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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

We're also watching the first season of Feud, which is about Joan Crawford and Bette Davis - it has an excellent cast including the wonderful Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon in the main roles and lots of other great actors, excellent production and beautiful period detail.
There's a season 2 as well which is about Truman Capote (played by Tom Hollander) so I'm looking forward to that.

I recommend it.
The first two episodes of the new season of Will Trent have dropped today. And I was very pleased to see that the new season of Only Murders in the Building arrives in August :)
Enjoyed Shogun - but felt the last couple of episodes were very anti-climatic - like it was leading up to big dramatic denoument - and then ... a quick exposition from lord whats his name about whats going to happen and how he will end up shogun - and that's it. With no explantation of how your man gets back to england either. Did they run out of money?
Murder at the End of the World.

dont bother its high-end bollocks. Its like about three different dramas all mashed together yet still manages to be chock full of cliche. Clunky writing - phoned-in performances, psedo-profoundidty, skittering plot that tries for twists and suprises and just ends up boring you cos you cant actaully trust what the story is showing you. Wife thinks its shit too but wants to find out what happens.
Murder at the End of the World.

dont bother its high-end bollocks. Its like about three different dramas all mashed together yet still manages to be chock full of cliche. Clunky writing - phoned-in performances, psedo-profoundidty, skittering plot that tries for twists and suprises and just ends up boring you cos you cant actaully trust what the story is showing you. Wife thinks its shit too but wants to find out what happens.
This is an excellent summation. It’s just about decent enough to keep watching, but not good enough to really give a shit.
Only Murders in the Building - any good?
I enjoyed it, with Series 3 being the high point for it. It's not going to be to everyone's tastes though. The murder mystery people will probably like S1 and S2 more, because S3 is just joyous silliness.
Shōgun is okay, though I'm very very far behind and occasionally lose who is doing what to whom :oops:. Luckily I can rely on entire scenes being filmed with one single light source to mean it apparently doesn't matter.
I can't say I am excited by the Agatha thing. Witches? I really loved the first couple of episodes of Wanda, the mystery, the sitcom set up. I liked how Agatha was a mystery, but I hate hate hated the 'Agatha all along' reveal. Who the hell is that? Wasn't it actually more like 'Wanda all along'? Awwhatever.
Anyway I am bored shitless of magic and CGI.
I might subscribe again though as they are currently offering three months for two quid again.
Haven’t even finished the first episode yet so perhaps too early for a pronouncement, but fairly interesting so far and not at all what you’d expect a Marvel genre series to look and feel like- if anything, more like an HBO gritty crime drama. Certainly intriguing :)
Was informed yesterday that it is going to be a a failure because of its "agenda".

Not aware of these mysterious agendas (agendum?) but now looking forward to it even more...
Having watched the first two episodes available, yes, I can see how the usual misogynist/ alt-right crowd are itching to absolutely hate it, because god forbid, its main cast consists chiefly of not just women, but powerful, self-assured, patriarchy-challenging women.

Have totally lost interest in all things Marvel but this sounds fun - might consider firing up the Disney account again....
Me too, but I'd say to you, and the likes of ATOMIC SUPLEX and anyone else in the same boat that this is the most un-Marvel series ever made. Not just that, but a lot of fun, well paced, and utterly watchable as far as the first two episodes go at least. It will make far more sense to people who've watched WandaVision, but even if you haven't you will still get right into it as an enjoyable Halloween season quirky action witch comedy.

Thinking back to most of the other Marvel universe mini-series, it absolutely pisses all over 98% of them so far on originality, pace, and enjoyment :) It really ain't a Marvel product other than in name.
Having watched the first two episodes available, yes, I can see how the usual misogynist/ alt-right crowd are itching to absolutely hate it, because god forbid, its main cast consists chiefly of not just women, but powerful, self-assured, patriarchy-challenging women.

Me too, but I'd say to you, and the likes of ATOMIC SUPLEX and anyone else in the same boat that this is the most un-Marvel series ever made. Not just that, but a lot of fun, well paced, and utterly watchable as far as the first two episodes go at least. It will make far more sense to people who've watched WandaVision, but even if you haven't you will still get right into it as an enjoyable Halloween season quirky action witch comedy.

Thinking back to most of the other Marvel universe mini-series, it absolutely pisses all over 98% of them so far on originality, pace, and enjoyment :) It really ain't a Marvel product other than in name.

If it's as good as She Hulk, Agents of Shield, Wanda Vision or Werewolf by Night ... am there for it
Having watched the first two episodes available, yes, I can see how the usual misogynist/ alt-right crowd are itching to absolutely hate it, because god forbid, its main cast consists chiefly of not just women, but powerful, self-assured, patriarchy-challenging women.

Me too, but I'd say to you, and the likes of ATOMIC SUPLEX and anyone else in the same boat that this is the most un-Marvel series ever made. Not just that, but a lot of fun, well paced, and utterly watchable as far as the first two episodes go at least. It will make far more sense to people who've watched WandaVision, but even if you haven't you will still get right into it as an enjoyable Halloween season quirky action witch comedy.

Thinking back to most of the other Marvel universe mini-series, it absolutely pisses all over 98% of them so far on originality, pace, and enjoyment :) It really ain't a Marvel product other than in name.

I loved WandaVision and am looking forward to getting stuck into this, probably tomorrow.
If it's as good as She Hulk, Agents of Shield, Wanda Vision or Werewolf by Night ... am there for it
I liked a lot of what she hulk was selling, and even though I actually enjoyed the extreme fourth wall breaking at the end I didn't like how it hand waved the plot away. (Though as I understand it, it was probably the best they could manage at short notice after a lot of internal meddling).
Wanda was good for a couple of eps and then very average
Agents of Shield I found impossible to get into. I can't remember a single thing that happened.
Werewolf by night was ok, maybe just not my bag, but I applaud it for being something in the marvel cannon that looks and feels different. This is really what I want from Marvel films and TV. Different series and genres. Some could be murder mystery, some space sci fi, sitcom, horror, tense drama . . . but they all look mostly the same and it's boring.

The arrow one was boring
I'm not sure I finished Echo
I definitely didn't finish secret wars.
I thought Moonight had some good bits but blew the mystery of the moon man taking over too early, and again, I have ultimately forgotten the entire plot apart from an sense that I have no desire to re-watch it.

Not sure why I wrote all this. . . I guess given what has been written about it I will be paying £1.99 and giving Agatha a shot.
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