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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

I saw some of that Shogun, but couldn’t hack Cosmo Jarvis’ accent. I couldn’t figure out who he reminded me of, until suddenly the penny dropped - he’s channelling Succulent Chinese Meal Guy!

you sure he not channeling tom hardy:hmm:
ooh, second series of Extraordinary is up :)
Amusing enough, but this season is not grabbing me. The cat guy character should have been the breakthrough one, or at least a funny, pivotal one, but all he’s done is to walk around confused with an out-of-bed hairdo, at least in human form. As unfunny as he’s one-dimensional.

Not terrible but a big letdown compared with S1. Might not even bother with the last two episodes.
I've only just reached S2 of Extraordinary (ep1). It's a fair enough show. Does the job.
What I find shocking about the show is that I seem to own at least 50% of the music they use in the soundtrack. . . which just makes it seem really weird to watch. I can't decide if this makes me 'hip' or the exact reverse.
Was pleasantly surprised by a couple of series binged during recent bout of depression. The Orville just got better and better. Originally watched a few episodes some years ago and bailed. Decided to try again and was well pleased.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier turned out to be my favourite Marvel show. Didn't expect much, as the characters never really drew me in before... but this turned it around and the social commentary was well written.
Was pleasantly surprised by a couple of series binged during recent bout of depression. The Orville just got better and better. Originally watched a few episodes some years ago and bailed. Decided to try again and was well pleased.
They started off trying to be a Star Trek-inspired light comedy, but that flopped badly with audiences (not the least because Lower Decks does it so much better) and it quickly turned into a loving homage to TNG instead. And in that respect, it does pretty well I think. I do like that they made a conscious decision not to have transporters, though. It was always just a budgetary thing on TOS and now Trek is stuck with it.
the social commentary was well written.
Yeah, I was really not interested in the falcon guy or the winter soldier. . . and though I was still mostly uninterested in them in the show the social commentary was alright. The arrow man series bored me, and I have so little interest in Echo and the Secret wars one, that I don't think i'll ever get around to them. I thought Moonlight was ok in places, an interesting idea, but I am just not that interested in the fighting stuff.
Yeah, I was really not interested in the falcon guy or the winter soldier. . . and though I was still mostly uninterested in them in the show the social commentary was alright. The arrow man series bored me, and I have so little interest in Echo and the Secret wars one, that I don't think i'll ever get around to them. I thought Moonlight was ok in places, an interesting idea, but I am just not that interested in the fighting stuff.
Echo and Hawkeye are well made and entertaining enough. No universe in peril kind of vibe.

She Hulk is another fave but some "fans" took it as a personal insult, and ironically the misogyny it sent up really riled up the incels, spawning more misogyny.
She Hulk is another fave but some "fans" took it as a personal insult, and ironically the misogyny it sent up really riled up the incels, spawning more misogyny.
That was one of those... I just don't understand people. Like what in the holy name of fuck was there to get upset about in it? And for the record, I don't even want to know any more. I'm 100% certain I will roll my eyes, throw up arms, yell "Augh! People!" and never give it another thought.
That was one of those... I just don't understand people. Like what in the holy name of fuck was there to get upset about in it? And for the record, I don't even want to know any more. I'm 100% certain I will roll my eyes, throw up arms, yell "Augh! People!" and never give it another thought.

It's all about the angry.
She Hulk is another fave but some "fans" took it as a personal insult, and ironically the misogyny it sent up really riled up the incels, spawning more misogyny.
Oh I quite liked She Hulk. I thought the end was OK. I'd rather it it hadn't had a magic resolve (for good writing and constantly purposes) but ultimately I didn't really care all that much. CGI was duff but then it always is. She hulk was a likeable character doing something more interesting.

Loki was almost good. Series two went off the rails. Good actors, just lost direction. Wandavision started as something quite exciting too but drifted into a boring regular marvel beat um up adventure.
Oh I quite liked She Hulk. I thought the end was OK. I'd rather it it hadn't had a magic resolve (for good writing and constantly purposes) but ultimately I didn't really care all that much. CGI was duff but then it always is. She hulk was a likeable character doing something more interesting.

Loki was almost good. Series two went off the rails. Good actors, just lost direction. Wandavision started as something quite exciting too but drifted into a boring regular marvel beat um up adventure.
Series 2 Loki reminded a lot of Doctor Who. Especially endlessly running around. And Jonathan Majors Kang was just irritating. Always nice to see Ke Huy Quan, though.
Yeah every version of Kang was terrible. I can't believe people kept praising him for his performance. I read that it was only because they thought he was so great that they expanded his character . . . which kind of backfired.
Massive early series shout for Black Cake. An eight-episode adaptation of the novel of the same name. Part drama, part mystery thriller, it follows two siblings who try to unravel the secrets in her recently deceased mother’s life when they are given a series of sound recordings from her narrating events in her life.

