response to climate change, then they're not going to give a shit about you being inconvenienced. I can easily understand why someone might get pissed off with such protests, because they don't seem to be actually capable of anything other than making peoples' lives more difficult.

Like, I can agree with the need for more radical action, and still think that that getting in the way of ordinary people is a stupid and counter-productive thing to do.
Absolutely. I think many more people would support them supergluing themselves to Parliament or the Shell offices or LA housing offices. But to do it blocking ordinary people going about their lives is just fucking dense. And arrogant.

As to whether people are or aren’t calling them twats, I have no doubt they aren’t in your circles andysays
Wonder if these angry drivers kick off as much every other day of the year when thousands of other twats in cars stop them from getting anywhere.

The endless, 'ere, wotchoo doin in frant of mah motah you facking slag' accents in the videos make it a lot easier for me to not give a shit about the angry motorists as well.
Wonder if these angry drivers kick off as much every other day of the year when thousands of other twats in cars stop them from getting anywhere.

No because that doesn't happen.

The endless, 'ere, wotchoo doin in frant of mah motah you facking slag' accents in the videos make it a lot easier for me to not give a shit about the angry motorists as well.

Yeah, working class accents are so annoying.
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