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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

Got a subscription for a month (£2 deal). Here is my Disney update. . .

She Hulk - Fun concept, fun performances, but a bit lacking in the story department

Andor - I'm only three eps in. It's ok but I am not in any rush to see ep4

Obi wan - Shite. Probably shouldn't really exist.

Death on the nile - Nice to see a film without a bloated plot for a change. Rated 'ok' if you like that kind of thing.

Ms Marvel - Some nice stylistic flourishes, and I like her big hands and feet. . . but not enough big hands and feet to sustain my interest.

Wedding Season - Interesting, but essentially just held off on the plot reveal until the end rather than drip feeding properly. The end lets the whole thing down. Maybe I am being harsh, it's just daft fun. . . but the wink at the end to a second series was eyerollingly tedious. . . it doesn't have the legs.

Pistol - I'm only a couple of episodes in, and it seems enjoyable enough when you get over the fact that McLaren is the little kid that gets the 'shit kicked out of him by love'.

Bobs Burgers Movie - Good. Solid.

Solar Opposites - Excellent.

Moonknight - Apart from the 'oi Mary Poppins gawd blimey guv' British bullshit I quite enjoyed it at first. NOT seeing the action was the best bit. I would have quite liked to see that concept played out more rather than it quickly falling into the regular super hero stuff. . .I am now bored, can't remember what episode I gave up on.

Wrexham - Embarrassingly shit. I had to turn it off because of the 'cringe' as the kids say.

Lightyear - Really thought this was going to be dogshit, so was pleasantly surprised it was slightly better than that.

Multiverse of Madness - Dogshit.
Got a subscription for a month (£2 deal). Here is my Disney update. . .

She Hulk - Fun concept, fun performances, but a bit lacking in the story department

Andor - I'm only three eps in. It's ok but I am not in any rush to see ep4

Obi wan - Shite. Probably shouldn't really exist.

Death on the nile - Nice to see a film without a bloated plot for a change. Rated 'ok' if you like that kind of thing.

Ms Marvel - Some nice stylistic flourishes, and I like her big hands and feet. . . but not enough big hands and feet to sustain my interest.

Wedding Season - Interesting, but essentially just held off on the plot reveal until the end rather than drip feeding properly. The end lets the whole thing down. Maybe I am being harsh, it's just daft fun. . . but the wink at the end to a second series was eyerollingly tedious. . . it doesn't have the legs.

Pistol - I'm only a couple of episodes in, and it seems enjoyable enough when you get over the fact that McLaren is the little kid that gets the 'shit kicked out of him by love'.

Bobs Burgers Movie - Good. Solid.

Solar Opposites - Excellent.

Moonknight - Apart from the 'oi Mary Poppins gawd blimey guv' British bullshit I quite enjoyed it at first. NOT seeing the action was the best bit. I would have quite liked to see that concept played out more rather than it quickly falling into the regular super hero stuff. . .I am now bored, can't remember what episode I gave up on.

Wrexham - Embarrassingly shit. I had to turn it off because of the 'cringe' as the kids say.

Lightyear - Really thought this was going to be dogshit, so was pleasantly surprised it was slightly better than that.

