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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

I’m probably enjoying it more than I’m suggesting but the hype had me both expecting more and probably in a small way not wanting to like it. Will stick it out and see what happens.
It's nice to have something other than crime or superheroes.

(That said, currently enjoying Echo which feels more like the Netflix Marvel and is set partly within Choctaw culture. )
Not really convinced by The Bear. Shouty and overly dramatic characters.
I'm with you. I don't get the love. It's badly written. Characters reactions and motivations just follow what the hack writers need, not as the character development has suggested. Same with random events. It doesn’t feel real at all. Lazy writer escape route run throughout. On top of that, the "I deserve an award" monologues are excruciating.

Couldn't stomach season 2.

I see. I’d got the impression it had a bit more going for it than ‘wow this is a bit like what it’s like’ but not really seeing it yet. I could just watch a documentary.

My OH has done a lot of work as a kitchen porter/kitchen assistant/low level chef, and he fucking LOVES The Bear.
We got Disney+ for a month specifically so he could watch season 2.
The next time we get Disney+ for a month will be when season 3 pops up.
Echo; showed real promise, but failed to deliver.

5 episode version released, down from an 8 episode version which Kevin 'king midas in reverse' Feige deemed 'unreleasable'. Final episode was 30 mins only.

Episodes 1-3 were entertaining, and worked if I didn't question Maya's motivations too much (She starts a war on her home turf! WHY? Don't shit on your own doorstep and then ask me to root for you when your family are caught up in it)

The last two episodes looked like it was mostly scaled down re-shoots on a budget, and the ending is very weak.

Some great themes, ideas and cast members are wasted/rushed/sidelined. A Daredevil scene and some violence is shoehorned in to add some Netflix era grit; it doesn't really.

I liked all the mythology built around the Choctaw Nation; more of that would have been great.

There was so much in this show that could have made it a classic, but it all fizzled out, fell away or was forgotten in the rush to get it over with.

Destined to be written off for tax purposed alongside Willow and Pistol.
My 13 year old (and myself) are really enjoying Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

They've kind of gone back story/The Boys lite/ expanded story on it.

It's good.
My 13 year old (and myself) are really enjoying Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

They've kind of gone back story/The Boys lite/ expanded story on it.

It's good.
My daughter is fairly obsessed with Greek mythology and has read all the Jackson books. She really wants to see this, but we are waiting until it all ends before i spring for a month (as there is nothing else on Disney we are currently interested in).
As I understand it, there is already loads of backstory in the various off shoot books (theres like 20 or something).
My daughter is fairly obsessed with Greek mythology and has read all the Jackson books. She really wants to see this, but we are waiting until it all ends before i spring for a month (as there is nothing else on Disney we are currently interested in).
As I understand it, there is already loads of backstory in the various off shoot books (theres like 20 or something).
This is what we do, a month sub of Disney+ twice a year and binge watch stuff then.

I have just realised that they have a whole load of Wes Anderson films though, so I am currently watching The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Because I somehow missed this one.
This is what we do, a month sub of Disney+ twice a year and binge watch stuff then.

I seem to be able to get by off the free trials and £1 / £1.99 specials they dish out. . . You are right, I think one month, two tops is more than enough for D+.

Prime seem to lavish me with free trials. I have another one in the bag ready to go I see. So weird. Customer service told me that they don't and can't dish them out, it's an algorithm. There is nothing on Prime I want to see right now apart from Gen Z so i'll wait for that to finish first.

I have just realised that they have a whole load of Wes Anderson films though, so I am currently watching The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Because I somehow missed this one.
I felt this one could have been great, but was spoiled by it's length which seemed add nothing more than a slightly more convoluted plot.
I'm with you. I don't get the love. It's badly written. Characters reactions and motivations just follow what the hack writers need, not as the character development has suggested. Same with random events. It doesn’t feel real at all. Lazy writer escape route run throughout. On top of that, the "I deserve an award" monologues are excruciating.

Couldn't stomach season 2.
The last episode of season 1 was great to be fair. Got us hooked but still think some of the writing and acting is a bit off. Like Sydney for example.
The Artful Dodger. This is brilliant so far- an action comedy sequel miniseries to Oliver Twist that feels Guy Ritchie-ish in the best possible way. Great fun, looks and production values, and it has the sublime David Thewlis as Fagin. Big thumbs up as far as the first episode goes

The last episode of season 1 was great to be fair. Got us hooked but still think some of the writing and acting is a bit off. Like Sydney for example.
What? The last episode of season one was cringeworthy writing, with towel wringingy worthy ott 'dramatic' acting. Blurg.
Got halfway through The Creator. It was extremely dry. Every plot beat was visible a mile off, John David Washington out of Tenet once again gets a cardboard cutout of a role, but worst of all the premise of the thing was just too fucking stupid for words. The Americans are managing to wage war on an entire continent, despite a massive self-inflicted technological disadvantage, because they've got one single scary flying doodad which somehow nobody can shoot down? Did a teenager write this? Are there no story editors any more?

There was a scene where they were travelling from somewhere to somewhere else and it was just a random montage of ooh look at this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, now there's this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, here's another place now look. Have they gone five miles or five thousand? Did it take an hour or a week? How do they feel about this journey, or the things that have happened to them? We'll never know. Or care, for that matter.
Got halfway through The Creator. It was extremely dry. Every plot beat was visible a mile off, John David Washington out of Tenet once again gets a cardboard cutout of a role, but worst of all the premise of the thing was just too fucking stupid for words. The Americans are managing to wage war on an entire continent, despite a massive self-inflicted technological disadvantage, because they've got one single scary flying doodad which somehow nobody can shoot down? Did a teenager write this? Are there no story editors any more?

