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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

We watched Black Widow last night and really didn’t enjoy it at all. I thought the plot was poor, the jokes laboured, and while it looked okay ultimately it felt like a lot of big movies these days, hollow.

My wife called it Widow Hillary. She thinks it’s a movie the Democratic Party could have made.
Oh I should say that the episodes with the pigs were really good, and actually worked really well with the theme of the movie. That bit I enjoyed.
Hated the swordfight, but that was otherwise a decent ending episode. A lot of talking between groups of the main cast but it was probably necessary to advance things like that.
Got to say, that was a bit of a let down tbh.

I don't mind a talky finale, but far too many plotlines left unfinished and it all felt incredibly anti-climactic despite the stakes and twists.

S2 announcement makes sense, so it's not too bad, but I wanted something else.
I did a three in a row finale

loved richard lokE grant. Some glorious purpose right there.

Loved just about all of it.

If i hadn't watched a bunch of who's who and comic breakdown videos I may have been disappointed with the end as I may not have understood what was happening but given I know about 'kang' I dug this take on everything

plus this is basically how they are going to fold the x men and spiderverse back in and it kinda feels reasonable

makes me think eternals may not be a big bag of shit
Further thoughts on Loki Finale -

I've rewatched it without the expectations and enjoyed it more. The actor playing Kang is clearly going to be popping up as different variants and get to flex his acting chops, so I'm looking forward to that as he was very good in the episode.

I think my key issue is that it resembles Age of Ultron in some ways, forced to do the really heavy lifting to set up Phase 4 and the Multiverse (for both Spiderman / Dr Strange movies and probably F4 and Mutants too as mentioned above). Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame made Age of Ultron a retroactively better film IMO, so interesting to see how it goes.
I thought the ending was very meh. Loved the first two episodes of the series, but it lost momentum once the main mysteries were revealed (e.g. who is the rogue Loki variant, and who are the timekeepers).
I thought the ending was very meh. Loved the first two episodes of the series, but it lost momentum once the main mysteries were revealed (e.g. who is the rogue Loki variant, and who are the timekeepers).
yeah but if know comic lore, this is just the beginning, dont really want to spoil it, but it's going to make the MCU pretty mad going forward as this series is directly linked to the next spiderman , antman and dr strange films , if not tied in to the new animated 'what if ?' series out next month...
just got an email saying disney + is going up from £59.99 per year ( of £5.99 per month ) to £79.99 per year ( or £7.99 )

Which is a massive hike , il still get it though :rolleyes:
Price wise, even if it does rise; it's still a bargain with the addition of STARZ; tons of content for such a low price. I now exclusively use Disney+ & Prime; £16 a month, no need for any other streaming service really.

Netflix recently went up again to £10 a month for their standard service; the cheaper one has terrible video quality only suitable for phones/tablets; and I just don't see how they justify it.

I'm currently watching sons of anarchy for probably the 4th time through; love a good revenge scene!
Price wise, even if it does rise; it's still a bargain with the addition of STARZ; tons of content for such a low price. I now exclusively use Disney+ & Prime; £16 a month, no need for any other streaming service really.

Netflix recently went up again to £10 a month for their standard service; the cheaper one has terrible video quality only suitable for phones/tablets; and I just don't see how they justify it.

I'm currently watching sons of anarchy for probably the 4th time through; love a good revenge scene!
Hey DotCommunist, new play mate for you
Price wise, even if it does rise; it's still a bargain with the addition of STARZ; tons of content for such a low price. I now exclusively use Disney+ & Prime; £16 a month, no need for any other streaming service really.

Netflix recently went up again to £10 a month for their standard service; the cheaper one has terrible video quality only suitable for phones/tablets; and I just don't see how they justify it.

I'm currently watching sons of anarchy for probably the 4th time through; love a good revenge scene!
Is Netflix basic (one screen) really that bad? I have it and it's so obviously higher quality than watching the telly, I don't see a difference between Netflix and prime.
I would personally swap around between the three (subscribing to only one at a time) but my wife and daughter seem to always be watching something on Netflix.
ATOMIC SUPLEX Yes I believe so, I think they stated that the video quality is 720p so on larger screens you will notice definitive tearing/low res. But then again if you're used to old fashioned CRT TVs, 720p would probably look fine lol
ATOMIC SUPLEX Yes I believe so, I think they stated that the video quality is 720p so on larger screens you will notice definitive tearing/low res. But then again if you're used to old fashioned CRT TVs, 720p would probably look fine lol
My TV is 1080 but it's only 45'' or 48'' or something. I don't notice any difference from disney or prime, but I guess I also don't care that much either.
I rather enjoyed Black Widow. Not extraordinary but still one of the better Marvel films.

Funny how often I find the best Marvel flicks (and many of the main characters) are those with the least amount of superpower prominence.
Is Loki suitable for an 11 year old? I see it has a 12 rating. He'll be fine with bad language (nowt he hasn't heard before), and some violence is to be expected, but it shouldn't be too graphic. Only vague allusions to sexy times are acceptable.
Is Loki suitable for an 11 year old? I see it has a 12 rating. He'll be fine with bad language (nowt he hasn't heard before), and some violence is to be expected, but it shouldn't be too graphic. Only vague allusions to sexy times are acceptable.
I’d say most definitely though I don’t have kids. The slayings that take place are pretty similar to what you’d see in Star Wars- very mild stuff, and no swearing or nudity.
Rather enjoying The Mysterious Benedict Society. It’s a bit like Lemony Snicket filmed by Wes Anderson. Don’t need to be a kid to like this, imo at least. Pleasing visuals and a comforting weirdness about it. Liked by critics too…

Watched the first episode with the family at the weekend. Really good. Really really good.

Like if Tim Burton had done Stranger Things so far
Watched the first episode with the family at the weekend. Really good. Really really good.

Like if Tim Burton had done Stranger Things so far
It gets better and better. I’d even describe it as Wes Anderson meets Fargo but for children/ young adults. Can’t wait for episode 7.
Going back to The Mandalorian, and as I’m rewatching the whole thing yet again, I’ve been pondering about Gina Carano’s fulminant firing after her various Trump supporting tweets.

Don’t get me wrong, like any decent human being I think Trump is an abominable cunt as are most of their supporters, but I think a distinction can sometimes be made between lower grade GOP/ Trump supporters who expressed stupid but non-offensive views and those who embraced bigoted/ hatred promoting vileness.

I might well be wrong, in which case good riddance, but I was under the impression Carano fell under the former group, and other than posting the standard gammon ‘we conservative Trump supporters are being persecuted’ moans and casting doubt on the accuracy of the 2020 result early on but without supporting any proper nutjob conspiracy theories about a steal, she hasn’t crossed into full on batshit territory.

I still think she’s an unpleasant fuckwit and probably a fairly unlikeable person to know off camera, but not sure meriting a lifetime ban and unworthy of reconsideration, in particular as she had even apologised to some degree in the aftermath. I also thing reinstating people like her to the mainstream might work in restoring a more civilised society in the US, though that’s perhaps a discussion for the politics forum.
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