Multiverse of Madness - Dogshit.
Fuck me, when exactly did you start the month’s subscription, and have your family seen any of you since? :eek:
The Bear is very good. Especially the penultimate episode.
Eight episode series about a top young chef taking over his dysfunctional family's sandwich shop in Chicago.
I wasn't grabbed by the first episode, I suppose I should keep going?
Might be that it was all a bit shouty and depressing. I think the Disney description was 'comedy'. I'm not sure that's particularly accurate .
I watched Plan B
Girl road trip to get the morning after pill. Decent enough, Not that I am against gay depictions in cinema/tv in any way but it did immediately seem odd that it wasn't ticking that box considering the rest of the set up. . . but then it did
It's not amazing, but I don't think I was it's target market. I was very interested to see how they would end the film, as it could very easily have portrayed the wrong message by mistake/misstep just for sake of resolving the plot in a satisfying way. . . but they did it quite nicely I think (this for me was the most nail-biting moment . . . How are they going to write their way out of this without being shit??)
I wasn't grabbed by the first episode, I suppose I should keep going?
Might be that it was all a bit shouty and depressing. I think the Disney description was 'comedy'. I'm not sure that's particularly accurate .
Will probably start it today. The premise itself is not particularly grabbing, but it does seem to have some of the highest ratings by both critics and audiences out there right now.
Will probably start it today. The premise itself is not particularly grabbing, but it does seem to have some of the highest ratings by both critics and audiences out there right now.
You will love it because it has some bloke from Andor in it. . . though he is even more shouty in this.
I have watched a few more episodes now and I think it is getting easier to watch, but it is still quite stressful. This is just me though, I just hate watching people hating each other and being arseholes, and in this everyone is shouting, sweaty, tried, in money trouble, emotional trouble. It's grinding me down. Maybe just not in the mood for it.
From a plot/script point of view though, the arguments and shouting rarely make sense . . . it's like they have just written 'shouting at each other here, conflict there' and just fill in the blanks without solid enough character/environmental reasoning for it to keep on and on and on. Then there will be one five second 'soft side' moment, and we don't (apart from one instance) get a reason for the flip. I want to understand the reason for the conflict from all sides (like a miyazaki movie) not have them argue just because they do (yes I know there is a backstory/big picture reason, but that can't cover the reason for every single raised word, that should just bubbling/brewing behind everything in the background )
You will love it because it has some bloke from Andor in it. . . though he is even more shouty in this.
I have watched a few more episodes now and I think it is getting easier to watch, but it is still quite stressful. This is just me though, I just hate watching people hating each other and being arseholes, and in this everyone is shouting, sweaty, tried, in money trouble, emotional trouble. It's grinding me down. Maybe just not in the mood for it.
From a plot/script point of view though, the arguments and shouting rarely make sense . . . it's like they have just written 'shouting at each other here, conflict there' and just fill in the blanks without solid enough character/environmental reasoning for it to keep on and on and on. Then there will be one five second 'soft side' moment, and we don't (apart from one instance) get a reason for the flip. I want to understand the reason for the conflict from all sides (like a miyazaki movie) not have them argue just because they do (yes I know there is a backstory/big picture reason, but that can't cover the reason for every single raised word, that should just bubbling/brewing behind everything in the background )
Just watched the first two episodes and I too am finding the constant shouting, loud constant background noises and general pandemonium a bit jarring. Certainly a decent show and I am sure it’ll get better as it develops, but I’m not yet at the pants-creaming level of adulation as most reviewers are.
Just watched the first two episodes and I too am finding the constant shouting, loud constant background noises and general pandemonium a bit jarring. Certainly a decent show and I am sure it’ll get better as it develops, but I’m not yet at the pants-creaming level of adulation as most reviewers are.
Wait til you get to episode seven for proper screaming and total chaos.
I liked it (and that episode in particular) but it's no Atlanta - my favourite thing by far on Disney (or any other streamer for that matter).
I'm going to try and see if I can stand watching The Bear this evening, though I'm a bit worried it'll stress me out too much - I used to work in kitchens that used the French-brigade system they use in the show and can already imagine how tense it might be. For that same reason, I haven't watched Boiling Point yet, despite paying for it - I have already seen the short it's based on and nearly walked out of the cinema right at the beginning!
I'm going to try and see if I can stand watching The Bear this evening, though I'm a bit worried it'll stress me out too much - I used to work in kitchens that used the French-brigade system they use in the show and can already imagine how tense it might be. For that same reason, I haven't watched Boiling Point yet, despite paying for it - I have already seen the short it's based on and nearly walked out of the cinema right at the beginning!
I'll be interested to see what you think.
I have a low tolerance for stressful situations in film and TV. For instance I could never even watch the film 'Clockwork' (John Cleese) all the way through as it was like the anxiety dreams I have on an almost nightly basis.
The Bear is just misery, shouting, high tension, misfortune, and claustrophobia . . . . but who knows, maybe it has a happy ending.
I'll be interested to see what you think.
I have a low tolerance for stressful situations in film and TV. For instance I could never even watch the film 'Clockwork' (John Cleese) all the way through as it was like the anxiety dreams I have on an almost nightly basis.
The Bear is just misery, shouting, high tension, misfortune, and claustrophobia . . . . but who knows, maybe it has a happy ending.
me too - I don't even like arguing on telly even sometimes when it's politicians getting rightly owned. Will brace myself. I managed to struggle through Clockwise but it was the most nerve-wracking film I'd ever seen, until it was eclipsed by Uncut Gems. There are some cringe-comedies that I have yet been unable to endure all the way through - Julia Davies' efforts in particular, especially Nighty Night
me too - I don't even like arguing on telly even sometimes when it's politicians getting rightly owned.

I managed to struggle through Clockwise but it was the most nerve-wracking film I'd ever seen, until it was eclipsed by Uncut Gems.
Shat me up more than any horror film I think. I have uncut gems on my list. . .or rather I did, it's not on there anymore.
There are some cringe-comedies that I have yet been unable to endure all the way through - Julia Davies' efforts in particular, especially Nighty Night
Keeping up appearances would absolutely freak me out. Not sure that is quite the same thing though.
I'm in bed with Covid at the mo.

Yesterday I watched one episode of The Bear but that was all I could take. I may well go back to it but it was definitely doesn't make for good sickbed telly...
Well, the finale of She-Hulk certainly went in a direction I didn’t expect. Which I guess was the point. I don’t think they will (or should) renew it.
Well, the finale of She-Hulk certainly went in a direction I didn’t expect. Which I guess was the point. I don’t think they will (or should) renew it.
Just watching the last Moonshite at the moment, I'll get on to that next. I only a day of Disney left I think.
RE:She Hulk
Interesting. . .
I know it's part of what she hulk is in the comic, and I really didn't mind it at all (apart from kevin), but the actual story across the series was lacking any cohesiveness, and the fourth wall breaking / meta just tore it even further apart. Too thin. I thought it was interesting that it took things to an almost Animal Man level (for those that don't know, Animal Man is rebooted, and slowly realises his origin story has been told in various different ways by different writers. He remembers his own plot holes and eventually learns he is just a character in a comic. He can later manipulate the comic, but then learns he can only actually do this because he has been written to break through the pages and is still just a made up character within the pages of a comic).
Anyway, whatever the last episode of she hulk was, it was at least a bold Gremlins 2 style move that shows at least a willingness to do something different (and recognise that marvel products are all becoming way too formulaic and boring. Even when they try something interesting (like wanda, loki or even the first episode of moonight) it soon becomes the same old same old.