There was a scene where they were travelling from somewhere to somewhere else and it was just a random montage of ooh look at this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, now there's this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, here's another place now look. Have they gone five miles or five thousand? Did it take an hour or a week? How do they feel about this journey, or the things that have happened to them? We'll never know. Or care, for that matter.
I had heard so many good things about it from people who’d seen it and critics alike (the best sci-fi film of the year was a summary paraded in several outlets) that I was expecting a great flick.

I was left disappointed by the unfulfilled expectations but I didn’t think it was a terrible film at all either. Worst things for me were the extremely predictable plot, and to a lesser degree the various main themes it borrowed heavily from several classics of the genre, though it wouldn’t be the first one to do so.

But it was still a visually pleasing, satisfying cheap thrill. Gareth Edwards is an absolute master of the art of blending modern CGI and practical effects to perfection, and his films look fantastically good. This was no exception, and as a massive fan of Rogue One, the very similar feel of this film was very satisfying to me.
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The Creator just cut from scene to scene without much connecting the dots. Looks great. The first 10 minutes was the best bit, then it got kinda boring.
Our Disney+ sub has ended now, we'll get another month later in the year to catch up on stuff.
N managed to finish watching Echo. He said it was largely shit with weak plot and too obvious baddies, but he felt in terms of representation it was fairly good given the long history of absolutely terrible portrayal and cultural misrepresentation in film and TV (of First Nations), and he liked that aspect and it kept him watching (he is mixed heritage if that is the right way of saying it - I mean he is not really connected to that side of his culture because quite frankly that can happen when a lot of one part of someone's ancestry is wiped out, but he felt it was a good and sympathetic portrayal and that meant something to him).
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My 13 year old (and myself) are really enjoying Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

They've kind of gone back story/The Boys lite/ expanded story on it.

It's good.
Just finished it. Very decent and fairly enjoyable even for grownups. Well produced as well. There’s a making of documentary at the end of it that’s worth watching if you’ve enjoyed the series.
Massive early series shout for Black Cake. An eight-episode adaptation of the novel of the same name. Part drama, part mystery thriller, it follows two siblings who try to unravel the secrets in her recently deceased mother’s life when they are given a series of sound recordings from her narrating events in her life.

Great first episode, and massive reviews across the board.

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A strong family-friendly entertainment recommendation for Parallels, a time travel sci-fi miniseries. It is meant to be for young adults but I reckon many grown ups will enjoy it too- we certainly did.

It is similar in many ways to Dark, with a dose of Back to the Future thrown in for good measure. And don’t be put off by the fact that it’s described as a family/ young adult series. The science and plot devices revolving around time travel are surprisingly complex and clever- it’s basically Dark as you wish you could have understood it :D
Just started watching this with the 12yo, we're both enjoying it :)
I had heard so many good things about it from people who’d seen it and critics alike (the best sci-fi film of the year was a summary paraded in several outlets) that I was expecting a great flick.

I was left disappointed by the unfulfilled expectations but I didn’t think it was a terrible film at all either. Worst things for me were the extremely predictable plot, and to a lesser degree the various main themes it borrowed heavily from several classics of the genre, though it wouldn’t be the first one to do so.

But it was still a visually pleasing, satisfying cheap thrill. Gareth Edwards is an absolute master of the art of blending modern CGI and practical effects to perfection, and his films look fantastically good. This was no exception, and as a massive fan of Rogue One, the very similar feel of this film was very satisfying to me.

Except that in Rogue One, I cared.

Even though I knew they were all going to die, I still cared.

Nothing, at all, about the Creator made me give one fuck about a single character.

And it had nothing at all to say about artificial life and the ways in which it might make you re-evaluate what being alive means, that hasn't already been done and much, much better.

Fucking Robocop had more depth.
Got halfway through The Creator. It was extremely dry. Every plot beat was visible a mile off, John David Washington out of Tenet once again gets a cardboard cutout of a role, but worst of all the premise of the thing was just too fucking stupid for words. The Americans are managing to wage war on an entire continent, despite a massive self-inflicted technological disadvantage, because they've got one single scary flying doodad which somehow nobody can shoot down? Did a teenager write this? Are there no story editors any more?

There was a scene where they were travelling from somewhere to somewhere else and it was just a random montage of ooh look at this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, now there's this vaguely Asian-looking futuristic place, here's another place now look. Have they gone five miles or five thousand? Did it take an hour or a week? How do they feel about this journey, or the things that have happened to them? We'll never know. Or care, for that matter.

Well done for bailing, I stuck it out, more fool me.
Except that in Rogue One, I cared.

Even though I knew they were all going to die, I still cared.

Nothing, at all, about the Creator made me give one fuck about a single character.

And it had nothing at all to say about artificial life and the ways in which it might make you re-evaluate what being alive means, that hasn't already been done and much, much better.

Fucking Robocop had more depth.
That’s a fair point. Well, I cared for the outcome of the little girl, but come to think of it, none of the other characters. I guess I was just enjoying the ride of a visually stunning space thriller.

Ultimately, I am so sick of the soul-crushing unchecked green screen look most modern films of the superhero, transformers, monsters, natural disaster etc genres have nowadays, I am happy to give the likes of The Creator a lot of credit just for that.
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