Great first episode, and massive reviews across the board.

Two eps left and still can't make mind up about it. Looks gorgeous, but grim, the cast am not familiar with but doing a great job... but it feels a bit like one of those 80s melodramatic miniseries, with the reveals and occasional misdirection.
Two eps left and still can't make mind up about it. Looks gorgeous, but grim, the cast am not familiar with but doing a great job... but it feels a bit like one of those 80s melodramatic miniseries, with the reveals and occasional misdirection.
It is grim in places but there is also an element of whodunnit mystery throughout the series that is a major part of the premise.

Ultimately I thought it wasn’t as great as some of the many glowing reviews had suggested, but I would still give it a 7/10
Amusing enough, but this season is not grabbing me.
Not terrible but a big letdown compared with S1. Might not even bother with the last two episodes.
I think you might be right. I am a few eps deep into series two and it just ain't all that. Music is less inspired now too. They wrote two levels of boring and easy get out of jail free from the series one cliffhanger.
I've watched 2 episodes, easy watching so far. Doesn't take itself too seriously, think Jack Sparrow type shenanigans.
I think that’s a spot on summary. I was actually expecting more due to a few rave reviews I’d seen. Two thirds in and just about scrapping a 7/10 for me. The recent Dick Turpin sitcom by Apple does it better despite being far more farcical.

Louisa Harland is great in this and carries the show on her shoulders, though.
I'm watching that new Renegade Nell show. It's a decent production with a decent enough (if fairly basic) story. . . Why why why, did somebody feel the need to inject a couple of ridiculous supernatural fantacy elements into it? Pointlessly ruined it. Could she not have just been a hard arse tomboy who obsessively trained (in secret because it was frowned upon) to sneek into the army as a bloke? No, she is a strong woman because of magic. When the magic isn't there, despite being a strong willed toughie, she can't can't beat any untrained man. Disappointing.
I said pretty much exactly the same to Mrs Llama after watching the first episode. “Why the fairies and fantasy?”
It's such a small part of it that comes off as totally bizarre. It takes away the strength of the lead character. There are only a couple of bits of exposition (with Nell and the fairy that could have easily been added to the secret highwayman to far greater effect. Her father could have asked her not to fight unless in danger and she could have respected those wishes.

I'll probably watch another, but it is infuriating. I'd love to hear the backstory. Did the writers actually get asked to shoe horn it in? Was it the main plot point but got sidelined? Did nobody read the script and go "that's just fucking pointlessly stupid". If it was the 'big sell' to get the harry potter fans into it why it's it heavily in the advertising? I had no idea. . . . and if anything, it could really do with toning down the 'matrix' (yawn) fighting anyway.
Done the second episode of Nell now and am sad to say I'm out. The plot is slowed down by the extra supernatural nonsense and everything seems to be hinging on good and bad magic that totally pisses all over the jeopardy of the actual main story. I'd rather it was a battle of wits from wily characters, rather than fairy magic (that knows or does more only as and when the plot demands it). FFS.
xmen 97 whilst a few silly plot in the first few episodes .. the latest episode end excellently :cool:
Feud: Capote vs The Swans, a new Ryan Murphy biopic of Truman Capote, has just started. It has had mixed critical receptions so far, but there seems to be a solid consensus among fans and detractors alike that Tom Hollander is fucking brilliant in this as Capote.

Only twenty minutes into the first episode and I’m happy to concur with that last bit. He’s got the accent and mannerisms to a T, and an astonishing transformation from his recent role in White Lotus. Fucking great actor and no mistake.
They started off trying to be a Star Trek-inspired light comedy, but that flopped badly with audiences (not the least because Lower Decks does it so much better) and it quickly turned into a loving homage to TNG instead. And in that respect, it does pretty well I think. I do like that they made a conscious decision not to have transporters, though. It was always just a budgetary thing on TOS and now Trek is stuck with it.
The transporter ruined the last season of Picard for me though I may be alone in thinking the last two episodes were the weakest.
Feud: Capote vs The Swans, a new Ryan Murphy biopic of Truman Capote, has just started. It has had mixed critical receptions so far, but there seems to be a solid consensus among fans and detractors alike that Tom Hollander is fucking brilliant in this as Capote.

Only twenty minutes into the first episode and I’m happy to concur with that last bit. He’s got the accent and mannerisms to a T, and an astonishing transformation from his recent role in White Lotus. Fucking great actor and no mistake.
Oh I love Tom Hollander, I wasn't going to watch this but might have to now!
Renegade Nell is brilliant and - unlike the majority of shows now - actually gets better the further you go.

Of course, that doesn't reward those who need immediate gratification.

It ends up having SO much to say about...everything. The role of the media in shaping opinion. The wish for easy, violent solutions, to complex problems. The fact that law only exists to protect the landed and wealthy. The role of the landed and wealthy in the media. And more and more.

I love it
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