Side note. I know the CGI has been bad on this, but when she is walking to the writers room from the lot, the CGI looks like GTA. They really did run out of money then right? [/ispolier]
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RE:She Hulk
Interesting. . .

Side note. I know the CGI has been bad on this, but when she is walking to the writers room from the lot, the CGI looks like GTA. They really did run out of money then right? [/ispolier]
apparently when they talk about the budget and the team moving on and spending it on the next project, the music from 'Wakanda forever' teases in, which is the next project.
apparently when they talk about the budget and the team moving on and spending it on the next project, the music from 'Wakanda forever' teases in, which is the next project.
Not something I would ever notice.

Another side note
I found BP a massive bore and so am not in the least bit interested in WA.
Why am I still watching the Bear? EP 7 and 8 are like watching and anxiety dream.
I’ve done the first six, and agree with your sentiment. It’s a decent series but don’t share the cult-like reviews it has received from many quarters. There’s too much of a constant assault on the senses and depressing/ miserable themes to be endured for not nearly enough payoff, for me at least. I can put up with that if a show is truly excellent, but I don’t think this series has earned it.
Oh, it seems I have finished The Bear.
I have decided it was a pile of shit.
It thinks it's clever but lacks actual content/rounded and real characters. Shitty long pretentious monologues, arguments that don't need to be had, nobody has any real agency. They exist to be how they are written. Nothing feels real, it's like watching a TV show made to look like a cool gritty TV show. All the 'depth' in the characters feels totally fake. NPCs.

No idea why people are spunking themselves over this, but then I thought the Sopranos was dogshit too, and everyone loved that.
Oh, it seems I have finished The Bear.
I have decided it was a pile of shit.
It thinks it's clever but lacks actual content/rounded and real characters. Shitty long pretentious monologues, arguments that don't need to be had, nobody has any real agency. They exist to be how they are written. Nothing feels real, it's like watching a TV show made to look like a cool gritty TV show. All the 'depth' in the characters feels totally fake. NPCs.

No idea why people are spunking themselves over this, but then I thought the Sopranos was dogshit too, and everyone loved that.
Yeah, in this case I am with you (notwithstanding the fact that I haven’t finished it yet, but I very much doubt my opinion will be swayed by the last two episodes).

I don’t expect everyone or even anyone to have the same tastes as me, and there have been plenty of widely acclaimed stuff by either the professional critics or the audiences that left me unimpressed. But very few where both audiences and critics rave about something and I think it’s shit.

I wouldn’t describe The Sopranos as shit but it wouldn’t even make it to my top ten list, let alone being the all-time greatest TV show as many claim. Alan Partridge however, I find it as funny as a colonoscopy, but in this country at least I seem to be in a minority of one there. My OH is the only other person I know who doesn’t rate it at all either.
Yeah, in this case I am with you (notwithstanding the fact that I haven’t finished it yet, but I very much doubt my opinion will be swayed by the last two episodes).

The last two episodes really do give it away as massive wank fest.
I wouldn’t describe The Sopranos as shit but it wouldn’t even make it to my top ten list, let alone being the all-time greatest TV show as many claim.
Well yes. I suppose it's not SHIT shit, I just can't see what everyone raves about.
Alan Partridge however, I find it as funny as a colonoscopy, but in this country at least I seem to be in a minority of one there. My OH is the only other person I know who doesn’t rate it at all either.
I have watched most of them at some point to some degree, but I don't love it or rave about it. Couple of half decent gags.
Just watched Prey.
Same thing as most people have said.
Solid film, first decent predator film since predator.
Maybe better actually. Nothing too fancy, just a good tight action film.

Not sure how the gun ends up in predator 2 though.
Finished She-Hulk, enjoyed the characters and tone immensely, but they proper botched what they were going for in the finale, it just ended up a mess (and not in the meta sense).

Good ideas, not good execution.

Tatiana Maslany is incredible though, so I hope they find plenty of ways to work She-Hulk into the wider MCU.
Finished She-Hulk, enjoyed the characters and tone immensely, but they proper botched what they were going for in the finale, it just ended up a mess (and not in the meta sense).

Good ideas, not good execution.

Tatiana Maslany is incredible though, so I hope they find plenty of ways to work She-Hulk into the wider MCU.
Yes, she was great. . . but they botched the series in general to some extent. Not meaty enough story wise. I didn't mind the style of the end, but much like the rest of the show they threw it away. It felt thin and empty rather than solid and exciting. The whole series has been like empty coathangers in a nice wardrobe, that needs some nice big winter coats.
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